This page details incoming artwork and themes for the Jaunty Jackalope release. For reference, a Jackalope is a fictional animal which is a cross between a jack rabbit and an antelope, goat, or deer, and is usually portrayed as a rabbit with antlers.
Click the Get Involved link in the navigation bar at the top to start communicating with other artists.
For references on how to make themes, click the Documentation link! Join the mailing list for more information.
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What does Jaunty look like right now?
Well the best way to find out is to follow the Mailing List! However, if you are running ubuntu+1 you can see the current 'state' of things. You may also reference this PPA for Hardy and Intrepid art packages. Remember earily in the development cycle submissions are subject to change and often do change.
Please follow the Submission Guidelines before submitting your page.