<> ||<>|| = Nine = == Concept == This theme was designed to take advantage of the features of the newest svn of the murrine engine and to counteract some issues I had with the default Human theme. The driving principles of Nine are benevolence and consistency. Benevolence, in this case, means that the highlights follow the pointer around, and that widgets, while visible and distinct, don't shout out for your attention. It is also intended to be used comfortably for hours and will sacrifice beauty to this end. By consistency I mean that the theme was not cobbled together, but rather every element was designed to balance and complement the others. Firefox, pidgin, OpenOffice, and even Evolution don't play by the rules and will sometimes break this consistency. I'm looking into what I can do about this, though this theme breaks more or less the same things that both the default Human theme and countless others do, leading me to believe that there is little to be done about. Bug fixes are very welcome. == Misc Notes == Nine is not shiny because neither are humans. If you see pink anywhere you have encountered my attempt to figure out what base[PRELIGHT] does (or doesn't, as it seems). Let me know where and under what circumstances it appeared. If you decide to look in the gtkrc, be aware that it's messy and is full of my notes. Licensed under the GPL. P.S. I am terrible at wiki editing, so forgive the spartan look of this page. [[attachment:Murrina Nine Human III.tar.gz|Download Murrina Nine Human III 0.2]] <> '''Concept Art''' ##THIS IS THE LOCATION OF YOUR ARTWORK ||{{attachment:nine_iii_0.2_thumb.png}}|| ||[[attachment:nine_iii_0.2.png|Fullsize]] Image by alehandrof|| = Contributions = [[/?action=AttachFile|Attach File]] <> == Comments == ## COMMENT AREA, DELETE AND PLACE YOUR OWN ## To Add a Comment, type ## * Your Comment Here - -- [[LaunchpadHome:alehandrof]] <> == Attachment List == <> ---- CategoryArtwork