## page was copied from AustralianTeam/Meetings/2011February8 ## page template was copied from AustralianTeam/Projects/Blank ## This is a template file that has been customised for the Ubuntu-AU Team ## Feel free to use modify this to use for any project or team. ## Using this page will help keep the new pages in some sort of order and similar format across the team's wiki ##PLEASE DO NOT ADJUST OR CHANGE THE FOLLOWING 3 LINES - THIS IS WHAT KEEPS THE TEAM HEADER INTACT AND CREATES THE TABLE OF CONTENTS <> <> ||<>|| ## EDIT FROM THIS LINE DOWN - There are some included titles, headings and sub headings to help you get started = March 8, 2011 = == Agenda == * Meeting chairperson - Ryan Macnish (nisshh) * Roll Call * Ubuntu-AU Team Forum * I would just like to confirm that the consensus is that the prefix for the team forum should be au.ubuntuforums.org and that Phlosten & ikt are both still willing to be moderators - JaredNorris (head_victim) * Ubuntu Global Jam * Is there anyone else available to help organise some sort of event to contribute to the UbuntuGlobalJam ? - check out the wiki page for more information - UbuntuGlobalJam - JaredNorris (head_victim) * What topics do people want me to do a classroom session on? I only have a couple of replies on the mailing list and dont want to do a topic that only 1 person out of 15 people wants. * Natty Narwhal Release Parties * It's time to start thinking about the Natty Narwhal Release Parties! Organise one in your area now and email the list to make sure we all know about it. A discussion of best dates would be good. - JaredNorris (head_victim) * Loco.Ubuntu.Com * Discuss the use of [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-au|The Loco Directory Team Page]] for our team. == IRC Logs == * [[http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-au.20110308_0402.html|Topic Log]] * [[http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-au.log.20110308_0402.html|Full Log]]