Log of meeting on 11/4/08

General Agenda Items and Proposals




Final wiki transition

Agenda discussion



[Wed Nov 5 0:1:24] <bodhi_zazen> First, I would like to remind the team ...

[Wed Nov 5 0:1:38] <bodhi_zazen> Your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated

[Wed Nov 5 0:1:42] <st33med> blarg?

[Wed Nov 5 0:1:55] <bodhi_zazen> thank you all, even if it makes you blarg Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:0] <st33med> honk Big Grin :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:4] <nhandler> You're welcome bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:8] <Robb_M> st33med, can it!

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:9] <Robb_M> :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:12] <bodhi_zazen> Agenda : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:28] <nathangrubb> bodhi_zazen: I don't do anything but hang out on irc, thanks anyway

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:37] <Robb_M> incredibly short meeting today!

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:39] <jamesrfla> +1 nathangrubb

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:41] <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, you want to discuss the wiki first ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:42] <ajmorris> well then nathangrubb, join ##beginners-help

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:46] <digitalvectorz> morn

[Wed Nov 5 0:2:47] <digitalvectorz> back

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:4] <Robb_M> .ping Rocket2DMn

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:4] <VoteBot> pong

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:11] <Robb_M> .ping | Rocket2DMn

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:11] <VoteBot> Rocket2DMn: ping from Robb_M

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:15] <bodhi_zazen> OK, while we wait for Rocket,

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:22] <bodhi_zazen> Forums -

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:31] <drubin> !start

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:31] <VoteBot> Factoid start not found

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:38] <bodhi_zazen> Forums look sweet, lots of activity in the last few weeks

[Wed Nov 5 0:3:38] <drubin> .start

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:0] <bodhi_zazen> no real issues, but the stalkers have been silent

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:1] <drubin> bodhi_zazen: sweet is not the word I would use. I would say over loaded and broken

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:2] <Robb_M> drubin, please lets try not to "play" with bot features in public while the meeting is going Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:19] <Robb_M> You're killing my log!

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:20] <drubin> Robb_M: when did the meeting start?

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:21] <Robb_M> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:23] <bodhi_zazen> yea, we are hoping for a new server Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:28] <ajmorris> can i put in a quick word about IRC?

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:29] <ajmorris> .factoids

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:29] <VoteBot> Factoids have been disabled.

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:31] <vor> bodhi_zazen: We wouldn't be good stalkers if we were noisy...

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:33] <drs305> Do we know if the slowness is due to volume?

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:37] <nathangrubb> bah

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:43] <bodhi_zazen> drs305, yes

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:44] <nathangrubb> well screw this I don't have anything to say anyyway

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:48] <drubin> I am hinting that we need to start

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:53] <st33med> :|

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:54] <nhandler> drubin: We started

[Wed Nov 5 0:4:55] <jamesrfla> +1 for new UF server

[Wed Nov 5 0:5:21] <bodhi_zazen> shall we move to the Development team ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:5:35] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: paultag isn't here

[Wed Nov 5 0:5:36] <drubin> bodhi_zazen: paultag is not here

[Wed Nov 5 0:5:37] <bodhi_zazen> paul is not here at the moment

[Wed Nov 5 0:6:4] <bodhi_zazen> I have left the svn server on the old server, but I can migrate it

[Wed Nov 5 0:6:25] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: What is it currently being used for?

[Wed Nov 5 0:6:48] <bodhi_zazen> There are a few small projects on it

[Wed Nov 5 0:7:2] <bodhi_zazen>

[Wed Nov 5 0:7:6] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: Is there a reason for using this instead of a bzr branch on LP?

[Wed Nov 5 0:7:10] <bodhi_zazen> Education Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:7:17] <bodhi_zazen> nhandler, not that I know of

[Wed Nov 5 0:7:31] <Robb_M> nhandler is just a bzr junkie Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:7:32] <y_lee> I like svn better

[Wed Nov 5 0:7:36] <DrSmall> I host all of my projects in +junk Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:7:37] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: Because now that we have a BT on LP, it would be easy to setup a bzr branch where all BT members could push to

[Wed Nov 5 0:7:54] <DrSmall> nhandler: yes, it would

[Wed Nov 5 0:8:9] <bodhi_zazen> nhandler, that would be fine with me as well

[Wed Nov 5 0:8:41] <bodhi_zazen> any other comments on Devel ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:8:58] <bodhi_zazen> OK, Education Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:3] <Robb_M> not exactly on devel, but on votebot.....

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:10] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: PrivateVoid is not here

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:23] <DrSmall> geesh. It seems like all team leaders are missing

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:28] <bodhi_zazen> I think we had a python session Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:30] <jamesrfla> LOL

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:40] <perlluver> they did bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:46] <Robb_M> votebots shaping up nicely as of a few revisions ago Wink ;) we need to really give our votebot developers a hand in that Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:52] <hetirv> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:55] <perlluver> thanks st33med for the python class

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:56] <jamesrfla> =1

[Wed Nov 5 0:9:57] <bodhi_zazen> I posted the log on my server if anyone is interested

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:7] <nhandler> bodhi_zazen: I thought st33med asked you to remove them.

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:9] <soulrider> votevot is written in perl, right?

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:10] <bodhi_zazen> sec ...

