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Alpha Backgrounds
Concepts or finished backgrounds specifically for Jaunty alpha releases.
TuffGong's Wallpaper
Unveil the Jackalope... (based on the concept by ajchamlike)
Daniel's Jaunty Wallpaper
alpha 3 relase
relase candidate
Jaunty Sunset
by Marvin Kubiak
Saru Saslu
by Apurv Kiri
Jackalope Sketch
Refined Sketch
Source for all 4 versions, GIMP XCF
by Thorsten Wilms, with clean-up of the background done by Tom Wright
Full size
Source .xcf (may the layers be with you.)
by Saleel V
Miffan Edited
Full size
Source .xcf
by Saleel V / Thorsten Wilms
Miffan Mod
Full size
Source .xcf
by Saleel V / Stephen E
Oblivians Jaunty Wallpaper
Miffan R3
Full size
Source SVG (yay!)
by Saleel V
Oblivians Jaunty Wallpaper v.2
Mr. Bun (Updated)
Svg based on flickr
5:4 ratio
16:10 ratio
16:10 ratio(updated)
Source Svg(updated) Source
by Saleel V
ajcham3000's Jackalope concept
Just a representation of the jackalope at the moment - still needs a background built around it, and perhaps a little tidying of the vector image.
by ajcham3000
The basic idea is the same: a clean lined representation of a jackrabbit. - also needs a background behind it.
SVG Source File
by Saleel V
Giupenni's Wallpaper
Alternative version: without jaunty in foreground but small into ubuntu logo at the botton right
by Giuseppe Pennisi
giupenni78 (a) gmail (dot) com
Ubuntu Energy
Mark IV:
This is my personal favourite and current revision.
This wallpaper deviates from the trend since Hardy of having the title animal featured on the wallpaper, but I think that a jackalope would be really hard to capture well in a wallpaper. Thus, I tried an abstract idea. It takes what we associate with Ubuntu (freedom, speed, etc) and packs it in to one image that is both exciting and takes those principles and internalizes them.
PSD: www.snoopyonskittles.com/ubuntuenergy.psd
PSD (modified to include a jackalope): www.snoopyonskittles.com/ubuntuenergy-modified.psd
PSD Remix: www.snoopyonskittles.com/ubuntuenergy-modified-remix.psd 99% vector (except for the gradient in the corner) Made in CS2 under Crossover Office in Ubuntu 8.10
Mark II:
I think that this one more embodies the cutting edge, speed, and power behind Ubuntu as well as merging it with Ubuntu's african roots.
View all versions (different colours, layouts):
by Chris Tomalty
chris (a) snoopyonskittles (dot) com
K\Ubuntu Space
Idea for Kubuntu:
by Giuseppe Pennisi
giupenni78 (a) gmail (dot) com
Need to get rid of the text, you never see an Ubuntu wallpaper with the words "UBUNTU" or anything of the sort in it. Not the kind of the usual smooth, beautiful wallpapers one got in Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10. Needs to be better. Exsecrabilus, Exsecrabilus@Gmail.com
I do not think that these are ubuntu final wallpapers, as such, text could be one of the things we try out on the alpha testers. Has text ever been attempted on the default wall? -Saleel V
Please, no logo, no text, it is so ugly it hurts my eyes. I would wish there were more abstract, impressionistic or modern-art backgrounds to choose from. I find them very interesting -Nicklas W Bjurman
Your comment here.