||<>|| = Ubuntu Bangalore Team = Objective of this team is the elaboration and the start of plans actions to publicise and promoting the use of Ubuntu in Bangalore. Our objective is to catch up the customers who use systems owners and lot, in order to introduce the deriving advantages using free systems like Ubuntu and to publicise our community and its initiatives. = What we do? = The scopes of this group are: * To create a vital atmosphere where favors the argument and the elaboration of ideas, to the aim to always find some of more and more interesting new and. * To examine in depth and to analyze such ideas in order to promote Ubuntu in Bangalore, to the aim to estimate of the feasibility. * To document the cases of [[https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1|bug #1]] inside use of Ubuntu in Bangalore industries and society. * To give support to the plans already starts to you in difficulty moments. = Finding Us = * Mailing list of ''' Ubuntu Bangalore Team ''': http://groups.google.com/group/ubuntu-bangalore-team (demand registration) (TEMPARORY) * ''' Ubuntu Bangalore Team ''' on Launchpad: https://edge.launchpad.net/~bagalore-uug * Channel IRC in which finding to us: ''' #ubuntu-bangalore ''' on server ` irc.freenode.net ` = Participate! = ''' Ubuntu Bangalore Team ''' is is always to the search of new persons! In order to participate to this team he is not indispensable to be programmer, expert translators of English language or any prerequisite as it Would be annoying to some. Only prerequite is He who joins the team is sufficient to have a little wants, to respect the conduct code and to decide of a little free time dedicating to this plan. We listen to your opinions and your ideas, mailing-list, the team is a opened group to all! We count on your support!. = Our Plans: = Our immediate plans are: * To educate users about ubuntu * To take ubuntu to [[http://www.bangaloreitevent.in/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1|Bangalore it.in 2007]] * We will be giving Fiesty fawn and Gutsy Gibbon CDs for users who request them through the mailing list if they donot get it through [[https://shipit.ubuntu.com|Shipit ]] ''' BANGALORE ONLY ''' * To work towards providing full [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kannada|Kannada]] localisation in ubuntu. * To provide support for ubuntu locally. = New Plans = If you have a new plan,Please discuss it on the mailing list and on the irc. ''' Plan Implementation is subject to approval from the LoCo team members ''' = IRC Meetings = Our first meeting is scheduled to be on 26th October 2007 friday at 22.00 IST at #ubuntu-bangalore on server ` irc.freenode.net ` All our members are hereby requested to attend the meeting. ''' AGENDA: ''' To take ubuntu to [[http://www.bangaloreitevent.in/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1|Bangalore it.in 2007]] and To work towards providing full Kannada localisation in ubuntu. = Other Resources = [[http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/Main_Page|Official Website of the Indian Local Community]].