##DO NOT DELETE THIS ||<>|| <> <> ##DO NOT DELETE THIS ##THIS IS YOUR CONCEPT NAME = Personification = The current aim of Ubuntu 8.10 is to release a theme that is radically different, as much as this is great many users will feel uncomfortable with something so different. To compensate for these users, we should include a few themes that are elegant and beautiful, while obtaining a similar look and feel to previous Ubuntu releases so these users can still feel at home while being able to get a new theme that they enjoy. == Concept == '''Personification''' is a technique used mainly in poetry, giving objects human strengths and qualities. This is where the Personification theme comes in, as we are giving it and relating it to ''Human'' qualities. The theme does not intend to be radically different, nor as said earlier default. It merely intends to cater for the the needs of the many individuals who dislike the idea of a brand spanking new theme. It does however, intend to keep the Ubuntu spirit. Please note at present this is merely a mockup, if anyone is interested in actually creating it, post in the comments. <> '''Concept Art''' ##THIS IS THE LOCATION OF YOUR ARTWORK ||{{attachment:personificationthumb.png}}|| ||[[attachment:personification.png|Fullsize]] Image by LostOverThere|| Notice how the theme gives the Ubuntu spirit a modern and attractive look, while obtaining the classic, bright feel of previous Ubuntu themes. === Reference === The icons used in this theme are that of the Discovery icon pack. = Contributions = [[/?action=AttachFile|Attach File]] <> == Comments == ## COMMENT AREA - I'd really appreciate any comments, thanks! ## To Add a Comment, type ## * Something Really Awesome Here - -- Lostoverthere [[DateTime(2008-07-11T01:12:50Z)]] * Looks nice, just white text on orange background may not be very visible for some (like me) -- Nerijus23 <> == Attachment List == <> ---- CategoryArtwork CategoryArtwork CategoryArtwork