= Log of meeting on 4/7/09 = == General Agenda Items and Proposals == ||Who||What|| ||[[Rocket2DMn]]||Start holding team meetings in #ubuntu-meeting ?|| ||[[nhandler]]||Merge Google Calendars and Mailing Lists|| ||[[Rocket2DMn]]||Wiki FG Summer of Documentation and [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/FAQ|Beginner's FAQ]]|| ||[[BodhiZazen]]||Ubuntu Membership - testimonials|| ||[[BodhiZazen]]||Rotate Team leads ?|| ||[[BodhiZazen]]||Name for Moodle site.|| ||[[Vantrax]]|| Training program outline || ||[[cprofitt]]||Concept for integrated education using IRC, Forums, Wiki and an LMS (Moodle)|| ||[[cprofitt]]||Local Advocacy Team (?) - not LoCo based, but individual|| === Agenda discussion === * I think that holding our team meetings in #ubuntu-meeting (schedule permitting) could bring about a more official atmosphere to the meetings, as well as help to integrate the team better with the rest of the community. This also leaves our main channel open for side discussions, as well as users to have idle chit chat the tends to creep in during the meetings. -- [[LaunchpadHome:rocket2dmn]] <> * We currently have a main Google Calendar for the BeginnersTeam, as well as several other calendars for the various Focus Groups. I think it would be very beneficial to the team to merge all of the Focus Group calendars into the main team calendar. This would make it easy for all team members to keep track of the various Focus Group events. In order to make this work, all Focus Group leaders would need to create a Google account and be given write access to the team calendar. The different Focus Groups also have their own mailing lists. Since none of these lists are high volume lists, I think it would be beneficial to merge them into the main BeginnersTeam mailing list. This would be very easy to do. Launchpad allows teams to disable the mailing lists. By doing this, all BeginnersTeam members would be able to stay up-to-date with the activities of the various Focus Groups. -- [[LaunchpadHome:nhandler]] <> * I thin we should rotate the team leads, or at least re-elect them. Not that the current leads are dong a poor job, just the opposite in fact. I think we should promote leadership skills and not burn people out. * We need a name for the moodle site. I sent a request to Canonical to use the Name Ubuntu. * We need to start to discuss and document our scope for the community training project. We need to make sure we do not duplicate the official training or compete directly with it. == Log == {{{#!IRC [23:1:10] yes [23:1:10] i am. [23:1:21] so who is gonna start it [23:1:22] BRING IT! [23:1:24] Hey everybody, it seems like we have a lot of people here for this meeting, let's please try and remember to keep your thoughts organized, avoid making random statements like greetings, lol, and smilies [23:1:24] And I'm here! [23:1:31] OK, we have a full agenda so lets keep the cross talk down please :) [23:1:37] :) [23:1:38] Two suggestions : [23:1:38] sdennie: no one cares you old bastard [23:1:46] 1. Move meeting to ubuntu-meeting [23:2:6] I think the team has grown to the point we should move the meeting time and be on the fridge [23:2:13] not today of course [23:2:25] 2. I really think we need to move to bi-monthly meetings [23:2:37] 0/ [23:2:40] um bodhizazen just to let you know there is a of people coming and going in ubuntu-meeting [23:2:43] go cprofitt :) [23:2:45] thanks for pinging me *cough* [23:3:3] Hellow: ping [23:3:4] :) [23:3:7] -.- [23:3:7] same here jamesrfla and we need to coordingate with other teams [23:3:9] nhandler: ping :) [23:3:15] ubuntu-meeting is logged [23:3:17] robbmunson: pong [23:3:28] bodhizazen: ubuntu-meeting also provides us with mootbot [23:3:31] nhandler, votebot-dev, reactivation plz+? [23:3:36] *plz? [23:3:51] .vote "move to ubuntu-meeting?" [23:3:51] We Are Now Voting On: move to ubuntu-meeting? [23:3:51] Vote with +1, -1, or 0 [23:3:51] You can also /msg Votebot your vote [23:3:54] robbmunson: Sure [23:3:56] +1 [23:3:56] +1 [23:3:57] -1 [23:3:57] +1 [23:3:59] +1 [23:3:59] +1 [23:4:0] -1 [23:4:3] 0 [23:4:6] - [23:4:6] 0 [23:4:7] +1 [23:4:9] 0 [23:4:9] -1 [23:4:12] 0 [23:4:14] 0 [23:4:16] +1 [23:4:16] 0 [23:4:22] +1 [23:4:29] sup ladies [23:4:32] zu22: you can't vote [23:4:33] zu22: non-voiced peoples cant vote [23:4:34] sweet, thanks everyone for being promtp [23:4:35] 0 [23:4:35] meeting time right? [23:4:37] oops sorry [23:4:37] .vote [23:4:37] We Are Done Voting On: move to ubuntu-meeting? [23:4:37] 15 People Voted. 6 People For. 3 People Against. 