## page was renamed from Artwork/Incoming/Lucid/My Computer Explorer ## DO NOT DELETE THIS <> Other pages for this artwork cycle: <> ||<>|| ## DO NOT DELETE THIS ## For large images (screen filling), use a small version no wider than 300 pixels instead and only link to the full size image. ## There are two tools located at Artwork/Documentation/Software/Wiki_Scripts to help you with this ## The name or your concept: My Computer File Browser This concept is about enhancing the current "My computer File Browser". The new explorer will have more options to perform common tasks faster than ever. == Concept == The concept mainly emphasizes on the LOOK and FEATURES provides by My Computer File Browser. I am gonna be uploading a brand new Look of File Browser with New Features, very soon. It will also include the new look of icons,text,headers,button,common tasks pane etc. ## THIS IS THE LOCATION OF YOUR ARTWORK {{attachment:Large folder Icon with its name on itself.png}} {{attachment:Large Music Folder Icon with its name on itself.png}}<
> {{attachment:Linux Lucid PowerOptions Circle.png}}<
> [[attachment:Music folder icon with its name on itself.png|Full size]] == Reference == ## THIS IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU PUT YOUR REFERENCES {{attachment:Music folder icon with its name on itself}}<
> [[http://made-up.com/dummy.png|Source]] == Contributions == == Comments == ## To Add a Comment with your signature, date and time of your edit, enter: ## * Your comment, followed by: at-sign SIG at-sign (no spaces in between) ---- CategoryArtwork