<> <> {{https://launchpad.net/@@/person}} '''Path''': Development<
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> = About Us = ||<>|| The development path is here to help new users learn application design, programming concepts, get acclimated to working in a team, contributing parts to create a whole. Additionally a familiarity with Version Control Systems(VCS) is important in Open Source development. On the Development path must demonstrate an aptitude with [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Development/VersionControl | Subversion (svn) and Bazaar (bzr)]]. We teach any language that we collectively know. = Objectives = * Educate Team Members on Ubuntu Development * Help members work towards membership in Development oriented teams in the community. * Provide learning sessions through the Development Focus Group Academy. = Current Tasks = * If you are brand new to Ubuntu development and need to install the development tool set, or are setting up a new development machine and need a step by step reminder on how to, check out the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Development/Devbeginnings|Ubuntu Dev Tools: Installation Quick Start]] * We have a [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Development/Projects|list of programming projects]] that our team members are working on that are open to new members. Some offer tutoring. * If you are interested in Python, a popular development language in Ubuntu, see [[http://okiebuntu.homelinux.com/okwiki/pythonquest | Quest for Python]] a resource of python tutorials as well as tips for setting up Gedit to program python. * Read the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide | Packaging Guide.]] This will be a valuable source as you develop for Ubuntu. Particularly [[PackagingGuide/Recipes]] is a good start, as you get to play around with the tools a bit. To get a first impression, you also might want to check out the [[MOTU/Videos|MOTU Videos]] * Become familiar with [[UbuntuDevelopment|the Ubuntu Development overview]], this will help you get an idea how the Ubuntu Development Process works. Definitely check out [[UbuntuDevelopment/KnowledgeBase]] for a good list of in-depth guides, tutorials and guidelines. * Check the Development Focus group [[ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Development/Academy | Academy page]] for any current programming classes. * Another place to look for Package oriented classes is the [[Packaging/Training]] sessions in [[irc://irc.freenode.net/ubuntu-classroom|#ubuntu-classroom]]. * [[http://daniel.holba.ch/temp/guide/fixing-a-bug.html | Work on bug fixes]] and new packages. This is where you should start once familiar with packaging and/or a particular programming language. * Request sponsor review of suggested changes, where sponsors: * review the packages prepared by the prospective developer * provide constructive feedback * upload the package when they are satisfied with its quality * for more information, please read [[SponsorshipProcess]] ---- CategoryBeginnersTeam