## page was renamed from Ubuntu-au/Re-Approval ## page was renamed from Ubuntu-auApprovalApplication ## page was copied from LoCoExampleApplication ## page template was copied from AustralianTeam/Projects/Blank ## This is a template file that has been customised for the Ubuntu-AU Team ## Feel free to use modify this to use for any project or team. ## Using this page will help keep the new pages in some sort of order and similar format across the team's wiki ##PLEASE DO NOT ADJUST OR CHANGE THE FOLLOWING 3 LINES - THIS IS WHAT KEEPS THE TEAM HEADER INTACT AND CREATES THE TABLE OF CONTENTS <> <> ||<>|| ## EDIT FROM THIS LINE DOWN - There are some included titles, headings and sub headings to help you get started = Ubuntu-AU Re-Approval = == Key Details == * '''Date''' - 18th April, 2010 * '''Team Contact''' - Melissa Draper * '''Membership''' - [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-au/+members#active|211]] as of 23rd March 2010 * '''Mailing List''' - [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au|ubuntu-au]] on lists.ubuntu.com with 337 subscribers and 4 moderators * '''IRC''' - #ubuntu-au on freenode for on-topic support/discussion, #ubuntu-au-chat for casual chatter == Relevant resources == * '''Local CD Distribution''' - http://ubuntu.net.au/ (Since 2006) == Individual reports == * Dave Hall - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-au/2010-March/005731.html * Paul Schulz - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-au/2010-March/005729.html == Roadmap == Here you should provide a list of things you plan on doing. Include links to where these are discussed online and on mailing lists. === 2011 Planned activities === ==== Confs/Expos ==== * Man Ubuntu booth at Linux.Conf.Au in Brisbane (Date TBA) -- Paul Schulz * Looking to organise a both together with 'Linux Australia', at the Education Expo 2011 (Adelaide and Sydney).[Work in Progress] -- Paul Schulz === 2010 Planned activities === ==== Confs/Expos ==== * Software Freedom Day 2010 - Event for Adelaide - Paul Schulz * Would like to organise a promotion to Ubuntu to 1st Year Computer Science students at University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus (again). Require 200 Ubuntu CD's. -- Paul Schulz * Education expo and OpenCeBIT are coming up too. ==== Social ==== * 2010-05-08 - Brisbane: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Brisbane|Lucid Release]] * TBD - Adelaide: A release party is being organised, we are trying to organize a venue. we will try and work with the [[http://groups.google.com/group/hackerspace-adelaide?hl=en|adelaide hacker space]] * TBD - Hobart Lucid Lynx release party ==== Other Project-related ==== * Some members of the team [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-au/2010-April/006033.html|offer to send free burned copies]] of Ubuntu 10.04 to those requesting them following the Lucid release. * The [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam|Ubuntu-AU Wiki]] has been cleaned up as of 12-05-10 to remove some older material no longer relevant (has been moved to [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/AustralianTeam/Archives|/Archives]] in case anyone was wondering where it has gone) == Experience == List here activities that the group has already done. Again provide links to online discussions, reviews, blog entries etc: === 2010 === ==== Confs/Expos ==== * 2010-01-26 - Paul Schulz manned Open Day booth at [[http://lca2010.linux.org.au|linux.conf.au]] ==== Social ==== * 2010-02-07 - Brisbane: Local Ubuntu meeting see [[http://ubuntu.org.au/node/69|www.ubuntu.com.au]] === 2009 === ==== Social ==== * 2009-Dec - Paul Gear and Melissa Draper met with members of the Malaysian LoCo at [[http://osdc.com.au|OSDC]] and discussed regional interaction. * 2009-11-01 - Brisbane: Karmic Release see [[http://ubuntu.org.au/node/66|www.ubuntu.com.au]] * 2009-10-29 - Adelaide: Karmic Release see [[http://ubuntu.org.au/node/65|www.ubuntu.com.au]] * 2009-04-23 