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English (Australian) Word Substitution


Based on the Word Substitution page for en-GB translations.

Most en-US to en-AU translation work involves making simple word substitutions. Below is an attempt to create a comprehensive list of translations. Please use our Launchpad team to discuss any changes that you wish to make before committing them.

The information contained in this table may be used as data for an automated translation tool, such as our Greasemonkey script (soon to be available on the translations page).

In some cases, the spelling or use of particular words depends on context. The Ask? column indicates that the user should be questioned prior to the change being made. If it is empty, that word can be substituted without question.

Note that merely making word substitutions is not enough to perform a full translation. Grammar, style and punctuation are just as important, and must be dealt with manually.


CategoryLoCoTeams CategoryEnglishTranslation

AustralianTeam/Projects/Translation/WordSubstitution (last edited 2013-06-17 08:57:38 by CPE-124-179-79-232)