## page template was copied from AustralianTeam/Projects/Blank ## This is a template file that has been customised for the Ubuntu-AU Team ## Feel free to use modify this to use for any project or team. ## Using this page will help keep the new pages in some sort of order and similar format across the team's wiki ##PLEASE DO NOT ADJUST OR CHANGE THE FOLLOWING 3 LINES - THIS IS WHAT KEEPS THE TEAM HEADER INTACT AND CREATES THE TABLE OF CONTENTS <> <> ||<>|| ## EDIT FROM THIS LINE DOWN - There are some included titles, headings and sub headings to help you get started = Gaming on Ubuntu = ''Even geeks need time away from coding.'' == Ubuntu-AU Gamers == We are proposing to start a cross game gaming clan for Ubuntu-AU members. The goal of the group is to interact socially while still being able to promote Ubuntu to other gamers but the use of in game clan tags. The only requirement would be to be playing the game from within Ubuntu and for people who are wearing the clan tags to follow the [[ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Ubuntu Code of Conduct ]]. There is no skill requirement for any game, it is more important to enjoy the social part of the game than win the game! === Clan tags === It has come to light that there has been a previous ah-hoc clan for Ubuntu-AU and their tags use to be [UAU]. So to save confusion and issues with choosing I think we should just stick with this. I don't think there needs to be any standard way to put it into your nick, just as long as it's there. == Games == There is a pretty exhaustive list of games available to play on [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games|Ubuntu Community Games]] if you are looking for some new ones. The following list of online multi player games are ones that [UAU]'ers frequently go to if you're looking to find us. === Online Multiplayer Games [UAU] regularly play === || Game || Link || Brief Description || Repository or Download Location || Free? (as in beer) || License || || ExampleGame || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Projects/Gaming || Example Description || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Projects/Gaming || || || || Urban Terror || http://www.urbanterror.info || FPS based on "Fun over realism" || http://www.urbanterror.info/docs/texts/110/ || Yes || Proprietary || || Nexuiz || http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/ || Fast paced 3D death-match game || apt://nexuiz || Yes || GPL || || Tremulous || http://tremulous.net/ || Team based FPS with elements of an RTS || http://tremulous.net/files/ || Yes || GPL || || Spring || http://springrts.com/ https://launchpad.net/spring || robot wars real-time strategy (RTS), originally a clone of Total Annihilation || http://ppa.launchpad.net/spring/ubuntu for karmic and earlier, part of universe from lucid onwards || Yes || GPLv2 || || Runescape || http://www.runescape.com/ || fantasy/medieval massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG); Java plugin required (install sun-java6-plugin) || n/a || Yes (non-members game) || Proprietary || || || || || || || || == Gamers == I think as part of the requirement to use the clan tags it would be useful to keep a list so that if we have any problems with server admins we can have a list of people who we know to be wearing the clan tags in case someone tries to do silly things. || In-game Nickname || Wiki or Launchpad Link || Games Regularly Played || || ExampleNick || ExampleWIKI || ExampleGames || || head_victim || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JaredNorris|JaredNorris]] || Urban Terror || || darkrose || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/darkrose0510|darkrose]] || Urban Terror, Tremulous || || [UAU]nisshh || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RyanMacnish|RyanMacnish]] || Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, OpenArena, Urban Terror || || VK7HSE || [[https://launchpad.net/~vk7hse|vk7hse]] || Nexuiz, Urban Terror || || [UAU]MoLE || [[https://launchpad.net/~moleonthehill|MoLE]] || Urban Terror, Nexuiz, OpenArena, Tremulous || || Hew || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HewMcLachlan|Hew]] || Nexuiz || || GreenChicken || [[https://launchpad.net/~cafuego|cafuego]] || Urban Terror || || Cthulhu || [[https://launchpad.net/~cthulhu0|hit3k]] || Urban Terror || || Kermiac || [[https://launchpad.net/~kermiac|kermiac]] || Urban Terror || || Bodman456 || [[https://launchpad.net/~boden-matthews|BodenMatthews]]|| Urban Terror, Halo: Custom Edition, DiRT 2 || == Organising Games == The easiest and most convenient way we are currently organising games together is via the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/IRC|Ubuntu-AU off-topic chat channel]]. If you are wanting to have others join in just let them know what game you are playing and what server you are going to be on and make sure you tag up! If you want to organise a formal gaming session or want to propose a set scheduled time for us all to get together then post some details below and mail the list or bring it up in the IRC channels. <>