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseParties#Australia]] * 2009-04-25 - Sydney: Jaunty Release see [[http://ubuntu.org.au/node/62|www.ubuntu.com.au|Adelaide: Jaunty Release]] {{attachment:malaysianlocolunch.jpg|Paul meets with the Malaysian LoCo reps}} {{attachment:ubuntu-au-bne-web.jpg|Brisbane release party}} === 2008 === ==== Confs/Expos ==== * 2008-Jan - Ran demo booth at [[http://lca2008.linux.org.au|linux.conf.au]] Open Day. * 2008-May - [[http://www.dhanapalan.com/blog/2008/06/01/open-cebit/|OpenCeBIT Sydney]] - Arranged a quantity of pressed discs from ShipIt for Linux Australia booth. * 2008-06-15 - [[http://rodgerdean.org/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=52|Education Expo]] - Arranged a quantity of pressed discs from Shipit (incl. Edubuntu add-on) for Linux Australia booth. * 2008-Sept - Supplied a quantity of excess discs to the Singapore LoCo for SFD {{attachment:lca2008openday.jpg|LCA2008 Open Day Booth}} ==== Social ==== * 2008-04-24 - Melbourne: Hardy Release see [[http://ubuntu.org.au/node/55|www.ubuntu.com.au]] * 2008-04-24 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseParties#Australia|Adelaide Hardy release party]] === 2007 === ==== Confs/Expos ==== * 2007-Jan - Ran demo booth at [[http://lca2007.linux.org.au|linux.conf.au]] Open Day * Provided Ubuntu-on-tap for several days of the conference. * 2007-02-25 - Paul Schulz ran a booth at [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings/2007Feb12|Mawson Lakes IT Discovery Day]] * 2007-03-03 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ConferenceAppearances|Bar camp adelaide]] * 2007-05-01 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ConferenceAppearances|OpenCeBIT Sydney]] -- Sridhar Dhanapalan * 2007-05-14 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ConferenceAppearances|Connecting Up 2007]] -- Paul Schulz ==== Social ==== * 2007-Jan - Meet & greet @ [[http://lca2007.linux.org.au|linux.conf.au]] - Attended by 20+ people. * 2007-10-18 - [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-au/2007-October/002384.html|Sydney Gutsy Release Party]] * 2007-10-18 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseParties#Australia|Sydney, Darwin and Mt Gambier gutsy parties]] * 2007-04-20 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleasePartyPerth|Perth Feisty release party]] === 2006 === ==== Confs/Expos ==== * 2006-05-1 - Paul Schulz ran a booth at [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006Apr18|Connecting Up 06]] * 2006-Sept - SFD: Melb 1000 dapper cds, Canberra 200 cds. ==== Other Project-related ==== * 2006-Jun - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006Jun27|Australian translation team announced]] * 2006-Aug - [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-au/2006-August/000525.html|Article in APC Mag]] * 2006-Sept - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006Sep18|Mentoring of NZ LoCo announced]] * 2006-09-05 - [[http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/linux-wins-over-new-fans/2006/09/04/1157222061911.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap1|Team is mentioned in Sydney Morning Herald & The Age]] * 2006-Oct - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006Oct16|Local CD distribution launched]] by Peter Baker * 2006-Dec - Janet Hawtin and Paul Schulz [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Meetings/2006Dec04|spoke to the SA Parliament]] about Ubuntu and Open Source and [[http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://lucychili.net/sa/fosssaubuntu.pdf|handed out fliers and cds]] {{attachment:bendinapc.jpg|Ben D features in APC promoting the team}} ==== Social ==== * 2006-10-26 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseParties|Adelaide Edgy Release Party]] * 2006-06-01 - [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-au/2006-May/000272.html|Adelaide Dapper Release Party]] * 2006-06-01 - [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseParties|Sydney dapper party]] <> ---- CategoryLoCoTeams