## DO NOT DELETE THIS <> Other pages for this artwork cycle: <> ||<>|| ## DO NOT DELETE THIS ## For large images (screen filling), use a small version no wider than 800 pixels instead and link to the full size image. ## There are two tools located at Artwork/Documentation/Software/Wiki_Scripts to help you with this ## The name or your concept: == Light style for gedit == gedit is an important piece of software in the Ubuntu bundle. This style scheme aims to improve gedit appearance on Ubuntu and look good with the default Ubuntu themes (Ambiance and Radiance). == Concept == * Rich color palette, centered around orange and aubergine. * Less bold styles. * Language-specific tweaks, where appropriate. An example file, opened with this theme may look like: {{http://sites.google.com/site/artfwo/gedit-cs.png?attredirects=0}} ## THIS IS THE LOCATION OF YOUR ARTWORK == Reference == ## THIS IS THE PLACE WHERE YOU PUT YOUR REFERENCES * [[http://sites.google.com/site/artfwo/gedit-xml.png?attredirects=0|Screenshot 1]] * [[http://sites.google.com/site/artfwo/gedit-c.png?attredirects=0|Screenshot 2]] * [[http://ubuntuone.com/p/AmE/|Source]] == Contributions == == Comments == ## To Add a Comment with your signature, date and time of your edit, enter: ## * Your comment, followed by: at-sign SIG at-sign (no spaces in between) ---- CategoryArtwork