||<>|| <> <> = Prince = The simple things are the best! I tried to make it as easy as possible! But at the same time to introduce modern concepts! I used a color related to ubuntu! And a graphics engine( Aurora) that allowed me more rounded! == Concept == many gray And edges rounded, I changed the theme aurora in depth and in almost all aspects! ; background-image: url('{{http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2061/2206557574_b085ff7a65_o.png}}'); ;background-image: url('{{http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2112/2205775015_fa8af5a48b_o.png}}'); ;background-image: url('{{http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2172/2205822597_07c2726735_o.png}}'); === Wallpaper === I tried to contact the author in every way but has not been able to find it! There was no lincenza page downloads and even the wallpaper! === Gdm theme === Under construction === Conclusions === I hope you like it! The theme is almost finished and can be found on this page http://homepage.netsons.org/index.php/prince/! But where will the changes reach the final version expected before the end of January! depend to gtk-engines Aurora http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aurora+Gtk+Engine?content=56438 version 1.3 = Contributions = [[/?action=AttachFile|Attach File]] <> == Comments == * I dig! -Sumit, 2008|01|29 == Attachment List == <> ---- CategoryArtwork