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:13] <nhandler> Correct soulrider

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:16] <ajmorris> all except for Robb_M, i agree Robb_M

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:17] <DrSmall> soulrider: yes

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:31] <st33med> Welcome

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:32] <Robb_M> ajmorris: i agree with you actually, all i do is bug reports :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:33] <soulrider> if it was written in py i could try and help

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:36] <jamesrfla> didn't know about python class

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:46] <nhandler> jamesrfla: It was this past saturday

[Wed Nov 5 0:10:56] <ajmorris> lol Robb_M

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:1] <ibuclaw> soulrider, you can help by submitting bug reports Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:8] <jamesrfla> I was working that day. O well

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:13] <st33med> nhandler, I kept them. I decided to have them in case someone was curious how my class went or want to know more about Python

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:22] <jamesrfla> Hi PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:24] <DrSmall> there is PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:24] <st33med> TARDY!

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:27] <nhandler> Glad to hear that st33med

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:28] <jamesrfla> Late

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:33] <ibuclaw> soulrider, someone has already submitted one saying that VoteBot is written in the wrong language

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:36] <bodhi_zazen> shall we discuss votebot now ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:36] <nhandler> PrivateVoid: You are just in time to talk about the Education FG

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:38] <st33med> marks PV tardy on attendance list

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:40] <ibuclaw> has secretly triaged that

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:42] <Robb_M> Tardy tardy go to principal bodhis office PrivateVoid !

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:44] <Robb_M> Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:45] <PrivateVoid> sorry... daughter was having a fit

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:47] <ajmorris> IRC bodhi_zazen?

[Wed Nov 5 0:11:51] <bodhi_zazen> I like votebot, but I would ask the team ...

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:5] <bodhi_zazen> I think votebot is getting a little too much abuse Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:5] <st33med> That is unexcused PrivateVoid, go to your seat!

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:10] <nhandler> +1 bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:11] <PrivateVoid> votebot fits the bill for me

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:18] <jamesrfla> Vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:23] <bodhi_zazen> can we try to cut back a bit on the blatent votebot abuse Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:24] <Robb_M> +1 bodhi, we can modify the ignore list if needed though Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:29] <drubin> votebot can be abused it is our little bot.

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:39] <ibuclaw> ignore list was my idea Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:43] <nhandler> o/

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:46] <bodhi_zazen> go nhandler

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:50] <Robb_M> and put me on it :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:12:52] <Robb_M> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:4] <nhandler> For those of you who don't know, VoteBot is now an op in this channel. What are your feelings on this topic?

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:15] <DrSmall> Fine by me

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:19] <perlluver> that is fine with me nhandler

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:21] <forestpixie> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:21] <drubin> nhandler: I am not a fan of the bot having ops is it needed?

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:25] <drs305> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:25] <ajmorris> does Robb_M have access now? :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:29] <y_lee> I approve of it I like votebot

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:32] <jamesrfla> +1 drubin

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:34] <Robb_M> Fine by me, but what features does it have that it Needs access for?

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:37] <nhandler> How should VoteBot use these op powers?

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:40] <drubin> I do like votebot but bots are hackable

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:41] <nhandler> Robb_M: Currently none

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:42] <ibuclaw> nhandler, sure, seems fine

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:43] <vor> As long as a human op can kick him if he goes insane. I think there are always human ops in the channel.

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:45] <jamesrfla> Vote on VoteBot

[Wed Nov 5 0:13:59] <soulrider> i say that unoless theya re really needed votebot shouldnt have ops, just in case

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:6] <ibuclaw> bots can kick people joining quicker than me :/

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:12] <bodhi_zazen> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:15] <Robb_M> nhandler: i see no reason for ops unless it has a REASON for them...like...actually having something to use the ops with.

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:27] <soulrider> +1 Robb_M

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:31] <nhandler> Robb_M: That is what I am asking. How should VoteBot use the op powers?

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:32] <bodhi_zazen> +1 Robb_M

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:33] <jamesrfla> +1 Robb_M

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:34] <DrSmall> well, i see there is some diversity here on this matter. Why not take a poll on it?

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:42] <drubin> is scared of bots that have access to ban me

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:45] <Joeb454> haha

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:46] <Robb_M> nhandler, it shouldnt as of right now

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:48] <Joeb454> drubin, like me?

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:50] <drubin> DrSmall: yes vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:51] <ibuclaw> Robb_M, how about +m on meeting mode?

[Wed Nov 5 0:14:57] <Robb_M> ibuclaw: nice!

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:4] <bodhi_zazen> OK ...

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:5] <drubin> ibuclaw: +m ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:6] <ajmorris> no

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:6] <Robb_M> ibuclaw: +1 on that

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:9] <ajmorris> we dont want +m

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:15] <nhandler> +1 ajmorris

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:16] <ajmorris> otherwise the padawan cant speak

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:17] <bodhi_zazen> .vote "should votebot have ops"

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:17] <VoteBot> We Are Now Voting On: should votebot have ops

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:17] <VoteBot> Vote with +1, -1, or 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:17] <VoteBot> You can also /msg VoteBot your vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:21] <nhandler> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:21] <ajmorris> also, we allow non members to talk

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:22] <drubin> ajmorris: yes.