6 People Neutral. [23:4:48] botlag [23:4:51] wait, what are we voting on? [23:4:51] OK then :) [23:4:54] lag! [23:5:3] sup JoshuaRL [23:5:7] hey yvan300 [23:5:10] bodhizazen: I can take care of making the necessary arangements to move the meetings [23:5:30] THANK YOU nhandler [23:5:36] wow, this is a fo reals meeting. im 5 late and i missed a vote :p [23:5:37] Second item : [23:5:45] CONGRATS to everyone [23:5:49] ? [23:5:59] +1 :P [23:6:2] lol [23:6:7] We have 2 new Admins on t the forums and a few new mods [23:6:15] for what it's worth I would've probably +1'd the previous [23:6:28] didn't know there was mods on the UF [23:6:34] Next agenda item (sorry need to keep moving) [23:6:37] <- is also a mod on Brainstorm [23:6:40] nods to congratulate the new mods [23:6:42] jamesrfla... have you been in a cave? [23:6:42] jamesrfla: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1119206 [23:6:51] mod power [23:6:51] consolidating things - mailing lists, wiki pages, etc [23:6:53] Congrats to everyone [23:6:54] bodhizazen, who are the new people [23:7:5] bodhizazen is one of them, jimi_hendrix [23:7:15] jimi_hendrix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1119206 [23:7:17] jimi_hendrix: bodhi has admin power now [23:7:31] lol [23:7:33] bodhizazen: Are you on the council now? [23:7:35] congrats bodhizazen [23:7:40] hides from bodhi...even though its been quite a LONG time since i did anything forum wise. [23:7:43] bodhizazen, dont nerf me! [23:7:45] bodhizazen: is there a senior UF staff [23:7:47] I agree, we have too many pages / locations for things [23:7:50] nhandler: yes :) [23:7:56] I think we should use gcal [23:8:2] jamesrfla: forum council is the seniour staff, but lets continue :) [23:8:3] o/ [23:8:7] 0/ [23:8:9] yes nhandler :) [23:8:30] robbmunson: youre always in trouble [23:8:41] JoshuaRL, dont remind me please ;) [23:8:43] Does gcal require contributors to have Google accounts? [23:8:54] the advantage of gcal,IMO, is it corrects for local time and despite some GNU / GTC geeks, UTC causes too much confusion [23:8:54] cprofitt: yes [23:8:57] please focus:P we are talking about consolidation here. [23:8:58] has had a Google account for god knows how long [23:9:4] +1 for gcal. For mailing lists, I think we can merge all the FG mailing lists to the main list. The BT only needs one list, and FGs can use the list as well. In this way, everybody can see what is happening, even if they are not part of the team. [23:9:14] Rocket2DMn, +1 [23:9:16] s/team/FG [23:9:19] I do not see the requirement of a google account to be a big deal [23:9:20] bodhizazen: If we move the meetings to #ubuntu-meeting, our meetings will also be on the Fridge [23:9:20] I didn't even know there was more than one... [23:9:35] In addition we will be on Fridge, which is also on gcal [23:9:36] Rocket2DMn: +1 [23:9:40] Is there a calendar service that does not require Google accounts? [23:9:42] bodhizazen: they are free and easy to set up [23:9:47] bodhizazen: The other option would be to host an LDAP cal on your server [23:9:50] one that can leverage OpenID? [23:9:51] cprofitt, not an easy one [23:9:59] cprofitt: Not many that are good. That is one reason the Fridge is now using gcal [23:10:6] cprofitt, i think google does support open ID [23:10:12] I thought google supported openID [23:10:12] I favor gcal, as that has fridge :) [23:10:15] Vantrax: Not for loggin in [23:10:19] Vantrax: stop beating me to it [23:10:20] google supports openid? [23:10:23] IE my google account is an openID account [23:10:31] if Google supports openID and I do not need to have an account with them I am good with GCal [23:10:44] The google account is an open id account, but you cannot sign into google using a different open id account [23:10:44] cprofitt: google hater [23:10:50] as far as i am aware google doesnt support open id [23:10:53] if I need an account with them I would prefer not to use them [23:11:1] ive had gmail for a LONG time and havent seen anything about openid [23:11:6] wow text moves fast during meetings...i was only afk for like 2 minutes :) [23:11:13] Google doesn't support openid at all... [23:11:14] cprofitt: I would be glad to add any events you would like added [23:11:21] jimi_hendrix, Doesn't it though [23:11:22] nods to nhandler [23:11:37] I also am fine updating the Fridge calendar [23:11:38] I don't think the need for a google account is a big deal. [23:11:46] any other consolidation needed ? [23:11:56] just mailing and calendar [23:12:1] bodhizazen: wasent there a project earlier this year to organize the wiki? [23:12:5] I also think we should consolidate into a single BT calender on gcal [23:12:7] Ash_R, perhaps... I would rather have a Microsoft account or Apple account than a Google account though [23:12:8] did that ever get finished? [23:12:13] You can use your Google Account to log into any site that supports OpenID! ... [23:12:13] openid-provider.appspot.com/ - 4k - Cached - Similar pages [23:12:13] # [23:12:13] Google Offers OpenID Logins Via Blogger [23:12:13] After testing OpenID's as logins to Google's Blogger in Draft program in November, Google has become an OpenID provider itself. The news confirms ... [23:12:13] bodhizazen, I agree [23:12:15] www.techcrunch.com/2008/01/18/google-offers-openid-logins-via-blogger/ - 65k - Cached - Similar pages [23:12:18] # [23:12:19] so team leads contact me and make sure you have editing power [23:12:20] OpenID and the Identity Systems of Yahoo, Google & MSN - ReadWriteWeb [23:12:21] Ash_R: as someone with a Google account, I would love to get rid of it...they