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Whormole is a simple, nice and flat theme based on Murrine-svn Engine. The Metacity Theme is based on DarkRoom Metacity theme but with some changes to adapt consistency with theme.
ps: I find a new name for the theme
The concept is make a nice theme that can easily adapt to the tastes of users. The colors are simple and clear. A simple theme but nice, clear, relaxing and pretty professional. A desktop theme ideal for professional and home use.
Concept Art
v. 0.2
Currently the theme not uses Emeraland but Metacity, because the themes must be utilized by many people and compiz at the moment is not usable for all.
As engine I use murrine-svn (by Intrepid repository).
Changelog Version
v. 0.1
- initial release;
v. 0.2
- title-bar stripes a bit more clear;
- fix some bug in panel;
- some workaround;
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- I've seen some wicked stuff throught the years, but yours really kicks ass! - Anonymousman123 Today, during Twilight.
In Sweden we also have this lovely animal, as well as "knekkebrøt" and polar bears - JachniNücklycken Today, 14:23 08/10/07
- Your concept needs work, make sure you don't make it too cute. The demographic has always been those in their 20's and 30's. - FOSSArtist63 34:43 12/54/23
I think this animal opens the way to perfect contrasts in a theme / wallpaper / whatever. It's cute in a way, but also dark and itchy, which doesn't have to be the 'Ubuntu message' but it's useful in colorshemes and so on. In other words, nice! - TotalWormage
- The platypus - a sort of strange brown penguin. Hmmmm... I think I like the idea!
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