This page describes how to install a Jaunty beta image to a babbage board. === Preparation === First of all you need to dd the image from to an SD card {{{ sudo dd bs=4M if=./ubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-armel+imx51.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 }}} (assuming your SD card is called /dev/mmcblk0) === Known Issues === Plug the SD card into the SD card slot of your babbage board, you need a USB Key/Disk as target device attached. Power up your board, it will boot into a live session. Directly after booting open a terminal and kill the gnome-keyring-daemon process to work around bug #328167 {{{ pkill -9 gnome-keyring* }}} A work around for bug #348504 was applied to this image at image buildtime to suppress kernel messages in the syslog and kern.log output Now just doubleclick the "Install" icon on the desktop and follow the normal install procedure. /!\ Note that you will likely run into bug #348411 (don't select /dev/mmcblk0 as target device during partitioning) /!\ Please note down the target device you picked for installation during the partitioning step, you will need that information later ! The installer in this image has a patch applied at image build time to work around bug #348660 If the install has finished, dont click the reboot button, but select "Continue testing" === Finalizing the install === Now you need to make your SD card a boot device (the babbage currently only boots from SD) to achieve this, do the following: Download the redboot tools package from Install this package {{{ sudo dpkg -i /path/to/the/downloaded/package }}} Find the UUID of your target device now {{{ sudo blkid }}} Now use the fconfig tool to set a new bootscript on the SD card you installed from {{{ sudo fconfig -w -d /dev/mmcblk0 -o 0x5F000 -n boot_script_data -x 'fis load initramfs\fis load kernel\e -r 0x1000000 -s 4530483 -c "console=ttymxc0,115200 console=tty1 root=UUID="' }}}