= Log of meeting on 1/7/09 = == General Agenda Items and Proposals == ||Who||What|| || [[Rocket2DMn]] || Wiki page headers || === Agenda discussion === (none) == Log == {{{#!IRC [19:01] =-=-=Meeting mode enabled=-=-= [19:01] bodhi_zazen: Just do a .meeting when you are ready [19:01] wow he's only 1 min late, lol [19:01] :) [19:01] He is still late... [19:01] Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings guys [19:01] First, welcome everyone, new and old, and Happy New Year [19:01] Hey [19:02] sorry I am am late [19:02] ty Hellow [19:02] hey paultag [19:02] !start! [19:02] Factoid start! not found [19:02] now [19:02] :) [19:02] hehe :) [19:02] nao [19:02] I posted family pic if you like here : [19:02] http://bodhizazen.net/ski/ [19:02] * drubin notices the =-=-= [19:02] in case you get borred [19:02] <-- emma has left this server (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). [19:02] Second order of business, CONGRATULATIONS [19:02] its a short meeting i think so they shouldnt get too bored :) [19:03] thank you [19:03] to new (and about to be new) Ubuntu Members [19:03] damn, not me [19:03] btw robb_m, when you ping the channel, not all of us get notified on a ctcp... [19:03] * nhandler notes that he has also become a Kubuntu member recently [19:03] ;) [19:03] (and a motu) ;) [19:03] <-- jamesrfla has left this server ("Leaving."). [19:03] bodhi_zazen, you gave birth to a cow/person hybrid!! in the snow! [19:03] thx [19:03] moo [19:03] And congrats MichaelGodawski [19:03] LMAO Maddeth [19:03] nhandler: old news, and no one cares about Kubuntu memeber.... they aren't usefull any way [19:03] --> jamesrfla has joined this channel (n=James_Re@unaffiliated/jamesrfla). [19:03] OK guys, please calm down, this is a meeting. [19:03] *** ChanServ gives jamesrfla permission to talk. [19:03] ajmorris, I'm iainbuclaw [19:03] what is the difference in Kubuntu member vs. Ubuntu Member? [19:04] Shall we run the teams next then ? [19:04] back on topic! [19:04] PLEASE [19:04] We had a topic? [19:04] Forums -> [19:04] PrivateVoid, specific to each distro? [19:04] yes [19:04] Forums, how the hell are they ? I was away for a few weeks :) [19:04] bodhi_zazen, forums are going well /me thinks [19:04] thank you to everyone how has helped [19:04] Forums are like always. death, destruction, etc. [19:04] kk [19:05] Education -> PrivateVoid :) [19:05] I'm almost 1700 posts old o.o [19:05] Thats sad that you measure your age in posts... [19:05] --> emma has joined this channel (n=emma@unaffiliated/emma). [19:06] I'm almost 5800 posts old... [19:06] I see we are starting to run some IRC education sessions and I would encourage those interested to assist [19:06] * Bodsda < 300 [19:06] * bodhi_zazen hides post age [19:06] When is the date of the first session? [19:06] I'm looking forward to the IRC sessions, not sure if I can contribute other than attending [19:06] Well... Education has gotten more stuff added to the resources page, added some instructors and scheduled classes (three) in the IRC channel [19:07] I /might/ be able to do one on bash. [19:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education/Proposals [19:07] and possible UA Team collaboration with education soon... [19:07] yep first is about root and sudo forestpixie and me will give our best :=) [19:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education/Instructors [19:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education/Events [19:07] Thank you PrivateVoid for all your hard work with that [19:07] awesome, PrivateVoid [19:08] I will sign up as an instructor as well [19:08] thanks bodhi_zazen [19:08] I am hoping to turn my attention on to Edubutu soon... [19:08] I am trying to get it adopted for some testing in my district [19:08] ajmorris, you want to say any more re: collaboration with UA team ? [19:08] and need to have classes in the works... [19:09] Any other business with Education team ? [19:09] Well... we are going to work with UA [19:09] bodhi_zazen, i was just talking about the education team... the UA Team and BT will be working together more very soon, at the last meeting, we thought that UA could help with