collect and store way too much that they don't need to [23:12:22] Written by Emre Sokullu and edited by Richard MacManus You may've heard of OpenID - it's a distributed identity management system, aka a decentralized ... [23:12:25] www.readwriteweb.com/archives/openid_vs_bigco.php - 76k - Cached - Similar pages [23:12:27] # [23:12:28] zu22: JESUS [23:12:28] zu22, dont ever do that again [23:12:29] umm oh shit [23:12:31] sorry [23:12:33] zu22: stop [23:12:35] oh snap [23:12:36] zu22: stop spamming during meetings [23:12:38] ues pastebin man [23:12:40] zu22: please stop [23:12:43] bodhizazen, editing power on which -- the GCal or ?? [23:12:45] this is hilarious [23:12:47] it was a mistake! i was pasting a private message to bodhizazen :( [23:12:48] gcal yes [23:13:4] ok... [23:13:12] did we vote on using Gcal yet? [23:13:12] can also give write powers to FG leads [23:13:20] zu22, http://paste.ubuntu.com :P [23:13:25] cprofitt: I am willing to consider an alternate, but then that defeats the prupose as Ubutnu (Fridge) uses gcal [23:13:27] cprofitt: We voted at an earlier meeting to use it for our calendar [23:13:35] ah... ok [23:13:41] zu22: its okay, everyone makes mistakes. but jeez :p [23:13:44] so I need a better arguement then someone does not like gcal or can not be bothered to make an account [23:13:46] thinks nhandler has already contributed way to much to the community [23:13:57] jamesrfla: stop [23:14:6] Ok, can we move on now please? [23:14:9] dont do that, he might stop:P [23:14:9] bodhizazen, noted. [23:14:13] ? [23:14:27] we dont want him to contribute less jamesrfla [23:14:37] nhandler: any other consolidation ? [23:14:43] Otherwise Rocket2DMn is up [23:14:56] Summer of wiki [23:14:57] Just really quick then since we're in a hurry... [23:14:58] bodhizazen: Where are we going to be hosting FG meetings? [23:15:0] Vantrax: Just congratulating him for his effort [23:15:5] Vantrax: jamesrfla: keep it focused [23:15:12] I would like the team to help finish up our FAQ, it hsa been a work in progress for a long time - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/FAQ [23:15:21] nhandler: I think Education on #ubuntu-meetings [23:15:22] Ooh! I can work on that! [23:15:29] other smaller ones ? here [23:15:29] nhandler, #ubuntu-meetings was what the vote decided [23:15:35] Also, after Jaunty is released, perhaps early May, we will start our Summer of Documentation with the Wiki FG. Anybody interested can talk to me after the meeting [23:15:39] cprofitt: That was for BT meetings, not FG meetings [23:15:42] hi guys, sorry bout the time [23:15:58] nhandler, sorry... I did not see the FG part [23:16:3] unless any other team is coordinating outside our team ? [23:16:9] Rocket2DMn: i can work on that wiki page too [23:16:20] currently education meetings are in ##beginners-education [23:16:30] I think basicaly all FGs should be coordinating outside our team, with their respective teams (like Wiki FG works with the doc-tema) [23:16:36] Any focus group that needs to coordinate closely with other teams needs to move to ubuntu-meeting [23:16:41] bodhizazen, the education FG might be a little different for a bit in terms of meetings [23:16:53] how so Vantrax ? [23:17:4] we're in a mtg, right [23:17:5] Vantrax: with the inclusion of pleia2's group? [23:17:11] Rocket2DMn: good point [23:17:16] JoshuaRL, and others [23:17:23] we can move all meetings to #ubuntu-meetings [23:17:37] bodhizazen, that means we would have to behave though ;) [23:17:51] Yes. yes it would. [23:17:53] yea, we need to behave now anyways robbmunson [23:17:59] bodhizazen, I think the EDU group is in flux currently with Vantrax's suggestions... we will likely move to #ubuntu-meetings, but I am not sure that we have worked that through with everyone yet [23:18:0] we do? [23:18:1] we are too large for bad behavior [23:18:4] lolk [23:18:4] it might mean I get to bed earlier too [23:18:16] bring it to ##beginners-fun&games [23:18:34] yes, the education team has put us in the spotlight [23:18:36] jeez, we have a crap-ton of channels now [23:18:58] OK cprofitt , I think the point is to move in that direction is all [23:19:16] bodhizazen, that is fine... I agree with the move in that direction [23:19:23] Back on topic :) [23:19:23] it is just not something that had been discussed yet [23:19:25] why not have a bot cmd for votebot or something that'll list the channels for anyone curious (in addition to having them on the wiki) [23:19:26] if we're moving to meetings and education, plus we have help, why do we need fun&games? [23:19:34] unless that happened while I was in training today [23:19:39] digitalvectorz, I like that idea [23:19:48] digitalvectorz, can we vot on that? I personally like that too :) [23:19:49] It was a joke, fun&games, lmao [23:19:53] cprofitt, nothin happened yet today with Edu FG [23:20:5] bodhizazen: ah. well then. [23:20:15] robbmunson: if we wanna vote on it, i'm up for voting on it [23:20:22] We should list our channels on the wiki [23:20:27] +1 on the voting [23:20:35] vote on what ? [23:20:39] bodhizazen: Aren't they already listed there? [23:20:51] idk nhandler , lol [23:20:59] have not looked to see if they are all there [23:20:59] They are listed there [23:21:2] they are? [23:21:4] i think we're voting on having a bot command for votebot or something that'll list all of our available channels [23:21:10] and or the wiki.. [23:21:11] At least most of them [23:21:12] ##beginners-education has been listed on our meetings page since I did the redesign of the wiki page [23:21:15] actually, that would be a good idea [23:21:16] i'm not quite sure to be honest [23:21:17] we do not need a vote for that :) [23:21:17] bodhizazen: I believe they are listed on the individual FG pages as well as on one of the main BT pages [23:21:19] bodhizazen, I was voting on being able to vote for the Votebot factoid about the channels [23:21:37] idont think we need to vote on that, we'll just get it implemented soon [23:21:38] and i was voting for the voting on the voting [23:21:41] Thats just a nice idea that should be looked at anyway:P [23:21:46] Rocket2DMn: +1 [23:21:47] it is a good suggestion and we can work on it ;) [23:21:49] Okies back on topic people [23:21:51] lol JoshuaRL [23:21:51] lost track of time [23:21:58] Meeting just start? [23:22:3] I'm gonna keep playing the guy watching the clock here. Can we postpone the Edu organization stuff for now except the specific stuff on thte agenda? [23:22:5] bout 20 min in [23:22:10] k [23:22:14] Rocket2DMn, I think so [23:22:14] Rocket2DMn, yes please [23:22:21] +1 [23:22:24] As far as Wiki the summer of wiki is coming up and I would like to see people contribute to the wiki please :) [23:22:40] is up for contributing a little [23:22:42] +1, please talk to me after the meeting if youre interested in helping with the community docs wiki [23:22:43] st33med, We already voted on something [23:22:44] moving on... [23:22:53] Next topic : Testimonials [23:22:56] bodhizazen: do we have a list of what needs to be worked on? [23:22:58] Just a general FYI [23:23:23] if you are going for Ubuntu membership and want a testamonial from me I need advance notice [23:23:36] The same goes for me ;) [23:23:44] I would like to have time to review wiki / LP pages and contributions to the team and forums [23:23:45] can never get Ubuntu membership :( [23:23:53] bodhizazen: omg you're an admin now [23:23:58] so no more "I am on the schedule for tomorrow" [23:23:59] OMG LOL [23:24:0] why would i want YOUR testamonial nhandler? :p [23:24:16] next topic ? [23:24:22] bodhizazen: Hold on [23:24:23] hehe [23:24:24] I pestered bodhizazen last time :) [23:24:34] yes sdennie ? [23:24:52] next topic will be rotating FG leads ... [23:24:58] pending sdennie [23:25:4] ... :p [23:25:10] lawl [23:25:12] I would say that in general, if you are up for membership and want an admin/mod/dev or anyone really to write a testimonial and you think that testimonial is key that you should directly ask them and with notice. [23:25:29] sdennie: good rule of thumb [23:25:32] +1 sdennie [23:25:34] +1 [23:25:39] +1 [23:25:47] OK, FG leads [23:25:47] Also have your wiki page complete before asking. It makes it easier to review [23:25:48] If we don't feel you are ready, we will be glad to help you get there, but we won't just provide testimonials because you decide to go for membership [23:25:51] And never send it to all Ubuntu Members using the Contact this Team feature on LP ;) [23:25:59] /notice bodhizazen I WANT TESTIMONIAL [23:26:4] shhhh nhandler [23:26:7] A long time ago in a galaxy far far away we elected FG leads [23:26:9] +1 Rocket2DMn [23:26:12] bodhi told me to:P [23:26:15] We never set term limits ... [23:26:34] i say 6 mon [23:26:34] So I want to know from the team, should we set term limits ? [23:26:40] Rotate leadership ? [23:26:41] I think so [23:26:41] yes [23:26:41] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Structure - for reference [23:26:44] I agree totally [23:26:44] bodhizazen: I decided my term was up last month :) but +1 for term limits, it stops stagnation [23:26:55] o/ [23:27:1] +1 limits [23:27:1] o/ [23:27:1] OK, so next month we need to [23:27:4] o/ [23:27:5] it's a democracy [23:27:5] 1. Set term limits [23:27:10] though if the members of that fg + the fg leader think the current fg leader should stay on, then let them [23:27:12] Set terms, but allow for reapplication to lead [23:27:13] 2. elect new FG leads [23:27:22] +1 Joeb454 [23:27:27] Joeb454, +1 [23:27:30] The current FG leads are of course eligible for re-election [23:27:32] +1 Joeb454 [23:27:51] go Rocket2DMn (I think you were firse) [23:27:51] I have no problem rotating leaders if others are interested. What if a group is currently pretty active though? For instance, I'd love some help with the Wiki FG, but what is the point in stepping aside if I'm still doing the organizing? [23:28:6] just pass that one in, no need to vote. [23:28:7] exactly Rocket2DMn [23:28:9] FG Leads are fine with me [23:28:11] Rocket2DMn: thats why you can seek reelection [23:28:11] Rocket2DMn: That is why you can run again [23:28:18] so "Term