This page contains the Dust theme comment archive.

Imo it's better to have a perfect look in all GTK (and with qgtkstyle qt, too) apps and file bugs against software which just "emulates" GTK like OpenOffice or Firefox where necessary (because it's obviously there mistake). But this is just my humble opinion. Dust Sand is a really wonderful theme, I'm really thankful for it. By the way, I ported the metacity theme of Dust Sand to XFWM4, feel free to take it and integrate it into dust-extras.

Also, can you please add a border to scrollbar arrow-buttons. It's a bit confusing to have the empty scrollbar area merge with the arrow-buttons. --Aantn

Artwork/Incoming/DustTheme/CommentArchive (last edited 2009-12-21 10:57:27 by 203)