== Logs == * [[attachment:ubuntu-au-meeting-20060821.log|Plain Text]] == Agenda == ==== Language in #ubuntu-au ==== * Lately the language in #ubuntu-au has been deteriorating somewhat. This shouldn't be the case in a channel such as #ubuntu-au. There is a reason ubotu has a !language entry. This isn't really a point that a decision needs to be made on, but just something I feel needs to be dealt with. -- MatthewVermeulen (MatthewV) * A decision was made to add a note to the channel topic pointing channel users to the CoC ## as nothing currently added, I dont see why we cant have this. ==== Upcoming Events ==== * Awareness of Upcoming Local Events - Software Freedom Day, and Adelaide Wikipedia Conference.. Opportunity to meet other Ubuntu-Au Members - BenDuivesteyn (xice) [can be run by anyone, just for awareness reasons] * A few of the SFD initiatives were discussed