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:23] <jamesrfla> -1

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:23] <vor> As VoteBot is written perl, it may eventually become self aware. In that case, it may not be a good idea for it to have ops.

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:23] <Robb_M> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:24] <drubin> -1

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:25] <perlluver> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:32] <soulrider> -1

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:32] <forestpixie> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:33] <vor> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:33] <bodhi_zazen> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:36] <drs305> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:40] <ajmorris> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:41] <PrivateVoid> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:41] <st33med> If we give VoteBot ops, it would be like iRobot

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:44] <ajmorris> .vstatus

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:44] <st33med> -1

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:51] <st33med> ....

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:52] <DrSmall> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:53] <st33med> FAIL

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:57] <ibuclaw> haha

[Wed Nov 5 0:15:57] <nhandler> .vstatus

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:2] <Robb_M> -1

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:3] <Robb_M> :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:8] <ajmorris> lol, lag

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:9] <bodhi_zazen> .vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:9] <VoteBot> We Are Done Voting On: should votebot have ops

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:9] <VoteBot> 15 People Voted. 1 People For. 4 People Against. 10 People Neutral.

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:21] <ibuclaw> heh

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:26] <ajmorris> .vstatus

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:29] <st33med> It probably does not like us voting on it not having ops

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:29] <drubin> we have 42 people in this channel.

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:30] <DrSmall> yeah, talk about lag

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:43] <vor> st33med: Good thing it's not self aware yet then...

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:50] <y_lee> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:54] <bodhi_zazen> Any other votebot issues ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:16:56] <PrivateVoid> brb - daughter yelling for me again... sorry

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:3] <bodhi_zazen> np PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:4] <jamesrfla> Laggy VoteBot

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:5] <Joeb454> np PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:11] <Robb_M> np PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:12] <bodhi_zazen> ok, next irc

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:16] <Saj0577> Maybe wait till we have ideas or blueprints that would use op for votebot before we worry about it having ops?

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:18] <Rocket2DMn> sorry im late

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:19] <ibuclaw> st33med, nah... the bot is fine receiving an processing data

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:24] <Robb_M> Saj0577: +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:25] <bodhi_zazen> I believe ajmorris has some news for us Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:27] <drubin> Saj0577: +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:36] <nhandler> Saj0577: It currently does not op itself. So we have nothing to worry about

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:37] <ibuclaw> it's just the posting that seems to lack behind in the module

[Wed Nov 5 0:17:46] <Robb_M> ajmorris: you have the floor...so speak your mind! Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:18:6] <bodhi_zazen> Rocket2DMn, we can do wiki next Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:18:12] <ajmorris> not news.... just that IRC has been quite pathetic lately, people signed up to be on the focus group, but never frequent the channel, I have been sitting in there alone on many seperate occasions, when people enter the channel for help

[Wed Nov 5 0:18:14] <Rocket2DMn> ok just say when

[Wed Nov 5 0:18:17] <ajmorris> some of this is due to timezone difference

[Wed Nov 5 0:18:20] <ajmorris> but a lot is not

[Wed Nov 5 0:18:22] <Saj0577> nhandler yeah im just saying because if it has no use for ops then we dont need to worry about deciding whether it should have ops till it needs/would be of use to have them. (hope make ssense)

[Wed Nov 5 0:18:27] <ajmorris> even when all you yanks are awake it happens

[Wed Nov 5 0:18:53] <soulrider> im kinda guilty, i barely come in here or the forums anymore

[Wed Nov 5 0:18:54] <bodhi_zazen> ajmorris, I do not hang on that channel, but if someone post in, ping me ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:19:0] <ajmorris> people do find the channel, from /list -- quite more requently these days

[Wed Nov 5 0:19:13] <bodhi_zazen> I find if I am not careful I end up in like 70 channels

[Wed Nov 5 0:19:14] <drs305> ajmorris: I prefer working through the forums but whenever you find you need help just give a shout on here.

[Wed Nov 5 0:19:20] <perlluver> ajmorris, what is that channel

[Wed Nov 5 0:19:27] <ajmorris> its the IRC focus group channel

[Wed Nov 5 0:19:29] <bodhi_zazen> ##beginners-help

[Wed Nov 5 0:19:42] <ajmorris> helps people get help away from the busy channel of #ubuntu

[Wed Nov 5 0:19:58] <ajmorris> drs305, thats alright, its mainly at the people that signed up to the focus group...

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:0] <bodhi_zazen> I will try to bring that up in this channel as well

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:13] <hetirv> I know that I sit in it while I am on, but I don't always see when someone posts

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:14] <jamesrfla> Hi the-stace meeting

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:14] <ibuclaw> the-stace, your late Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:20] <jamesrfla> and late

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:22] <ajmorris> and if more people wanna join the focus group, just ask Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:24] <bodhi_zazen> ajmorris was also wording on getting a team cloak

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:29] <the-stace> hi everyone

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:30] <ajmorris> yeah, thats on the way bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:34] <the-stace> sorry i was busy

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:39] <Robb_M> hey stace

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:43] <bodhi_zazen> OK , Rocket2DMn wiki update

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:43] <ajmorris> no diffinitive answer from the UCC at the moment

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:44] <drubin> ajmorris: I will add it to my weechat config auto load. but cant login while at work. (so most of the day)

