## DO NOT DELETE THIS <> Other pages for this artwork cycle: <> ||<>|| ## DO NOT DELETE THIS ## For large images (screen filling), use a small version no wider than 300 pixels instead and only link to the full size image. ## There are two tools located at Artwork/Documentation/Software/Wiki_Scripts to help you with this ## The name or your concept: == Concept == Karmix aims to be a clean theme, using the best of three engines : murrine, aurora and clearlooks. Nicer flat scrollbars ans progressbars, nicer scales, original clearlooks tabs and aurora's arrows. Gnome-Human icons are the best we can bring to ubuntu, and to match with the theme, the human-aurora theme is perfect for metacity. ## THIS IS THE LOCATION OF YOUR ARTWORK {{attachment:twf.png}}<
> == Desktop == A Mac-Inspired panel, with the famous AGM, the deskbar-applet, the globalmenu, also for switching between opened apps, systray with notes and media-applet from gnome live, and the compact style of the fast-user-switcher applet. {{attachment:panel.png}}<
> == Final view == Background is taken from the official gnome backgrounds. {{attachment:Capture-3.png}}<
> == Comments == I'll hope this theme could be bring in official packages for ubuntu. I'm working on varaitions to match with the other colors of the gnome-color's icon set, and because ubuntu users wants the brown to be removed. ## To Add a Comment with your signature, date and time of your edit, enter: ## * Your comment, followed by: at-sign SIG at-sign (no spaces in between) * While I agree that you should do color variations of this theme (excellent idea), I also think you should keep the brown as well. I, and apparently many others, actually like brown. Look how popular the "Dust" them was, and it was based primarily on brown colors. My only issue with this theme is that the metacity is pretty reminiscent of a few other themes I've seen showing up on gnome-look lately, just can't recall which ones at the moment. That's not to say that I don't like it, it just seems a tad bit generic. [[LaunchpadHome:blueyonder64]] <> ---- CategoryArtwork