## DO NOT DELETE THIS <> Other pages for this artwork cycle: <> ||<>|| ## DO NOT DELETE THIS ## For large images (screen filling), use a small version no wider than 300 pixels instead and only link to the full size image. ## There are two tools located at Artwork/Documentation/Software/Wiki_Scripts to help you with this ## The name or your concept: == Warmth == Ubuntu's goal to to present the user with a welcoming desktop environment. Although the current theme is a step in that direction, the bright colors and overly bright theme. Warmth aims to be a softer, more blended theme, while still remaining within the ubuntu color scheme. == Concept == Warmth uses a blend of light and dark colors to draw the eye to the content of applications. The toolbars and menubars are dark, while the body of the application is light. Also, the lower contrast on the toolbars and menubars make the text and buttons feel blended into the theme, not glaring. Instead of a shiny, glassy effect, which gives a connotation of fragility, Warmth uses gradients, making the theme look more solid and smooth. Finally, Warmth tries to use bright colors in moderation, thus achieving a dimmed look, making the theme less obtrusive. Warmth's colors are (almost) fully customizable using System > Preferences > Appearance. That is, you can customize any color except the background color of the dark parts and the color of the metacity buttons. The metacity theme that comes bundled with Warmth is a customized version of the popular Homosapien theme. Warmth supports Ubuntu Netbook Edition as well, and themes the panel buttons to fit in with the theme. ## THIS IS THE LOCATION OF YOUR ARTWORK {{attachment:Warmth-2-1_tn.jpg}}<
> [[attachment:Warmth-2-1.png|Full size]] A screenshot of the Warmth Desktop. {{attachment:Warmth-2-0_tn.jpg}}<
> [[attachment:Warmth-2-0.png|Full size]] A screenshot of TheWidgetFactory. == Download == [[attachment:Warmth-2.tar.gz|Warmth-2.0]] NOTE: This won't work in Karmic by default - it needs the new version of the murrine engine. If you are using Karmic and still want to try this theme, run these commands in the terminal: {{{#!bash git clone http://git.gnome.org/browse/murrine/ cd murrine ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-animation make sudo make install }}} Then you can restart your computer, and install this theme. == Reference == ## THIS IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU PUT YOUR REFERENCES Metacity was based on the [[http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Lucid/Homosapien|Homosapien Theme]] == Contributions == == Comments == Please comment with suggestions for improvement, etc. ## To Add a Comment with your signature, date and time of your edit, enter: ## * Your comment, followed by: at-sign SIG at-sign (no spaces in between) ---- CategoryArtwork