The Ubuntu-Au White Board
What is this?
Wikis are already pretty much like White Boards. You can add ideas and contribute to existing ideas - just the same as on a physical White Board.
This page is intended to be akin to a Brain Storming White Board, where people can jot down those really brilliant spur of the moment ideas that someone should do something about some day - for lack of better words, a 'To-Do List'.
Coming up with ideas is great. It's even better if you or someone else can make something of the idea. Unfortunately, this isn't always possible. Adding your ideas here might help that happen.
What should I do?
- Add your idea here, for yourself or someone else to take up at a later time.
- Take an idea, and run with it
The List
Example Idea
- Ideas should be done like this.
- This way they will show up as a level 3 heading in the contents box and be easily findable!
Blueprints for 2011-2013
Revamping Ubuntu-au 2009
- Lets get some ideas about revamping the Ubuntu-au organisation
- How should we proceed?
Make some suggestions Brainstorm
Re-instate some semi-regular meetings
- Do not hold meetings for the sake of holding meetings.
- Plan to have meetings that have a goal of actually acheiving something, make them useful.
- Organise some semi-regular gathering times, plan a longer time between gatherings, then make the gatherings more important.
Revise the goal/mission of Ubuntu-AU
The current mission statement is as follows: "The Australian team focuses on distributing, advertising and demonstrating Ubuntu within Australia. Through the development of our projects we focus on the areas of schools, business and home users."
This could be revised to provide some further clarity as to what the specific mission of Ubuntu-AU should be. ie should include some specific goals to work towards.
An quick example might be:
"The Australia team focuses on distributing, advertising, demonstrating and providing support for Ubuntu within Australia. Through our projects we aim to increase the usage of Ubuntu within businesses, goverment departments, educational institutions and within the home."
LoCo package
Investigate producing a Ubuntu/Debian package which contains localised information (eg. ubuntu-au)
This may include, but not be limited to:
Useful OpenOffice templates - eg. Centrelink, Medicare, GST forms
- While this material may already be available on various Internet websites, it is often (always?) in inappropriate formats, and is not driven by what the community needs are.
- It may be possible to get funding from the Government to enable this work to happen.
- Australian content - eg. Australian themed desktop art and graphics
Automatic CD Distribution
- Instead of keeping up with the latest Distibution upgrades there should be some facility whereby users can opt just to have the latest cd distribution mailed to them automatically.
- Many companies still have limited internet access and may not have the luxury of having a computer down and tying up the internet connection for hours at a time.
- Going online and ordering the latest cd's is easily done but it is still another task that has to be done.
- A more official Canonical presence would remedy the delay in recieving cds. (eg: shopfront, magazine ,etc.)