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:45] <the-stace> Hey Alan

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:46] <Joeb454> hey the-stace

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:47] <ajmorris> they are 2 for, 1 against

[Wed Nov 5 0:20:56] <the-stace> Hey the-joe

[Wed Nov 5 0:21:25] <Rocket2DMn> ok, quick Wiki update - we finished moving pages from help.ubuntu.com to the team wiki at wiki.ubuntu.com

[Wed Nov 5 0:21:38] <bodhi_zazen> Thank you for that Rocket2DMn

[Wed Nov 5 0:21:39] <Rocket2DMn> Thank you for finishing moving the FG pages Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:21:47] <bodhi_zazen> The team pages look nice

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:2] <Robb_M> Thanks everyone in wiki focus group, your help is appreciated! Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:15] <bodhi_zazen> Next topic : Security

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:16] <Rocket2DMn> yay! That is all.

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:23] <soulrider> Rocket2DMn: link?

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:24] <tronyx_> the security section is boring

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:27] <tronyx_> that's about it

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:30] <tronyx_> =]

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:36] <Rocket2DMn> soulrider, our wiki area is now at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:37] <Robb_M> its all your fault!

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:37] <DrSmall> yeah

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:41] <bodhi_zazen> Not much to report here, but I would like to encourage everyone to be more security aware

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:42] <ajmorris> we need some UF hacking challenges...

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:54] <DrSmall> we really need to come up with something better for the Security FG page

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:54] <drubin> ajmorris: ++1

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:55] <ajmorris> like try2hack.nl but with UF members Big Grin :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:22:58] <perlluver> I just make them go to your page bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:0] <bodhi_zazen> ajmorris, DVL => DVU

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:4] <Robb_M> never run sudo rm -rf /! thats my security notice

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:6] <bodhi_zazen> lol perlluver

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:17] <jamesrfla> tronyx_ security is very import also with Ubuntu

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:18] <hetirv> we could try to hack gwos

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:26] <bodhi_zazen> launchpad ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:26] <DrSmall> we could try some RTB challenges Big Grin :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:37] <Robb_M> launchpad is slow

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:37] <tronyx_> right

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:37] <bodhi_zazen> hetirv, yea, but those images ...

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:39] <Robb_M> :/

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:49] <hetirv> bodhi_zazen, you get hacked back if you fail

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:50] <nhandler> I hope to hold a meeting in the next week or so to discuss the direction of the LP FG

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:50] <soulrider> damn, im at work, i have to go

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:52] <Robb_M> slow but doing nicely

[Wed Nov 5 0:23:54] <soulrider> see you al around

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:2] <ajmorris> later soulrider

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:4] <jamesrfla> cya Saj0577

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:6] <jamesrfla> o

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:8] <bodhi_zazen> cu soulrider

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:11] <jamesrfla> Cya soulrider

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:12] <soulrider> nite

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:12] <nhandler> We also have a BT on LP and a mailing list that all BT members should sign up for

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:12] <PrivateVoid> tries to listen to the meeting over the idle chatter

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:22] <bodhi_zazen> Any other team issues b4 we vote on members ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:28] <PrivateVoid> I have some

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:32] <bodhi_zazen> go PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:41] <DrSmall> and I have one, after PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:46] <bodhi_zazen> kk

[Wed Nov 5 0:24:54] <PrivateVoid> Since our last meeting the Education and Padawan teams were merged and I redid the Education page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education

[Wed Nov 5 0:25:6] <PrivateVoid> and Padawan page -https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Padawan

[Wed Nov 5 0:25:23] <PrivateVoid> I would like to see more suggestions for 'courses' or 'education' material

[Wed Nov 5 0:25:34] <PrivateVoid> this can be written material or external links

[Wed Nov 5 0:25:37] <bodhi_zazen> ooo, looks nice

[Wed Nov 5 0:25:44] <nhandler> PrivateVoid: Is there a list on the wiki for these suggestions?

[Wed Nov 5 0:26:0] <PrivateVoid> We need to shore up our basic information education for prospective members with that type of material

[Wed Nov 5 0:26:11] <PrivateVoid> self- motivated material that they can read at their own pace

[Wed Nov 5 0:26:21] <perlluver> +1 PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:26:39] <PrivateVoid> I am happy with the 'live' courses we have had, but would like to see more material covered than programming... security would be fantastic

[Wed Nov 5 0:26:50] <PrivateVoid> interactive discussions on how to configure SSH, etc...

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:5] <bodhi_zazen> ooo, that sounds awesome

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:6] <hetirv> PrivateVoid, is there a page on "How to answer questions on the forums"

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:10] <bodhi_zazen> I like ssh Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:13] <bodhi_zazen> and screen

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:15] <Robb_M> PrivateVoid: i would like to do the SSH if no objections?

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:16] <kingpest> PriceChild, that would be really great

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:18] <DrSmall> me to Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:21] <PrivateVoid> Please feel free to post your ideas on the class ideas page

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:27] <PrivateVoid> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education/Proposals

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:27] <bodhi_zazen> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:39] <bodhi_zazen> Post suggestion on class and we can schedule

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:46] <digitalvectorz> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:58] <Robb_M> I mean, i would like to be the instructor for it....or ill be your second hand man if you want to do it yourself....

