
At the core--these two put together usually become: "Reaching New Heights"

  • This is probably far too close to FC7's "Flying High"
  • I suppose this means we both have high aspirations?



  • Sense of motion
  • Forward colours

    • This very much implies warm colours--warm colors come forward, cool recede
    • Use Nature like colours (idea: colour groups representing a piece of reality)
  • Directional lines
  • All pieces should have a very distinct sense of directionality

    • Perspective is a good tool to achieve this, and much better than the 'Wind' effect


  • Things enjoined, intertwined
  • Interlocking pieces
  • Circular motifs
  • Rather than things building up to make a whole--that would imply building/creation rather than collaboration
  • Harmonizing colours

  • We need to answer the question: Where do WE collaborate? Then we need to ask ourselves some other questions: What is the atmosphere of that place? What moods it implies? Are we happy or sad when collaborating? -- when done we have to translate the answers to colors.


  • The circular motifs of collaboration contradict the directionality of progress1

    • 1Semi-offtopic sidenote: An image of DNA springs to mind, intertwining and yet reaching relatively infinite distances


  • Arrows, timelines
  • Artifical objects--avoid overdoing chrome (Very NA connotation)
  • An evolution of objects, shapes


  • Pieces-swatches of color pieced together, different yet complementing.
  • A patchy colour look can contribute to the organic feel commonly associated with Ubuntu

  • Puzzles
  • Gears in sync
  • Synergy

Building, directional energy?

Team Progress and Previews

Background Previews

Any ideas are welcome. Feel free to upload backgroung related pictures here.

-- Simply the begining - Burning Hot Africa Hot_Africa_v0.1.png

Icon Previews

Do not use the glass effect where it's not present! Example is glass like paper. It's just not natural.

Other Media

Artwork/Incoming/Attic/CommunityTheme/Collaboration+Progress (last edited 2008-08-06 16:25:00 by localhost)