## page was copied from AustralianTeam/Projects/Blank ## This is a template file that has been customised for the Ubuntu-AU Team ## Feel free to use modify this to use for any project or team. ## Using this page will help keep the new pages in some sort of order and similar format across the team's wiki ##PLEASE DO NOT ADJUST OR CHANGE THE FOLLOWING 3 LINES - THIS IS WHAT KEEPS THE TEAM HEADER INTACT AND CREATES THE TABLE OF CONTENTS <> <> ||<>|| ## EDIT FROM THIS LINE DOWN - There are some included titles, headings and sub headings to help you get started = Brisbane Ubuntu Users Group (BUUG) = == Introduction == '''Welcome to the Brisbane Ubuntu Users Group (BUUG)''' ''- Uniting Ubuntu users in Brisbane -'' We aim to promote the Ubuntu OS to the people of Brisbane. == Next Event == ''Lucid Release Party'' ||When||Where||contact|| ||TBA||TBA|||| == Proposed events == * [[AustralianTeam/Projects/LocalMeetings]] == Resources == * provide details of how new members can join the Mailing List, IRC channel etc == Online meetings == * you should have a page that gives details of the next online IRC meeting. This page should be used to say when the next meeting is, where it is held (which IRC channel) and what the agenda is. ||When||Where|| ||8th of May 2010 2pm||On location|| === Agenda === ||Item||Subject||Person adding the item|| == Goals == (The Goals of BUUG) * Hold release parties at every release * Hold meetings between release parties * Provide a Social outlet for Ubuntu users in Brisbane * Affiliation with www.humbug.org.au == Brainstorm == (This is where you can put ideas up for discussion) * Order official Ubuntu Hats to be distributed at Release party == Members == ||Name||Suburb|| |||||| ||JamesBeake||McDowall|| ||Nigel||Hendra|| ||CaryBielenberg||Wamuran|| ||David||Springfield|| ||PaulGear||Birkdale|| == Contacts == * <>