[Wed Nov 5 0:27:59] <Rocket2DMn> very cool PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:28:1] <bodhi_zazen> anything else PrivateVoid ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:28:7] <PrivateVoid> We also now have a learning resources page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education/Resources

[Wed Nov 5 0:28:17] <PrivateVoid> that is broken down in to levels of knowledge

[Wed Nov 5 0:28:18] <bodhi_zazen> sweet

[Wed Nov 5 0:28:23] <PrivateVoid> that is in dire need of content

[Wed Nov 5 0:28:44] <PrivateVoid> Let me know if there are any things I have not taken care of

[Wed Nov 5 0:28:49] <PrivateVoid> takes a breath

[Wed Nov 5 0:28:51] <PrivateVoid> all set

[Wed Nov 5 0:28:56] <Rocket2DMn> PrivateVoid, I think "they" are sitll interested in having us use #ubuntu-classroom

[Wed Nov 5 0:29:7] <bodhi_zazen> I agree Rocket2DMn

[Wed Nov 5 0:29:24] <bodhi_zazen> If we move to #ubuntu-classroom I would like to be polished

[Wed Nov 5 0:29:34] <PrivateVoid> Rocket2DMn, yes... for live classes

[Wed Nov 5 0:29:49] <Robb_M> ubuntu-classroom...scares me

[Wed Nov 5 0:29:51] <Robb_M> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:29:57] <nhandler> I have to go and eat dinner. I hope the rest of the meeting goes well.

[Wed Nov 5 0:29:58] <bodhi_zazen> I suggest we have a few team members go through a practice session, I would like the team to look strong

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:17] <Rocket2DMn> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:18] <st33med> practice?

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:23] <perlluver> +1 bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:28] <bodhi_zazen> pushes st33med / python 101 => #ubuntu-classroom

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:35] <st33med> Ah

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:38] <st33med> 101 again

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:39] <PrivateVoid> I vote for a few informal training sessions before we go live in the main class_room

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:45] <st33med> sounds good

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:48] <forestpixie> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:30:53] <bodhi_zazen> yes st33med , teaching does not always go smooth, and it helps a lot to get feedback

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:15] <bodhi_zazen> DrSmall, ???

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:20] <Robb_M> +1 st33med

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:22] <drubin> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:27] <bodhi_zazen> tries to keep meeting on topic / moving Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:32] <DrSmall> when posting meeting times in UTC, please post them correctly in UTC!

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:42] <bodhi_zazen> LOL

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:42] <perlluver> +1 DrSmall

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:43] <st33med> 201 will have to wait for awhile, however, I would have to brush up on my Python once more

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:50] <Robb_M> oh yes DrSmall, we have a few here that do not know UTC STILL!

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:52] <Robb_M> *glare at bodhi*

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:52] <kingpest> +1 DrSmall

[Wed Nov 5 0:31:55] <Rocket2DMn> +1 - DST just ended, that may have been the cause of some confusion

[Wed Nov 5 0:32:1] <st33med> My bot knows UTC!

[Wed Nov 5 0:32:2] <DrSmall> this meeting was at 00:00 UTC, not 22:00 UTC :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:32:17] <bodhi_zazen> Hey, I suggest gcal, times are always correct on gcal Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:32:23] <Rocket2DMn> bodhi_zazen, ^iirc, i pointed that out a month ago, lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:32:28] <PrivateVoid> the other issue is DST ends and starts at different times in some countries (or at least that is my understanding)

[Wed Nov 5 0:32:44] <bodhi_zazen> anyone else need access to the team gcal (in terms of editing / adding events) ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:32:54] <Robb_M> we need someone who is an expert in all time zones, converting and DST :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:32:58] <ajmorris> focus group meetings could go on there bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:6] <PrivateVoid> I will bodhi_zazen as classes start to get scheduled

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:7] <perlluver> I need help setting gcal up

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:12] <ajmorris> so focus group leads should get access also?

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:14] <drubin> Sorry guys I need to leave. I still have a small change to do on a project and it is very late. gnite. Will read the logs and pop back after I am finished

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:20] <bodhi_zazen> OK, anyone who needs access to a gcal contact me and we can make it happen

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:29] <jamesrfla> cya drubin

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:30] <st33med> I wish there was an easier way to use online calenders with offline apps

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:38] <bodhi_zazen> gcal accounts automagically for all these time zone issues Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:41] <Robb_M> st33med: like...evolution

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:43] <Robb_M> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:52] <drubin> bodhi_zazen: only if the gcal is updated

[Wed Nov 5 0:33:53] <ajmorris> what do you mean st33med? most calender apps for linux support loading gcal into them

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:2] <DrSmall> installs gcal from Arch Repositories

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:2] <st33med> That involves automatic downloading like email

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:3] <bodhi_zazen> Any other team issues or shall we move on to membership

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:4] <drubin> wishes to add that to the agenda.

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:16] <Robb_M> move on i think bodhi

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:20] <bodhi_zazen> LOL DrSmall not that gcal

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:27] <DrSmall> oh

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:27] <DrSmall> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:32] <bodhi_zazen> https://www.google.com/calendar/

[Wed Nov 5 0:34:38] <st33med> g calculator :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:0] <bodhi_zazen> OK, NEW MEMBERS \0/

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:1] <st33med> wb nathangrubb_

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:9] <Robb_M> WOOT! go for it bod!

