##PLEASE DO NOT ADJUST OR CHANGE THE FOLLOWING 3 LINES - THIS IS WHAT KEEPS THE TEAM HEADER INTACT AND CREATES THE TABLE OF CONTENTS <> <> ||<>|| = Unofficial Ubuntu-AU Local Contacts = The following [[AustralianTeam]] members have indicated willingness to be contacted about Ubuntu issues of local interest. Please feel free to add your own name to the list if you'd be willing to be contacted as well. == Australian Capital Territory == == New South Wales == * [[MelissaDraper|Melissa Draper]] * [[AndrewSwinn|Andrew Swinn]] == Northern Territory == == Queensland == === Brisbane === * [[JaredNorris|Jared Norris]] * [[PaulGear|Paul Gear]] == South Australia == == Tasmania == * [[mailto:scott@vk7hse.hobby-site.org|Scott Evans]] == Victoria == * [[benny|Ben Donald-Wilson]] == Western Australia == * [[RyanMacnish|Ryan Macnish]] == Other territories == <>