Education [19:09] but was going to let ajmorris dial that up [19:09] and BT members are getting access to the UA Team tracker soon also :) [19:10] w00t :) [19:10] * nhandler wishes for OpenID access to the tracker [19:10] O.O [19:10] ++ajmorris [19:10] nhandler: +1 :P [19:10] :) [19:10] o.o [19:10] Anything from IRC , Security, or LP teams ? [19:10] PrivateVoid, re: education... aren't i on the instructor list for compilation & manual kernels ? [19:11] Expect to have a LP FG meeting in the next week or so [19:11] ajmorris, that was the proposals page you were originally on [19:11] I see from my e-mail you all have been renewing your LP team memberships :) [19:11] if you ware ready with a course we can take you to the instructors page [19:11] nothing really for IRC... we would like as many users to sit in ##beginners-help if they can though, users come around and no-one is in there... [19:11] ah, kk, not yet then PrivateVoid :) [19:11] I have the LP memberships set to expire after 180 days [19:11] ajmorris: i try to pack my tail in there when you call :) [19:11] will have to figure out what angle i will take first :) [19:11] <-- emma has left this server (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [19:12] ..speaking of [19:12] tail ... [19:12] --> emma has joined this channel (n=emma@unaffiliated/emma). [19:12] OK, wiki group -> Rocket2DMn ? [19:12] Uh, just the item I have on the main meeting calendar [19:13] We have our wiki page headers spread over our wiki pages now, except for the Focus Group pages. [19:13] I would like to see FG leaders add them to their group pages [19:13] * nhandler will add it to the LP fg pages [19:13] If anybody needs help doing so, just ask me or PrivateVoid [19:13] do we have PrivateVoid to thank for the headers ? [19:14] yes we do! [19:14] take a look at the education wiki -- I made a custom header for them [19:14] ah... yes me [19:14] Thanks PrivateVoid! [19:14] * PrivateVoid nods [19:14] thanks bodhi_zazen [19:14] thanks PV [19:14] +2 PrivateVoid [19:14] +1 PrivateVoid [19:14] thanks PrivateVoid [19:14] IRC migrated to your headers a little while back also :) [19:14] cool, thats all from me. [19:15] cool [19:15] On the topic of security -> I think awareness of security is increasing, thanks everyone [19:15] Please try to help with the "silly" questions when you can [19:15] http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=338 [19:16] * ajmorris tries to stay away from security... [19:16] the "OMG I HAVE A VIRUS" threads are just too much... [19:16] New users have good questions but the threads can degenerate into trolling, so, any "real" answers from the BT are appreciated [19:16] * PrivateVoid has been trying to focus on answering more LP questions [19:16] sweet PrivateVoid [19:16] kk [19:16] shall we move on to ... [19:17] NEW MEMBERS [19:17] Horay!!! [19:17] yays [19:17] o snap [19:17] do we only have 2 this time around ? [19:17] ow faps [19:17] Before we vote, I just want to verify with the masters that the padawans have passed the quiz [19:17] yeah, nhasian passed [19:17] If not... its time to die [19:17] yes two [19:17] --> nikoPSK has joined this channel (i=Niko@S0106001d92ec9656.gv.shawcable.net). [19:17] ajmorris: Did talsemgeest pass? [19:17] talsemgeest, and nhasian [19:17] oh...my [19:17] ajmorris, we've also had some threads on distributions that are no longer supported too [19:17] yep nate [19:18] Good ;) [19:18] * Maddeth wonders if the test is failable [19:18] nikoPSK: just in time for a meeting :P [19:18] wait bodhi_zazen ping [19:18] bodhi_zazen, -dev [19:18] lol [19:18] Hallo. [19:18] Maddeth: It is [19:18] oh, before we do members bodhi_zazen... [19:18] Maddeth: yes it is [19:18] <-- emma has left this server (Connection reset by peer). [19:18] can we vote with out nhasian being ehre? [19:18] kk ... [19:18] drubin: We have done that before [19:18] +1 drubin [19:18] paultag, -dev [19:18] we have for others drubin [19:18] bodhi_zazen, should we mention something on Ultimatix?... Its gonna turn into AutomatiX all over again... [19:18] Lets do it [19:18] yeah i think we can vote without him, we've done it before on multiple occasions [19:18] * jamesrfla reads up on new members [19:19] ajmorris, after paultag :) [19:19] Ultimatsucks? [19:19] ajmorris, -1 on all things that claim to "automagically" do things for you [19:19] ok guys, quick update with Development -- We still need more members, so if you want to get involved with Nix / Nux programming, head on over to ##beginners-dev. We love you all [19:19] Hi paultag. [19:19] nikoPSK!??! [19:19] OMG [19:19] om nikoPSK... when did you join lol [19:19] What. [19:19] other then that, considering an update with a domain name, ufbt.org / net? [19:19] ajmorris, except those that are officially supported by ubuntu [19:19] BT development -> MOTU !!! [19:19] --> emma has joined this channel (n=emma@unaffiliated/emma). [19:19] I joined three minutes a go. [19:19] hey nikoPSK :) [19:19] bodhi_zazen, haha [19:19] paultag, good point [19:19] Heard there was a meeting. [19:20] There was a discussion about registering a domain for the BT [19:20] guys please cut the idle chatter, we're all glad to see nikoPSK , but please wait til after the meeting [19:20] Wanted to catch up with everyone. [19:20] Sure. [19:20] I can come back when you guys are done. [19:20] See uou. [19:20] *you [19:20] you can stay nikoPSK [19:20] <-- nikoPSK has left this server (Client Quit). [19:20] or not. [19:20] *sure* [19:20] heh, that was cute. [19:20] Is there any interest from the team in general to register ufbt.{org,net} ?? [19:20] to what end bodhi_zazen ? [19:20] What would it be used for bodhi_zazen ? [19:20] I see no need for a website [19:20] what would be the purpose of it bodhi_zazen? [19:21] That is the question [19:21] Rocket2DMn, team site, info, wiki for just us, dev server [19:21] Rocket2DMn, I'm not trying to argue you with you, but wouldn't it make sense to have a seperate meeting channel so normal discussion doesn't have to grind to a halt whenever a meeting come? [19:21] I can host a BT page on my server [19:21] bodhi_zazen: I think a wiki is fine for us [19:21] Versus using bodhizazn.net we can mask to ufbt.org [19:21] I could host some stuff [19:21] do we really need to register a domain ? [19:21] I don't think so [19:21] lets just use something like no-ip or .tk [19:21] i don't think so. bodhizazen.net is good enough for what we need. [19:21] nhandler, you want me to host a wiki ? [19:21] I don't want us to have to deal with info in multiple places, we already have a fully functioning wiki, and we may be working with the ua tracker sometime, too [19:21] bodhi_zazen: We have wiki.ubuntu.com [19:21] I think that is good enough [19:22] no thanks. [19:22] yes and no ... [19:22] * Hellow could host some stuff, again [19:22] +1 Rocket2DMn [19:22] less is always more [19:22] just because we _can_ doesn't mean we _should_ [19:22] +1 Rocket2DMn [19:22] Hellow: bodhi_zazen has a server that doesn't do that much [19:22] drubin: I have a server that does next to nothing [19:22] If anyone wants to blog on a specific topic I would be willing to add you as an author on my blog pages as well [19:22] Hmm ... [19:23] Why not buy the name and reconsider later? [19:23] I think we could use one [19:23] The team seems mixed on registering a domain [19:23] Although, it would be nice to have a indipendent place to put our stuff [19:23] --> vor has joined this channel (n=vor@unaffiliated/vor-ubuntu). [19:23] *** ChanServ gives vor permission to talk. [19:23] o/ [19:23] Hellow: wiki.ubuntu.com [19:23] go nhandler :) [19:23] drubin: indpiendent [19:23] org and net just about free [19:23] I also started tinkering around with the idea of creating a Planet BT. However, I need some css people to make it work [19:23] Anyone interested? [19:24] I am up nhandler [19:24] I could help [19:24] nhandler: i know a LITTLE css [19:24] me too [19:24] paultag is a css person [19:24] I already offered to, and I was going to, but I sort of lost it... [19:24] It uses planetplanet. I have the source available online [19:24] I could/can do css [19:24] http://nhandler.servehttp.com/planet/ [19:24] nhandler: i have planetplanet on this computer, i can tinker with it [19:24] Hellow: your point has been noted [19:24] i mean..just to get a feel for