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:11] <Robb_M> Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:18] <st33med> \O/ WHY DO WE LIKE CAPS LOCK!!!?!?

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:21] <jamesrfla> turns music down

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:22] <bodhi_zazen> jamesrfla, you are up first, you have been "in the wings"

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:41] <grubby> so how do we vote with VoteBot in private agian ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:41] <ajmorris> st33med, you dont like emphasis?

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:44] <grubby> just /msg it to him?

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:52] <ajmorris> yes grubby

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:54] <perlluver> yes grubby

[Wed Nov 5 0:35:57] <st33med> I LOVE EMPHASIS

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:4] <bodhi_zazen> I know there have been issues with jamesrfla , but PrivateVoid has been mentoring him and I think he has made progress

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:8] <Rocket2DMn> Hey guys, please calm down and stay on topic

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:17] <st33med> calms down -_-

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:20] <bodhi_zazen> He is now much more knowledgable and willing to learn

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:35] <Robb_M> .vote "James for membership" --msg

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:35] <VoteBot> We Are Now Voting On: James for membership

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:35] <VoteBot> Vote with +1, -1, or 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:36] <bodhi_zazen> and he is now no more irritating then say bodhi_zazen Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:39] <PrivateVoid> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:40] <perlluver> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:44] <bodhi_zazen> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:46] <hetirv> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:50] <st33med> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:36:55] <Saj0577> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:2] <Robb_M> bot lag!

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:4] <Robb_M> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:10] <DrSmall> total bot lag

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:12] <Joeb454> Robb_M, --msg turns PM votes off

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:13] <bodhi_zazen> .status

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:16] <st33med> You really need threading on Votebot to handle overwhelming sits like this

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:19] <ajmorris> bodhi, fix your server

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:20] <ajmorris> Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:22] <nathangrubb> +1 st33med

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:24] <drs305> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:27] <Rocket2DMn> did a private vote still go through?

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:33] <Robb_M> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:34] <Joeb454> no

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:34] <st33med> Yes, but it takes a while

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:34] <DrSmall> yes, did it?

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:45] <Robb_M> no it didnt

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:46] <bodhi_zazen> ajmorris, we have a lot of lag on our local net, I am shocked I am able to make this meeting at all

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:49] <Robb_M> i screwed up

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:51] <Robb_M> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:55] <ajmorris> oic bodhi

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:58] <Rocket2DMn> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:37:59] <st33med> should make my bot do voting

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:5] <bodhi_zazen> .vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:5] <VoteBot> We Are Done Voting On: James for membership

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:5] <VoteBot> 9 People Voted. 9 People For. 0 People Against. 0 People Neutral.

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:6] <Robb_M> i turned private voting OFF instead of on...*smack forehead* <---stupid bot admin

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:13] <bodhi_zazen> weehooo

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:16] <bodhi_zazen> welcome jamesrfla

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:16] <DrSmall> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:17] <nathangrubb> st33med: I was working on making grubbot do that

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:18] <st33med> yeehaa

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:18] <Robb_M> ABOUT TIME BOY!

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:19] <perlluver> welcome jamesrfla

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:19] <ajmorris> hits Robb_M

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:20] <Robb_M> Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:24] <digitalvectorz> lmao Robb_M

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:25] <jamesrfla> Thanks Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:25] <nathangrubb> Robb_M: good job, now my vote doesn't count

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:27] <forestpixie> welocme jamesrfla

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:32] <bodhi_zazen> OK, next digitalvectorz ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:32] <drs305> congratulations jamesrfla

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:34] <PrivateVoid> Congrats jamesrfla

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:38] <st33med> claps

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:41] <PrivateVoid> I would like to say something at this point

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:44] <bodhi_zazen> who is digitalvectorz mentor ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:45] <PrivateVoid> stands

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:49] <jamesrfla> thanks PrivateVoid drs305 forestpixie perlluver bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:50] <digitalvectorz> paultag, bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:38:55] <Robb_M> ^5's james......i knew you had it in you.....

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:7] <st33med> has been standing, where is his chair, huh???

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:13] <PrivateVoid> James you did a fantastic job of undertaking the projects handed to you and learning. I am proud of you!

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:31] <jamesrfla> Thanks :-D

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:32] <bodhi_zazen> Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:33] <y_lee> +1 PrivateVoid

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:34] <Robb_M> thanks guys...i should be thanking the team as well too

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:43] <Robb_M> for allowing james these MANY chances

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:45] <Robb_M> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:50] <st33med> steals PrivateVoid's chair and sits

[Wed Nov 5 0:39:59] <bodhi_zazen> OK, on to digitalvectorz ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:7] <Robb_M> sure thing bodhi

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:16] <bodhi_zazen> I support digitalvectorz , even if he is a geekis maximus Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:24] <Robb_M> same here Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:25] <nathangrubb> Robb_M: I wonder how many chances I got

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:27] <digitalvectorz> -.-

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:32] <bodhi_zazen> .vote "digital"

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:32] <VoteBot> We Are Now Voting On: digital

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:32] <VoteBot> Vote with +1, -1, or 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:32] <VoteBot> You can also /msg VoteBot your vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:37] <bodhi_zazen> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:38] <DrSmall> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:39] <nathangrubb> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:40] <Robb_M> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:40] <perlluver> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:41] <jamesrfla> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:41] <y_lee> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:42] <st33med> digital vote machines?