Length" would be more appropriate terminology than "Term Limits" it sounds like? [23:28:20] If current leaders are "best" then there is no need to change [23:28:25] I think the point is [23:28:25] Errr... Voting on them that is [23:28:28] 1. term limits [23:28:34] 2 team vote :) [23:28:43] that way everyone feels they are involved [23:28:50] and FG will not stagnate [23:29:2] 2 terms served max, then the republicans and democrats go after it again [23:29:4] :D [23:29:8] LOL [23:29:15] bodhizazen: One thing I would like is to restrict these leadership positions to BT members who have been around for more than a month [23:29:18] so think about it for next month [23:29:23] +1 nhandler [23:29:35] +1 nhandler [23:29:37] I disagree with setting a term limit...but agree with setting a term length [23:29:37] Do we really need rules like that? [23:29:56] I don't think people will be elected if they are brand new [23:29:59] If you are interested in leading a FG, please add your name to the wiki as well as why / how your are interested in the postion [23:30:13] bodhizazen, how does that work with co-leads? [23:30:13] bodhizazen, which wiki page? [23:30:21] meetings please [23:30:27] I'd rather not submit right now; too busy with school [23:30:28] Vantrax, i would say in that case you just elect 2 people [23:30:29] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings [23:30:51] I like that idea for the larger teams Rocket2DMn , like say wiki and education at this time [23:30:54] newbie question. what is FG? [23:30:58] "| [23:31:0] bodhizazen, do we have a page with the team leads all in one place...? [23:31:1] focus group [23:31:6] Focus group [23:31:7] I thought we used to but can not find it... [23:31:12] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/ [23:31:12] :) [23:31:28] thanks robbmunson [23:31:31] fail [23:31:33] Rocket2DMn, [23:31:43] OK so think about that for next month, unless people are ready to go in 2 weeks [23:32:0] I have to add that back in to the links Rocket2DMn [23:32:0] let's say next meeting, a lot else will be happening in the next 2 weeks [23:32:3] next item - [23:32:6] ========================================================================================================= [23:32:12] Moodle site [23:32:14] cprofitt: The FG leads are also on the Meetings page [23:32:20] st33med: what the [23:32:28] :) Borders [23:32:29] cprofitt, heh, its ok.. [23:32:30] We need a name for moodle site and we need contributions [23:32:35] Moodle/ [23:32:36] ? [23:32:45] I think we need a web address AND a name [23:32:50] Vantrax: has done an outstanding job with this ::) [23:32:52] Learnbuntu is my favourate [23:33:2] bodhizazen: i like Learn Ubuntu [23:33:3] The currently suggested name, which the community manager likes is Ubuntu Community Training [23:33:7] bodhizazen: pending Canonical approval, Ubuntu Community Learning @ learning.ubuntu.com [23:33:12] I sent a request to Canonical to use the name ubuntu [23:33:15] so ... [23:33:17] lolwehatemicrosoft.com:9846 [23:33:17] I like that one Vantrax [23:33:18] I created a poll using some of the names that people suggested on IRC: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-beginners/+poll/ufbt-moodle-name/+vote-simple [23:33:21] bodhizazen: nice :) [23:33:29] question: WTF is Moodle? [23:33:33] I prefer some thing with learning over training [23:33:34] add suggestions to meeting page to be decided in 2 weeks [23:33:43] st33med: where we post info about/with classes [23:33:50] nhandler, sidebar for a sec? [23:33:55] yes robbmunson [23:34:1] st33med, its a content management system for teaching. [23:34:3] Ah [23:34:10] So, I'd use that [23:34:12] sweet [23:34:13] st33med, Moodle is an LMS that I suggested back when I took over... [23:34:14] I like Ubuntu Community Education [23:34:17] and it has now caught on.. [23:34:22] smiles [23:34:26] no im requesting nhandler look at private message bodhizazen :) [23:34:28] Right... [23:34:35] I like Ubuntu Community Education as well, it helps separate it from canonical's official trianing [23:34:38] I will host on my server and if all goes well Canonical will add a CNAME to point to it [23:34:45] Woman pages/ [23:34:46] ? [23:34:49] :P [23:34:49] LMS = Learning management system [23:35:0] I prefer learnbuntu for what it's worth. [23:35:7] lukjad007, me too [23:35:8] bodhizazen, my suggestion is we take the top three and ask canonicals opinion on which one [23:35:17] Vantrax: +1 [23:35:22] +1 [23:35:24] lukjad007, adding the community part and being able to use the Ubuntu name is the best option IMHO [23:35:40] can do Vantrax [23:35:43] . [23:35:53] must have community in it to separate it from the official training [23:35:56] cprofitt: +1. not very many get to use the ubuntu name [23:36:5] So let us put up suggestion for a name on the meeting wiki page [23:36:9] shrugs. I still prefer Learnbuntu, but okay [23:36:15] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings [23:36:37] My vote would be for Ubuntu Community Training or Ubuntu Community Learning [23:36:50] tim... I like the