the css [19:24] Once we get it looking nice, I was hoping bodhi could host it [19:24] I DEFF think it would be a great idea [19:25] If we run a server for the team, I have a slight preference to host it as members come and go [19:25] +1 bodhi_zazen [19:25] but I am flexible on that [19:25] +1 bodhi_zazen [19:25] but for now let nhandler host while he tinkers.. [19:25] nhandler: there is no index on that site [19:26] I do not mind running a server for the team and giving ssh access to people who wish to use it / develop web pages, svn, etc [19:26] Hellow: http://nhandler.servehttp.com/planet/examples/output/ [19:26] I would like to have a nice looking, independent web page / site for the team [19:26] bodhi_zazen: I mixed views about giving ssh access to every one. [19:26] drubin: He can make it secure [19:27] damn i need to update my blog [19:27] I know he can. [19:27] * Hellow is trustworthy in those parts :) [19:27] drubin, I agree [19:27] the Dev team can do the development [19:27] I think that is the job of the dev team [19:27] not *everyone* needs ssh access [19:27] Good idea paultag [19:27] bodhi_zazen, +1 [19:27] bodhi_zazen, can we make it SVN, and control the site that way? [19:27] * Hellow ought to join the dev team xD [19:27] bodhi_zazen: I think only people who actually have stuff to contribute should need access [19:27] Hellow, do it [19:27] nhandler, +1 [19:27] firstly it is ina VM, and secondly he could give jailed shell accounts for the websited that are hosted [19:27] jamesrfla: dude, really, quit pinging my private messages :P [19:27] those with ssh would be in a chroot jail i imagine, unless bodhi_zazen wanted to give somebody else a sysadmin account for the server [19:27] And I can lock down ssh with say apparmor :) [19:28] okay I will ask somebody else robb_m [19:28] brb [19:28] I think a virtual machine would be fine [19:28] kk ... [19:29] next topic ? [19:29] Members? [19:29] Yeah, new members [19:29] anyone interested in developing web pages / servers we can talk later :) [19:29] * nhandler reminds people about the mailing list [19:29] Ultimatix [19:29] I also updated the BT gcal [19:29] does this need much discussion ? [19:29] O.O [19:29] 0.o [19:29] nhandler: Still can't access mailing list? [19:29] <-- sabirami_ubuntu has left this server (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). [19:30] nhandler: Thanks goodness some one did [19:30] bodhi_zazen, re: ultimatix, i just think members should be aware, that tools like it, should not be recommended [19:30] We are getting off the topic of New Member.. again [19:30] +1 ajmorris [19:30] Members* [19:30] and that there is always an alternative [19:30] ajmorris: same with scripts from unreliable remote sources :) [19:30] very much agreed ajmorris [19:30] bodhi_zazen: I will have Expressions web soon so if you guys want something simple to use [19:30] lol drubin [19:30] I think if Ultimatix comes up -> teach the "proper" methods of sys admin and direct questions to Ultimatix web site [19:30] jamesrfla: did you actually just suggest Expressions Web? I hate the program [19:31] +1 drubin [19:31] we have a REALLY big issue with Off vs on topic... [19:31] jamesrfla, I do not think they want to use ASP.Net and Microsoft stuff [19:31] robb_m: I quite like cheese :) [19:31] ^ [19:31] kk ... [19:31] Pickles rewl [19:31] Any other items B4 ... [19:31] NEW MEMBERS ??? [19:31] Just suggesting if anybody wanted to use it [19:31] (no one better say anything) [19:31] are we missing somebody? [19:32] kk ... [19:32] talsemgeest, you are up [19:32] reading the Ultimatix sourcecode is like dist-upgrading a Fedora dist [19:32] Yay [19:32] do you wish to say a few words [19:32] scary .... [19:32] how long have you been using Linux / Ubuntu ? [19:32] bodhi_zazen: You make it sound like he is walking to his death [19:32] you mean he's not? [19:32] s/he may be ... [19:32] I started with linux about two years ago [19:33] *facepalm* [19:33] im gonna go afk [19:33] * PrivateVoid puts gigantic scimitar away [19:33] First Ubuntu release I used was feisty [19:33] talsemgeest, ajmorris spoke highly of you re: quiz [19:33] congrats [19:34] Shall we vote