Ubuntu-BD Mailing List


What is Mailing List?

A mailing list is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients. The term is often extended to include the people subscribed to such a list, so the group of subscribers is referred to as the mailing list, or simply the list.

For more about mailing list, please visit the Wikipedia.

Official Mailing List

In addition to IRC channels, Ubuntu-BD uses a mailing list as one of the primary form of communication. You may subscribe to the ubuntu-bd@lists.ubuntu.com mailing list and view its archives here.

Mailing List Ground Rules

While on the Ubuntu-BD mailing list, you are expected to abide by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (CoC). Most of what is applicable to the mailing list can be summarized as follows (taken from ubuntu.com):

Mailing List Guidelines

In addition to the above ground rules, we have a guide to help the members make the best use of our mailing list. New subscribers are requested to familiarize themselves with the ground rules and the guide lines before posting to the mailing list.


The Quick DO NOT List

➠ Do not spam in the mailing list
➠ Do not register under any fake name or email address
➠ Do not steal other's identity
➠ Do not send mail in SMS Language
➠ Do not start any flame fest
➠ Do not post your phone number or address
➠ Do not use long signature more than 5 vertical lines


Important Tips

➠ Save the welcome message that you receive when you join the list. It tells you how to subscribe and unsubscribe.
➠ If your mail stops coming, and you haven't unsubscribed, please contact us and let us know. Response should take no more than a few days.


If you do not subscribe post any email to the team mailing list, your messages will need to be approved by a moderator, which may takes the email to appear in the list with a longer delay. The only way around this is to subscribe to the Mailing List and post directly to ubuntu-bd@lists.ubuntu.com via e-mail from the same address that you used to subscribe.


If you want to unsubscribe yourself from the Mailing List, then just go here and use the Unsubscribe option from the bottom of the page.

File Attachments

Currently our mailing list does not provide the option to upload/send/receive/distribute any files attached to the email. As a result, if you send any attachment with your email, it will not be sent to the other members of the mailing list. We suggest you to use external file/image hosting sites to upload your attachments and then paste the link of the uploaded file to your email body.


Contributing/Editing the Wiki

If you want to contribute/edit this Wiki, then please post an email to our mailing list or contact one of the wiki maintainers from our Contact Us page about the details of contributing/editing. We are very open to any kinds of suggestions.

The purpose of this wiki is to coordination of Ubuntu-bd team. Any misinformation can gravely hamper the actual purpose of this wiki as well as the team coordination. An accidental change/edit of any pages/sub-pages of this wiki can be very detrimental. To avoid such severe damage, please consult/inform the team about the changes before making any.

In case of experimenting with the wiki markup, please use the Wiki Sand Box.

BangladeshiTeam/MailingList (last edited 2011-08-08 08:39:38 by 59)