October Team Meeting - This meeting was on the 9th of October 2011 and attended by 8 team members.
jpickett (sagaci on IRC) asked those in attendance to provide updates on the status of their respective release parties. As Sydney's had already occurred (on Saturday, 8th of October with 7 in total registering either their commitment to attend or their strong interest in doing so). It was decided that jpickett (sagaci on IRC) would write a review/reflection of Sydney release event. After the meeting, other cities held their successful Release Party events. Team Members based in Brisbane met at the Breakfast Creek Hotel on the 15th of October for a bite to eat and/or some beverages with 10 people in total registering either their commitment to attend or their strong interest in doing so.
- As the next release cycle will be for the next LTS of Ubuntu - events, meetings, goals and ideas for Ubuntu-AU were discussed. Discussion pertaining to t-shirt order/design/feasibility was to take place place on the team mailing list.
As the Facebook group for Ubuntu-AU in its current form will soon be archived plans for its future form were discussed. jaddi27 to update the Facebook group per the vote taken at the meeting: "For: 6 Against: 0 Abstained: 0".
A LoCo status update, and en-AU translation update was provided.
- Due to daylight savings, 9pm may be too late for some NSW/VIC/TAS users. It was decided that discussion regarding changing the time of team meetings would be deferred to the mailing list.
jpickett (sagaci on IRC) wrote to let the mailing list to inform everyone that the ownership of en-AU translations has changed to him - and a mailing list has been set up at: ubuntu-l10n-en-au at lists.launchpad.net
Chris Robinson (fabricator4 on IRC) wrote to the mailing list informing them of his experience with Oneiric. Particularly pointing out an annoying bug.
JaredNorris (head_victim on IRC) forwarded to the mailing list an email from the lococontacts mailing list about their urgent request for Sessions and Session Leaders for Ubuntu Open Week.
The Ubuntu-AU team progress blueprint on Launchpad was updated by jpickett (sagaci on IRC).
Peter Baker (jellyware on IRC) let everyone on the mailing list know that Ubuntu 11.10 CDs were now available through his CD distribution service http://www.ubuntu.net.au.
jpickett (sagaci on IRC) informed the Loco that a Launchpad blueprint to track the status/effort to produce a localised Ubuntu AU ISO was created. Additionally, it was asked that Loco Team members contribute suggestions regarding default settings to the Launchpad blueprint, as a first step.
Now that we are an official LoCo again one of the support functions is that we are entitled to some pressed CDs for each version. In the interests of transparency JaredNorris (head_victim on IRC) asked that if anyone has any requests for batches of official pressed Ubuntu 11.10 CDs (10 - 50) that they submit a request to the mailing list for discussion.
JaredNorris (head_victim on IRC) reported that Canonical have started working on the Drupal update required for our website to be themed with the new colours and logo.
jpickett (sagaci on IRC) let the mailing list know that there'd be a short meeting to discuss the state of the en_AU Ubuntu translation effort on Friday 4th November at 10am-10:45am UTC.