then ? [19:34] Oh, really? Some of the questions were quite hard [19:34] lets [19:34] +1 bodhi_zazen [19:34] lets [19:34] *** ChanServ gives channel operator privileges to bodhi_zazen. [19:34] * PrivateVoid smiles in anticipation [19:34] all hail bodhi_zazen , he is t3h 1337est! [19:34] .vote " talsemgeest for membership" [19:34] We Are Now Voting On: talsemgeest for membership [19:34] Vote with +1, -1, or 0 [19:34] You can also /msg VoteBot your vote [19:34] +1 [19:34] +1 [19:34] +1 [19:34] +1 [19:34] +1 [19:34] +1 [19:34] +1 [19:34] 0 [19:34] +1 [19:35] +1 [19:35] +1 [19:35] +1 [19:35] I think we need to add a feature to sign onto votebot when then meeting starts [19:35] and if you haven't voted in pings you [19:35] 30 seconds after voted started [19:35] I always loose track :( [19:35] +1 [19:35] drubin: There is a --notify option [19:35] or tally votes ... [19:35] .status [19:36] .vstatus [19:36] nhandler: why don't we use that? [19:36] 16 People Have Currently Voted. [19:36] drubin: bodhi started the vote, not me [19:36] *glare* [19:36] bodhi_zazen: NOTE: use the --notify option [19:36] .vote [19:36] We Are Done Voting On: talsemgeest for membership [19:36] 16 People Voted. 14 People For. 1 People Against. 1 People Neutral. [19:36] bodhi can do whatever he wants :P [19:36] w00t [19:36] welcome talsemgeest [19:36] Congrats talsemgeest ! [19:36] Congrats talsemgeest, Woohooo another kiwi :) [19:36] I was the neutral ppl [19:36] gz talsemgeest [19:36] wooo hooo congrats talsemgeest [19:36] another victim [19:36] gz talsemgeest [19:36] congrats talsemgeest [19:36] i mean...team member. [19:36] gratz talsemgeest [19:36] :) [19:36] Thanks guys!!! [19:37] Now, its time to die [19:37] congrats talsemgeest and thanks for your assistance with the education group [19:37] time to leave [19:37] *** talsemgeest has been kicked from the channel by bodhi_zazen (bodhi_zazen). [19:37] pwn3d [19:37] I wonder if he will come back... [19:37] lol [19:37] .) [19:37] --> talsemgeest has joined this channel (n=talsemge@124-197-24-185.callplus.net.nz). [19:37] *** ChanServ gives talsemgeest permission to talk. [19:37] lol wb [19:37] talsemgeest, you now have voice :) [19:37] who said you could come back? o.O [19:38] u [19:38] kk ... [19:38] Yay, now I can use VoteBot [19:38] nhasian [19:38] :) [19:38] oh god [19:38] talsemgeest, and you can add a factoid [19:38] !talsemgeest [19:38] Factoid talsemgeest not found [19:38] factoid after the meeting [19:39] +1 Rocket2DMn [19:39] Hmmm, Ill ave to put some thought into that one... [19:39] Rocket2DMn, any words for nhasian ? [19:39] Its sad that nhasian isnt here, otherwise I would ask him for last words... [19:39] bodhi_zazen: "he" cant add a factoid, only bot admins :) [19:39] uh, not really, i know he's very smart and helpful [19:39] but if he wants one for his nickname i would be happy to add one :) [19:39] !Hellow [19:39] Be nice to him or he will sic his ninja monkeys on you. [19:39] :D [19:39] robb_m: And I remain convinced that it would be a relatively simple thing to add, to be able to change your own factoid. [19:40] .vote " nhasian for membership" --notify [19:40] We Are Now Voting On: nhasian for membership [19:40] Vote with +1, -1, or 0 [19:40] You can also /msg VoteBot your vote [19:40] Snowflake: Well, that would require a member system... [19:40] +1 [19:40] +1 [19:40] Snowflake: Simple, but not secure [19:40] +1 [19:40] 0 [19:40] +1 [19:40] +1 [19:40] +1 [19:40] +1 [19:40] +1 [19:40] +1 [19:40] +1 [19:40] .vstatus [19:40] +1 [19:40] 0 [19:40] +0 [19:41] 0 [19:41] +1 [19:41] 89 [19:41] 84 [19:41] oh,.... we are voting [19:41] rly? [19:41] +1 [19:41] sorry would +1 but I dont know them :p [19:41] thanks [19:41] +1 [19:41] :) lol [19:41] Maddeth, Snova [19:41] OH [19:41] +1 [19:41] +86 [19:41] nhandler: why not secure? [19:41] were voting for nhasian [19:42] * robb_m laughs [19:42] sorry [19:42] .vote [19:42] drubin: secure isn't the best word, but I'll talk about it later [19:42] * drubin will be sleeping [19:42] +84309 [19:42] hehe [19:42] i think we overloaded the bot [19:42] bodhi_zazen, may be a minute :) [19:42] lol [19:43] "oops" [19:43] .lag [19:43] VoteBot ??? [19:43] wow [19:43] Yeah, the --notify feature slows it down [19:43] .yay [19:43] its just because perl fails so much [19:43] ajmorris-- [19:43] !wake-up [19:43] (7:43:05 PM) VoteBot: We Are Now Voting on nhasian for membership [19:43] lagg [19:43] wait, what? [19:43] 3 min lag [19:43] .killthebot [19:44] While we are waiting ... [19:44] o now [19:44] sry guys have to leave it is so late here give nhasian a +1 for me [19:44] ok stop passing it commands, thats not helping [19:44] good night [19:44] it counted vote now [19:44] night MichaelGodawski [19:44] see ya MichaelGodawski [19:44] night [19:44] later MichaelGodawski [19:44] Any other potential members ? [19:44] <-- MichaelGodawski has left this server ("Leaving"). [19:44] Nope [19:44] no [19:44] 4MIN!!!!! to count and tell me about the vote..... [19:44] jgoguen, Snowflake stunatra tim_sharitt Yoshi_Matrix ??? [19:44] its just getting to my vote... [19:44] Possibly a future member... [19:44] 12 People Have Currently Voted. [19:44] members* [19:44] ROFL [19:44] hi? [19:44] lol [19:44] :) [19:44] ok dont use that --notify option again [19:45] nhandler: why?? [19:45] ;) [19:45] +1 Rocket2DMn [19:45] drubin: Why what? [19:45] bodhi_zazen: did I miss something? [19:45] nhandler: why does it sloe down that much [19:45] no, just encouraging new members :) [19:45] The bot is in a depression right now.. [19:45] drubin: Blame freenode [19:45] We Are Done Voting On: nhasian for membership [19:45] I was away for a while and am wondering if anyone else is up for membership [19:45] 19 People Voted. 16 People For. 0 People Against. 3 People Neutral. [19:45] bodhi_zazen: Would this be a good time to ask the BT on what they think my factoid for votebot should be? [19:45] Well I am interested [19:45] It /just/ got to that [19:46] jamesrfla: Wait until after the meeting [19:46] stalkarazzo, can i talk to you boys after the meetings over in a room to be discolsed in private message please? [19:46] jamesrfla, don't ask !!! [19:46] Welcome nhasian :) [19:46] * jamesrfla hides and bows backwordly [19:46] jamesrfla, Teflon ? [19:46] <-- andrew_46 has left this server ("leaving"). [19:46] Are we done with the meeting? [19:46] Teflon? [19:46] I believe so ... [19:46] is there a topic here? [19:46] FTW [19:46] --> andrew_46 has joined this channel (n=andrew@unaffiliated/andrew46/x-040147). [19:46] *** ChanServ gives andrew_46 permission to talk. [19:46] any other issues ? [19:46] ok I gotta go now - night all [19:46] oops [19:47] night forestpixie [19:47] night forestpixie [19:47] Night forestpixie [19:47] night forestpixie [19:47] night forestpixie [19:47] night forestpixie [19:47] later forestpixie [19:47] bodhi_zazen: .meeting [19:47] night forestpixie [19:47] night elfy [19:47] ajmorris: you had to change it [19:47] I bet we just pinged his client out of existance... [19:47] ok, let's please end this meeting [19:47] wow lot of good byes [19:47] other issues going twice ... [19:47] .meeting [19:47] kick them out [19:47] * PrivateVoid nods to closing he meeting [19:47] its not over! [19:48] It will take VoteBot a few minutes ... [19:48] lol [19:48] remember folks we have some members up for membership tonight [19:48] Okay guys what do you think my factoid for votebot should be? [19:48] *twiddles fingers* [19:48] where PrivateVoid [19:48] we voted 2 members in, the others havent been quizzed according to the wiki [19:48] jamesrfla, characterized by imperviousness to blame or criticism [19:48] in the #ubuntu-meeting room [19:48] good luck to those before the beak later :) [19:48] <-- forestpixie has left this server ("that's enough for now"). [19:48] other than ibuclaw [19:48] Rocket2DMn, yes, we need to do better with that ... [19:48] we have three members going for Ubuntu membership [19:48] PrivateVoid: Ping me before the meeting [19:48] haha [19:48] what time PrivateVoid ? [19:48] * nhandler wants to be there for support [19:48] I should do this a little later [19:48] Vor, Rocket2DMn and myself [19:48] Factoid wake-up not found [19:49] I might put myself in for next meeting... [19:49] 10pm EST [19:49] =-=-=Meeting mode disabled=-=-= }}} ---- CategoryBeginnersTeam