Learning part... [23:36:51] bodhizazen: theres that poll on LP ... [23:36:52] we *may* need to decide before 2 weeks, in shich case the education team will decide [23:36:54] tim_sharitt, put it on the wiki [23:36:56] as it fits more with the vision I think [23:37:7] We *may* negotiate if you will w/ canonical [23:37:11] We can always send an email to the team mailing list too [23:37:13] JoshuaRL: link ? [23:37:19] bodhizazen: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-beginners/+poll/ufbt-moodle-name/+vote-simple [23:37:20] prefers Learning too [23:37:31] That poll contains the names suggested on IRC the other day [23:37:33] OK, that works [23:37:46] bodhizazen, I think that we should give a heads up to canonical while we make a name [23:37:46] update the poll + cast your votes [23:37:46] If it's between the training and learning, I prefer learning. [23:37:47] I like Training, but Learning would make more sense if we can get learning.ubuntu.com [23:37:51] nhandler: could you add the names we've discussed here? maybe just replace some of the more joke ones [23:38:7] Ok boys and girls i hate to be rude but I gotta go rest, got home from doctors and im tired..... [23:38:8] st33med: I sent an email to canonical , no response yet [23:38:13] K [23:38:15] robbmunson, +1 [23:38:30] bodhizazen, we do have a response direct from sabdfl tho [23:38:31] God bless u robbmunson i will pray for ur healing [23:38:32] robbmunson: night man. peace to your mother. [23:38:36] bodhizazen: Who did you send it to? [23:38:57] OK, Vantrax and cprofitt how about turning it over to you two re Education team issues [23:39:3] cprofitt: you may go first :) [23:39:13] copyright@ubuntu.com [23:39:21] I wanted to make sure that people were clear that the addtion of Moodle as a tool for the EDU team was part of a vision I had when I was asked to lead the EDU team. The vision was to build a site for self-paced learning that helped to feed and grow the instructor lead learning. The end game is to use the Moodle site, IRC, Forums and Wiki to weave a powerful educational tool that includes self-paced learning and instructor lead [23:39:21] learning. [23:39:39] I think the 'vision' will get more clear as we move rapidly forward [23:39:57] Vantrax is working on our project outline, etc... [23:40:3] you want to go in to that Vantrax [23:40:8] we will also be releasing some sort of documentation to that effect soon:P [23:40:13] if you want [23:40:38] nhandler: when we are ready, if I do not have a response, we can mail mark directly :) [23:40:47] Basically we are doing a little bit of docco on what the moodle site is for, and what training is planed to be covered in the first instance [23:40:49] Yes, I think we need to nail some stuff down... work with pleia2 and Canonical and the let the BT and other teams know officially [23:40:52] bodhizazen: I would suggest trying Jono first [23:41:8] OK nhandler :) [23:41:10] cprofitt: Vantrax: Could you guys please keep the BT mailing list CCed on these emails? [23:41:13] the training should grow quickly but we want to have a concrete series of training for launch [23:41:14] when we are ready [23:41:30] +1 Vantrax [23:41:34] nhandler, they will be now ive been keeping bodhi in on all the emails as well so far [23:41:40] Like Python [23:41:41] Vantrax: hows things going with other teams feeling like we're stepping in their territory? [23:41:45] For simplicity's sake, I think we should let Vantrax and cprofitt move forwarded with help from bodhizazen , and they can keep us all informted on the mailing list [23:41:47] nhandler, I will on any I initiate [23:42:1] some of them were having a little trouble but over all we are doing well [23:42:6] good [23:42:14] the project plan will make that a little easier [23:42:19] does canonical send us a gift certificate or free ubuntu stuff? mebbe suggest that to them, like all BT members get t-shit, free Ubuntu book, complete set of CD/DVDs, just my idea [23:42:28] Once they are setup and have a few basic sessions setup, we can start organizing more session specifics, having seen what it looks like and how it works [23:42:30] we, Vantrax deserves a lot of credit, as does cprofitt and Rocket2DMn [23:42:30] zu22: I doubt they will do that [23:42:34] nhandler: ok [23:42:35] you have all been outstanding [23:42:36] we want to work with all the work teams are doing already, specifically classroom, bug squad and motu [23:42:49] and training right Vantrax ? [23:42:57] there is also a community desktop training team apparently that I will be getting in touch with soon [23:43:12] I already have contact with that lead person Vantrax [23:43:15] yay [23:43:22] bodhizazen: don't forget nhandler [23:43:22] from a few months ago when I discussed using Moodle [23:43:26] i havent been able to catch them:P [23:43:28] Next in our agenda will be NEW MEMBERS (when cprofitt and Vantrax are done) [23:43:35] Pleia also offered to host Moodle for us back a few months ago [23:43:47] I still have one non-EDU item bodhizazen [23:43:52] I wish I could help right now with Python