## page was renamed from Artwork/Incoming/Marketing/CDWallets == Important! == You need the Ubuntu-Title font to view there. you can install it with the command: sudo aptitude install ttf-ubuntu-title == CD Cases by alecjw == These are the paper inserts for the actual plastic CD cases. The only difference between the DVD and CD versions is that the description is changed on the back. The CD version is designed for the Desktop CD. === OpenOffice.org Draw Files === * DVD: [[attachment:cd-dvd.odg]] * CD: [[attachment:cd-cd.odg]] Here's a picture of the case: [[attachment:cd.jpg]] == DVD Cases by alecjw == These are inserts for DVD cases. See above comment for CD cases. === OpenOffice.org Draw Files === * DVD: [[attachment:dvd-dvd.odg]] * CD: [[attachment:dvd-cd.odg]] And here's a photo of it: [[attachment:dvd.jpg]] == CD Wallets by alecjw == === OOo Draw fles === * DVD: [[attachment:wallet-dvd.odg]] * CD: [[attachment:wallet-cd.odg]] There is a discussion about them here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1717130#post1717130 You can also email me about them at alecjw-SPAM-IS-NOT-GOOD@gmail.com == Inkscape SVGs and PDFs by DoctorMO == * 6.10 Case: [[attachment:6.10.pdf]] [[attachment:6.10.svg]] * 6.10 CD: [[attachment:c6.10.pdf]] [[attachment:c6.10.svg]] More files available here: http://divajutta.com/doctormo/UbuntuArtWork/