##DO NOT DELETE THIS ||<>|| <> <> ##DO NOT DELETE THIS ##THIS IS YOUR CONCEPT NAME = Hardy Heron Splash = Based on a idea of MadsRH, I hope I don't harm any rule, I have made a boot splash on this idea because it seams original. I hope it will be helpful. Thanks MadsRH! {{http://lh4.ggpht.com/ionuts.radu/SANm15EFkLI/AAAAAAAADHI/WO7HDGtIzvw/s800/uboot.gif}} The main concept would have had this background but with Animated GIFs I couldn't use more than 256 colours. {{http://lh6.ggpht.com/ionuts.radu/SANpTZEFkMI/AAAAAAAADHQ/dmknUG6AvH8/s800/uboot_static.jpg}} == Concept == Is based upon the Official color of Ubuntu, with a little change on the logo which I made it a little glossy. === Reference === ##THIS IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU PUT YOUR REFERENCES MadsRH's page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/usplash_for_hardy {{attachment:Fireworks.jpg}} {{attachment:picasaweb.gif}} == Comments == ## COMMENT AREA, DELETE AND PLACE YOUR OWN ## To Add a Comment, type ## * Your Comment Here - -- Sealview [[DateTime(2008-04-14T14:32:39Z)]] * I really love the idea!! very cool. However, I don't think that it would be a good idea to have so many colors in the usplash (you should think on the low end machines)... -- ~~~~ == Attachment List == <> ---- CategoryArtwork CategoryArtwork