tutoring, but, with these classes I am taking, I fear it is not going to happen [23:43:57] Basically after the easter weekend you will all have an email with a draft plan that we can comment on [23:43:59] Please be careful not to duplicate efforts of the MOTU School or the Packaging Training sessions [23:44:10] MOTU? [23:44:14] !motu [23:44:14] short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU [23:44:17] +1 nhandler :) [23:44:27] omg He-Man [23:44:30] <8 [23:44:38] with moodle, we can add MOTU content as moodle will render links [23:44:39] nhandler, being very careful not to. We want to include them in the planning so that they can take advantage of moodle [23:44:44] nhandler: so no packaging sessions, huh? [23:44:54] yvan3001! [23:44:58] JoshuaRL: I think that would just be a duplication of efforts [23:45:0] so more orginization and direction to resources rather then duplication of effort [23:45:4] JoshuaRL, yes sessions, but run by MOTU etc [23:45:12] not us [23:45:12] nhandler +1 on that [23:45:23] I think it would be ideal if we invite other teams/group that already hold sessions to incorporate the new tool as part of their toolkit for training [23:45:31] Vantrax: thats a good idea. so, we're looking for the other teams to come under the umbrella we're setting up then? [23:45:32] slides back to being afk [23:45:33] Rocket2DMn, thats already in the planning [23:45:33] +1 Rocket [23:45:38] robbmunson: +1 [23:45:45] Rocket2DMn: +1 [23:45:47] the idea is that several teams can use this platform for their own training [23:45:53] +1 [23:45:53] nice [23:45:59] awesome [23:46:5] they all have access to create courses themselves [23:46:13] Moodle is more of an orginizational tool and IMO adds to wiki / forums / LP [23:46:18] it also provides a central point for community training information [23:46:18] not replaces it [23:46:35] Rocket2DMn, I agree... that was the vision [23:46:39] I think we need to make Rocket2DMn's point clear in the ML discussion [23:46:43] cprofitt: what is your other issue ? [23:46:51] I want us to consider forming a team that will help people who want to advocate for Ubuntu in their local community. Not to intrude on LoCo teams, but to help guide them in that direction and potentially get them resources - like presenations that are creative commons, etc. [23:46:55] it will all be clear when the project plan is announced [23:46:59] not for discussion now... but to consider... [23:47:11] good idea cprofitt [23:47:25] shall we move to new members ? [23:47:30] I am ready [23:47:33] +1 moving on to new members [23:47:33] +1 bodhizazen [23:47:39] +1 bodhizazen [23:47:39] Yes [23:47:41] yes [23:47:42] one other bit [23:47:47] rethinks my afkish and +1s cprofit and bodhi [23:47:47] No. [23:47:59] bodhizazen, need one other thing first [23:48:8] say it quickly Vantrax [23:48:11] go Vantrax [23:48:14] QUICKLY [23:48:19] bodhi needs to leave in 12 min iirc [23:48:19] NAO [23:48:25] I also feel we need bi-monthly meetings :) [23:48:30] +1 bodhizazen [23:48:35] +1 bodhizazen [23:48:40] +1 [23:48:43] +1 [23:48:45] bodhizazen: We tried that for a while, and I thought we felt that they were too frequent [23:48:46] + [23:48:49] Name change recommended from Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team to Ubuntu Beginners Team as most of what we do is no longer forums [23:48:49] So same time in 2 weeks [23:48:50] er +1 [23:48:50] :) [23:48:52] With a bi-monthly meeting, the agenda will be twice as long [23:48:53] +1 [23:49:3] +1 Vantrax [23:49:6] Wait, no, other way around... [23:49:10] Vantrax: I would need to run that by the UF staff [23:49:14] yep [23:49:14] +1 Vantrax [23:49:15] +3.141.... [23:49:19] NEVAR [23:49:21] :P [23:49:23] NO U [23:49:23] heh [23:49:26] NO!!! [23:49:30] on topic please [23:49:38] bi-monthly...every other month or twice a month? [23:49:43] bodhizazen, and move us to a different room as well [23:49:47] i think there are multiple concepts going on in my head atm [23:49:47] twice a month digitalvectorz [23:49:48] digitalvectorz: Twice a month [23:49:58] although I like of topic :P [23:50:3] digitalvectorz, Technically, bi-monthly can be either, but in this case, twice a month [23:50:9] OK I will ask the staff for name change [23:50:13] UBT ? [23:50:14] bodhizazen: Isn't that bi-weekly? [23:50:17] yer [23:50:19] Ubuntu Beginners Team ? [23:50:21] sdennie, its a dual definition :) [23:50:31] name change....oh snap [23:50:33] No. I prefer the current name [23:50:33] NEW MEMBERS [23:50:35] bodhizazen: yes, but lets vote on it first [23:50:39] Thus my confusion. I +1 every 2 weeks. [23:50:40] Also, channel name change [23:50:45] bodhizazen: i mean UBT, lets vote [23:50:49] #ubuntu-beginners [23:50:57] ok name change later, new members now... [23:50:57] -1 [23:51:2] .vote "Request name change to UBT?" [23:51:2] We Are Now Voting On: Request name change to UBT? [23:51:2] Vote with +1, -1, or 0 [23:51:2] You can also /msg Votebot your vote [23:51:7] 0 [23:51:9] -1 [23:51:9] +1 [23:51:10] -1 [23:51:10] +1 [23:51:10] +1 [23:51:10] +1 [23:51:10] +1 [23:51:12] +1 [23:51:13] 0 [23:51:13] +1 [23:51:18] +1 [23:51:18] 0 [23:51:19] +1 [23:51:20] 0 [23:51:22] 0 [23:51:26] .vote [23:51:26] We Are Done Voting On: Request name change to UBT? [23:51:26] 17 People Voted. 