||<>|| ## I have been running with 320 pixel width here... nice and small yet enough to see. -- TJS ## Template if there will ever be a meeting again: Next Team meeting Friday, September 12 at 19:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting There is currently no meeting scheduled. All meetings happened in #ubuntu-meeting at irc.freenode.net. == Friday, September 12th, 2008 at 19:00 UTC == [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=9&day=12&year=2008&hour=19&min=0&sec=0&p1=0|19:00 UTC around the world]] Agenda: * Default theme, wallpaper * Status Report, issues * Community theme package * Add wallpapers? * Themes that are in now, how to help each other, fix final bugs, etc. * Breathe Icon Set work     * perspective     * palette (or lack there of)     * lighting     * submission process     * What Mark would *like* to see.     * Where info will be. (answer is here but is very early:       https://launchpad.net/breathe-icon-set       https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet) == March 8th, 2008, 21:00 UTC == [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=3&day=8&year=2008&hour=21&min=0&sec=0&p1=0|21:00 UTC around the world]] Agenda: * GDM * getting the bg inline with the wallpaper * new icons * GTK * tweaking the gtk themes / progress * discussing clearlooks vs. murrine * DESKTOP * Wallpaper tweaks * Discussing current state * Ideas for moving forward * ICONS Needed! * Update icon in Human style for panel * Scale and Expose icons * General state of human refresh and simple panel icons * 8.10 * Discuss current ideas and how to move forward == January 10th, 2008, 18:00 UTC == [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=1&day=10&year=2008&hour=18&min=0&sec=0&p1=0|18:00 UTC around the world]] Agenda: * Theme/Icons roadmap for hardy and hardy+1 (It looks like we should talk about the next 2 default themes) * Art direction If it stands by then, to fill in the gaps, clear things up. Otherwise it's only the question: When? * Client and decision making process * Audience * Background information, statistics * The competition as context * where do we stand? * Where do we want to be? * Strategic goals * Message * possible means to bring it across * Already made decisions about style * Technical limitations, if we want to push some, can we? how? * per-pixel alpha * menus with rounded corners * unified window/menu-bar, menu and toolbar in one row * Schedule (also above) * Involvement: Where/how list members can and should actually get involved * Do any of the mockups contain suitable elements? * Theme teams ## ---- ## '''Sub-pages :''' <> ---- CategoryArtwork