= Description = Designed to be a gentle theme with brown highlights. Someone on gnome-look was kind enough to suggest I submit it here. = Concept = I chose the murrine engine because it is quite zippy. Also, it allows for a nice transparency, if installed from svn. The concept was to make a useable, good looking theme using a minimal of colors. A major inspiration for this theme, comes from '''''The Nightly News''''' by Jonathan Hickman. Hickman creates some ridiculously attractive coloring for this comic series. = Contributions = == Screenshots == ||{{attachment:ct.png}}||||{{attachment:ct2.png}}|| ||[[attachment:cafe.png|Fullsize]] Image by Islington||||[[attachment:cafe1.png|Fullsize]] Image by Islington|| ||{{attachment:ct3.png}}||||{{attachment:ct4.png}}|| ||[[attachment:cafe2.png|Fullsize]] Image by Islington||||[[attachment:cafe3.png|Fullsize]] Image by Islington|| == Comments == * What font is in ct.png? It looks great! == Download == Download [[http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Cafe+Con+Leche+(Murrina)?content=84708|here]] Download 1.1 [[http://islingt0ner.deviantart.com/art/Cafe-Con-Leche-91106584|here. (DeviantArt)]] <> ---- CategoryArtwork