<> ||<>|| == Ubuntu Logo == The Ubuntu Visual Identity guidelines and assets are available on the [[https://design.ubuntu.com/brand/ubuntu-logo|Ubuntu Brand Guidelines website]] and its [[https://design.ubuntu.com/downloads?metadata=element-logo+brand-ubuntu|Downloads section]]. Please refer to the [[https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/intellectual-property-policy#your-use-of-our-trademarks|trademark policy]] for information regarding permission and correct usage of the logo. === Animal SVGs === Each Ubuntu release is accompanied by an animal, SVGs: * Jellyfish * [[attachment:jellyfish_orange_hex.svg]] * [[attachment:jellyfish_RGB_hex.svg]] * [[attachment:jellyfish_RGB-grey_hex.svg]] * Fossa * [[attachment:fossa_orange_hex.svg]] * [[attachment:fossa_white_hex.svg]] * Zapus [[attachment:zapus_orange_hex.svg]] * Yak [[attachment:yak_orange_hex.svg]] * Xerus [[attachment:xerus_orange_hex.svg]] * Werewolf [[attachment:werewolf_orange_hex.svg]] * Vervet [[attachment:vervet_orange_hex.svg]] * Unicorn [[attachment:unicorn_white_orange_hex.svg]] * Tahr [[attachment:tahr_orange_hex.svg]] == Kubuntu == Official artwork for [[Kubuntu]] is available here on the KubuntuArtwork page. == Edubuntu == In .svg format (converts well to other formats): * [[attachment:EdubuntuLogo.svg|Official Logo]] == Xubuntu == Official artwork for [[Xubuntu]] is available on the [[http://xubuntu.org/resources/|Resources page on the Xubuntu website]]. == Lubuntu == Official artwork for [[Lubuntu]] is available here on the [[Lubuntu/Artwork]] page. == Ubuntu Studio Artwork == Official artwork for [[UbuntuStudio]] is available on the [[UbuntuStudio/Artwork]] page. == Ubuntu GNOME == Official artwork for [[Ubuntu Gnome]] is available on the [[UbuntuGNOME/Artwork]] page.