<> <> ||<>|| ## EDIT FROM THIS LINE DOWN - There are some included titles, headings and sub headings to help you get started = Ubuntu-BD Meetings = == Date, Time, Place == Ubuntu Bangladesh Team meetings are usually held on the first Thursday of every month, 09:00 PM BDST (GMT+6) in #ubuntu-bd on freenode. Meetings will be declared on [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-bd/meetings|LoCo page of Ubuntu-BD]] and in this wiki page as bulletin. So always check these pages for the occurrence of any changes in the meetings. Members can add agenda for the next meeting. Next meeting will be held on '''Wednesday, July 07, 2011 at 10:00 PM (GMT+06)''' ##We use MootBot to conduct the meetings and the details of how to use this bot can be found on the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot|MootBot wiki page]]. == Agenda == === Adding Items to Agenda === You are welcome to add any items that you feel should be discussed to the agenda for the next meeting. To add an agenda, simply go to the [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-bd/meetings|meeting page]] and login with your Launchpad ID, then go to your desired meeting and add an agenda in that meeting. Please e-mail your topic to the Mailing List too, so that all members (even those who can't make the meetings) are aware and can contribute to the topic. This will aid in keeping meetings short and discussion open. === Help! I can't add an agenda! === You must have a [[https://launchpad.net/|Launchpad account]] to add an agenda. If you do not have one then please sign up for one. If for any reason you are facing problems or difficulties accessing or contributing to this event page please contact the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BangladeshiTeam/MailingList|team mailing list]] for further assistance. == Meeting Archives == === 2011 === ## DONOT change anything here <> <> --------------------------