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:45] <st33med> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:47] <st33med> Big Grin :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:56] <PrivateVoid> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:57] <DrSmall> st33med: open-source voting Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:40:59] <hetirv> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:0] <bodhi_zazen> VoteBot, is a digital vote machine

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:1] <st33med> Ah

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:6] <Rocket2DMn> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:8] <Robb_M> heh, james non voiced wasnt set, your vote still didnt count :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:16] <st33med> Not really bodhi_zazen, he uses magnetic punch cards

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:16] <drs305> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:17] <st33med> Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:28] <bodhi_zazen> .vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:28] <VoteBot> We Are Done Voting On: digital

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:28] <VoteBot> 15 People Voted. 15 People For. 0 People Against. 0 People Neutral.

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:34] <st33med> jamesrfla has voice

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:40] <PrivateVoid> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:42] <jamesrfla> has voted

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:42] <Robb_M> he does?

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:45] <Robb_M> wait

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:50] <Robb_M> oh em gee

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:52] <Robb_M> i didnt notice

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:54] <Robb_M> :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:56] <digitalvectorz> lol..

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:58] <bodhi_zazen> Robb_M, snooze you loose

[Wed Nov 5 0:41:59] <DrSmall> bot lag

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:0] <PrivateVoid> grats digitalvectorz

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:1] <digitalvectorz> 2/2 Robb_M

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:3] <bodhi_zazen> welcome digitalvectorz Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:8] <digitalvectorz> ty PrivateVoid bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:9] <perlluver> congrats digitalvectorz

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:14] <jamesrfla> Welcome digitalvectorz

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:15] <forestpixie> congrats digitalvectorz

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:17] <drs305> welcome digitalvectorz

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:18] <nathangrubb> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:20] <DrSmall> congratulations

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:31] <ajmorris> gz digitalvectorz

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:48] <bodhi_zazen> Looks like neiter ApOgEEk or _Cloud_ are here

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:54] <digitalvectorz> perlluver jamesrfla forestpixie DrSmall ajmorris drs305 *** and more

[Wed Nov 5 0:42:55] <bodhi_zazen> shall we vote on them ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:2] <ajmorris> .ping | _Cloud_

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:2] <VoteBot> _Cloud_: ping from ajmorris

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:12] <perlluver> we can vote on _cloud

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:13] <drs305> Cloud said earlier he couldn't be hear I believe

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:15] <bodhi_zazen> PrivateVoid, any words on _Cloud_ ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:19] <perlluver> I don't think Apogee was tested

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:21] <forestpixie> did ApOgEEk do the test yet

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:31] <bodhi_zazen> I tested ApOgEEk a long time ago

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:43] <PrivateVoid> I do not have any words on _Cloud_

[Wed Nov 5 0:43:45] <perlluver> ah then what the hey lets vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:4] <Rocket2DMn> I believe we passed one or both of them up at the last meeting

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:8] <PrivateVoid> I have not had much opportunity to speak with him... but he would have my vote based on those few times

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:8] <bodhi_zazen> _Cloud_, has been here for a while, quite and humble

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:18] <Joeb454> s/quite/quiet

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:23] <PrivateVoid> he 'fits' with the team

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:25] <bodhi_zazen> .vote "_cloud for membership ?"

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:25] <VoteBot> We Are Now Voting On: _cloud for membership ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:25] <VoteBot> Vote with +1, -1, or 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:25] <VoteBot> You can also /msg VoteBot your vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:29] <PrivateVoid> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:29] <perlluver> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:29] <drs305> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:30] <Joeb454> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:30] <jamesrfla> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:31] <DrSmall> -1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:32] <Rocket2DMn> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:32] <hetirv> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:36] <st33med> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:36] <bodhi_zazen> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:38] <digitalvectorz> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:42] <nathangrubb> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:43] <st33med> slaps DrSmall

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:49] <DrSmall> see

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:55] <jamesrfla> slaps DrSmall

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:55] <DrSmall> this is why i like private voting...

[Wed Nov 5 0:44:56] <Robb_M> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:0] <nathangrubb> pats DrSmall

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:9] <st33med> slaps nathangrubb

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:12] <bodhi_zazen> .vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:12] <VoteBot> We Are Done Voting On: _cloud for membership ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:12] <VoteBot> 16 People Voted. 14 People For. 1 People Against. 1 People Neutral.

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:18] <perlluver> guys quiet the chatter

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:24] <bodhi_zazen> OK last ApOgEEk Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:33] <jamesrfla> slaps st33med for slapping nathangrubb

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:38] <nathangrubb> hey ck

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:42] <bodhi_zazen> wb compiledkernel Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:44] <ajmorris> hi compiledkernel

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:47] <jamesrfla> Hi compiledkernel late......

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:49] <st33med> compiledkernel, tardy!

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:50] <Robb_M> ck, late as usual Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:53] <PrivateVoid> hey compiledkernel long time no see

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:56] <compiledkernel> damn

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:56] <bodhi_zazen> .vote " ApOgEEk for membership ?"

