
Server Guide Updates


  • Updated for Hardy.


  • Updated for Hardy.

Package Management

  • Updated for Hardy.


  • Updated for Hardy.
    • OpenSSH Section moved to Remote Administration section.

Remote Administration

  • OpenSSH -- Updated for Hardy.
  • eBox -- Updated for Hardy.

Network Authentication

  • Updated for Hardy.

Domain Name Service (DNS)

  • Updated for Hardy.


  • User Management -- Updated for Hardy.
  • Console Security -- Updated for Hardy.
  • Firwall -- Updated for Hardy.
  • AppArmor -- Updated for Hardy.

  • Certificates -- Updated for Hardy.

Web Servers

  • Updated for Hardy.


  • Updated for Hardy.
  • For Intrepid an SQLite section should be added.

Wiki Applications

  • Moin Moin -- Updated for Hardy.

  • Mediawiki -- Updated for Hardy.

File Servers

  • FTP Server -- Updated for Hardy.
  • Network File System (NFS) -- Updated for Hardy.
  • CUPS - Print Server -- Updated for Hardy.

Email Services

  • Postfix -- Updated for Hardy.
  • Exim4 -- Updated for Hardy.
  • Dovecot Server -- Updated for Hardy.
  • Mailman -- Updated for Hardy.
  • Mail Filtering -- Updated for Hardy.

Version Control System

  • Subversion -- Updated for Hardy.
  • CVS -- Updated for Hardy.

Windows Networking

  • All -- Need updated for Intrepid!

  • Likewise Open -- Updated for Hardy.


  • Shell Scripts -- Updated for Hardy.
  • Archive Rotation -- Updated for Hardy.
  • Bacula -- Updated for Hardy.
    • Could use a section on backing up a Remote Host for Intrepid.


  • Updated for Hardy.

New Sections

Some plans on adding new sections that are probably needed.

See Server Team Idea Pool Documentation Area.

Asommer/UbuntuServerDocumentationReview (last edited 2008-08-06 16:59:45 by localhost)