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:56] <VoteBot> We Are Now Voting On: ApOgEEk for membership ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:56] <VoteBot> Vote with +1, -1, or 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:56] <VoteBot> You can also /msg VoteBot your vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:56] <perlluver> hi ck

[Wed Nov 5 0:45:59] <perlluver> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:0] <jamesrfla> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:1] <the-stace> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:1] <DrSmall> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:2] <Robb_M> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:5] <Rocket2DMn> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:6] <st33med> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:8] <drs305> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:10] <nathangrubb> I've never even heard of him

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:11] <nathangrubb> 0

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:12] <digitalvectorz> according to the Padawan page, he hasn't taken the quiz...is that true?

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:16] <bodhi_zazen> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:20] <st33med>

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:21] <perlluver> digitalvectorz, no he has

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:22] <bodhi_zazen> digitalvectorz, no

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:23] <DrSmall> digitalvectorz: no

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:25] <PrivateVoid> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:28] <st33med> digitalvectorz: no

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:29] <digitalvectorz> okay, just checking :-D

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:31] <st33med> Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:33] <digitalvectorz> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:46:34] <Robb_M> man ive missed a lot of quizzing aparently

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:10] <nhandler> +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:17] <bodhi_zazen> .status

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:21] <nathangrubb> nhandler it's a bit late now

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:35] <bodhi_zazen> .vote

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:35] <VoteBot> We Are Done Voting On: ApOgEEk for membership ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:35] <VoteBot> 16 People Voted. 11 People For. 0 People Against. 5 People Neutral.

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:47] <nhandler> What are you talking about nathangrubb? My vote got in Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:49] <perlluver> welcome ApOgEEk

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:50] <bodhi_zazen> alrighty then

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:54] <nathangrubb> nhandler: well then

[Wed Nov 5 0:47:58] <jamesrfla> Welcome ApOgEEk and _Cloud_

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:0] <nathangrubb> refer to bodhi_zazen above

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:6] <bodhi_zazen> Any other team issues ?

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:7] <nathangrubb> welcome ApOgEEk and _Cloud_

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:10] <ajmorris> .ping | ApOgEEk

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:10] <VoteBot> ApOgEEk: ping from ajmorris

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:16] <nathangrubb> bodhi_zazen: Yes, where is that money you owe me?

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:24] <nhandler> So who are the new BT members?

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:31] <jamesrfla> LOL nathangrubb

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:34] <digitalvectorz> !newmembers

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:38] <kingpest> bodhi_zazen, hmm... where's the part where padawans seek for some masters?

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:39] <Saj0577> less chatter more order in meetings. Especially when people at work in morning.

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:41] <Robb_M> even mine got in

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:43] <Robb_M> :P

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:45] <jamesrfla> nhandler: me _Cloud_ digitalvectorz and _Cloud_

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:48] <perlluver> nhandler, _Cloud_, digitalvectorz ApOgEEk and jamesrfla

[Wed Nov 5 0:48:59] <DrSmall> Saj0577: +1

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:11] <nhandler> Congrats jamesrfla, _Cloud_, digitalvectorz, and ApOgEEk

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:17] <Robb_M> <bold>JAMES!</bold>

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:19] <Robb_M> Big Grin :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:19] <jamesrfla> thanks nhandler

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:20] <nathangrubb> where's the part where [non] padawans seek new masters? Sorry Robb_M, but Alan_M is my REAL master

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:20] <digitalvectorz> ty nhandler

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:28] <hetirv> 'grats to all new members

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:41] <Saj0577> Meetings could be done in half the time if the chit chat was filtered out.

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:41] <nhandler> So is the meeting over now?

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:41] <Robb_M> *roll eyes*

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:42] <bodhi_zazen> kingpest, that can be done at any time

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:42] <jamesrfla> bows in front bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:49] <bodhi_zazen> Or you can go the dark path Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:50] <bodhi_zazen> lol

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:54] <kingpest> so... i'm seeking a master:)

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:55] <nathangrubb> Saj0577: it was like, 5 minutes

[Wed Nov 5 0:49:59] <PrivateVoid> kingpest, you can add your name to this page - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Padawan

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:4] <kingpest> ok

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:6] <PrivateVoid> and then a master can 'claim' you

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:14] <Robb_M> CLAIMED!

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:15] <perlluver> someone want to end the meeting so Robb can clean up the log

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:20] <Robb_M> grabs kingpest

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:21] <bodhi_zazen> Any other team issues

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:21] <DrSmall> nathangrubb: what was 5 minutes?

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:24] <Robb_M> nobody else touches this one!

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:25] <jamesrfla> kingpest: you have a UF acount

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:28] <bodhi_zazen> move to close meeting Smile :)

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:29] <Robb_M> Wink ;)

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:29] <PrivateVoid> motions that the meeting me adjourned

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:33] <nathangrubb> DrSmall: the meeting, well, it was longer, but it's not like it was 30 minutes

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:34] <perlluver> +1 bodhi_zazen

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:34] <ajmorris> .meeting

[Wed Nov 5 0:50:34] <VoteBot> Meeting mode disabled.


BeginnersTeam/Meetings/20081104 (last edited 2008-11-05 00:54:03 by c-69-253-233-196)