10 People For. 2 People Against. 5 People Neutral. [23:51:28] eats all -1 [23:51:31] 0 [23:51:35] lol [23:51:35] Votebot, lagging much? [23:51:36] can see the writing on the wall :) [23:51:39] yea [23:51:43] wait will we still work on the forums? [23:51:46] that is why I ended the vote early [23:51:48] Of course. [23:51:48] there we go :) [23:51:49] jamesrfla, yes [23:51:56] jamesrfla: of course :) [23:51:56] sweet [23:52:0] NEW MEMBERS ? [23:52:3] just acknowladging that forums is not just one focus group [23:52:4] Yes [23:52:10] laggy bot [23:52:10] now just one [23:52:21] bodhizazen: my padawan keeps going up and down [23:52:27] alright, new members [23:52:36] lmao jamesrfla [23:52:39] I think jimi_hendrix is first :) [23:52:42] ========================================================================================================= [23:52:46] Yes. [23:52:47] jimi_hendrix: wish to say anything ? [23:52:52] st33med: :) [23:52:56] jamesrfla: twss [23:53:8] twss? [23:53:8] heh [23:53:11] pong [23:53:18] haha bodhizazen [23:53:20] !twss | jamesrfla [23:53:20] jamesrfla: That's what she said! [23:53:26] lewl [23:53:28] is gonna have to vote 0 on all, just a forewarning to the padawans....sorry i havent seen ya guys :/ [23:53:30] heh [23:53:32] .vote " jimi_hendrix for membership ?" [23:53:32] We Are Now Voting On: jimi_hendrix for membership ? [23:53:32] Vote with +1, -1, or 0 [23:53:32] You can also /msg Votebot your vote [23:53:37] +1 [23:53:37] +1 [23:53:38] +1 [23:53:39] +1 [23:53:40] +1 [23:53:40] +1 [23:53:41] +1 [23:53:41] +1 [23:53:42] +1 [23:53:43] +1 [23:53:43] +1 [23:53:44] +1 [23:53:45] +1 [23:53:45] +1 [23:53:45] +1 [23:53:46] jimi_hendrix: you're biased! :P [23:53:52] jgoguen, lol [23:53:53] YAY [23:53:54] ah well, majority, ill go with that :P [23:53:56] .vote [23:53:56] We Are Done Voting On: jimi_hendrix for membership ? [23:53:56] 17 People Voted. 17 People For. 0 People Against. 0 People Neutral. [23:54:5] w00t! [23:54:6] jimi_hendrix: purple haze [23:54:7] lag [23:54:7] jimi_hendrix, Congrats! [23:54:8] UNANIMOUS [23:54:13] sorry to terminate these a little early, votebot lags [23:54:15] digitalvectorz, all in my brain [23:54:16] Welcome to the team jimi_hendrix [23:54:17] Congratulations Jimi [23:54:17] lukjad007, thanks [23:54:21] :) [23:54:22] thanks Nano_ext3 [23:54:26] Welcome jimi_hendrix [23:54:29] congrats jimi_hendrix [23:54:30] jimi_hendrix: beginners team just don't seem the same [23:54:36] Joeb454: can you op and give access ? [23:54:37] I don't think it lags, its that it isn't multithreaded [23:54:37] lol [23:54:43] Heh digitalvectorz [23:54:49] digitalvectorz, its not that funny, but i dont know why [23:54:50] I have to run...but I vote 0 for swoody (haven't seen him much) and +1 for zu22 [23:54:53] st33med: ibuclaw was tinkering around with threads a while ago [23:54:55] bodhizazen: to who? [23:54:55] It has a hard time queuing stuff [23:55:10] ? [23:55:10] hides [23:55:11] eep [23:55:11] nhandler, I got it half working a while ago ;) [23:55:12] Joeb454: new members [23:55:14] OMGOMG [23:55:14] RUN! [23:55:14] all hail Joeb454 [23:55:15] I have a template [23:55:20] bows before Joeb454 [23:55:22] *** run Joeb454 [23:55:27] bows to Joeb454 [23:55:28] jimi_hendrix: scuse me while irssi dies [23:55:37] all hail /me [23:55:37] lol [23:55:40] ok lets keep moving with voting [23:55:42] <- has to go to a work meeting [23:55:45] ibuclaw: I haven't seen any new version pushed to the VoteBot bzr branch [23:55:59] nhandler, ive not done anything... [23:56:0] nhandler, I haven't really been keeping up... [23:56:0] has to go to bed soon [23:56:6] but yeah.... [23:56:8] plz dont forget me guys [23:56:8] swoody also couldnt make it >.< [23:56:10] Joeb454: after you add them , kick them to test [23:56:11] who is next bodhizazen? [23:56:11] i wait all night [23:56:15] digitalvectorz, rofl [23:56:18] so make him next meeting [23:56:21] digitalvectorz, we need to make a song... [23:56:31] jimi_hendrix, NEXT TIME [23:56:39] Next swoody ? [23:56:40] ? [23:56:41] NEW MEMBERS NEW MEMBERS GOGOGOGOGOGOG [23:56:49] I am taking a very dim view of GTK. I'll be back in a few minutes. [23:56:50] (i was thinking up "We Didnt Pirate Mandriva" to the tune of "We Didnt Start the FIre") [23:56:51] is swoody here now ? [23:56:54] ^ Swoody couldnt make it, do him next time [23:57:4] go for zuzu [23:57:7] bodhizazen: the template doesn't seem to work for me, [23:57:9] we can vote on both of them [23:57:13] Vantrax: is he ready ? [23:57:17] hi [23:57:20] i am here [23:57:21] yeah hes ready ->https://wiki.ubuntu.com/swoody [23:57:24] zu22, we wont forget yo uman [23:57:29] ok [23:57:30] nhandler, what I was going to do was to keep the branch in sync with the main version, only have it in a completely different code structure. [23:57:38] OMG [23:57:38] Night all [23:57:39] RUN [23:57:48] oh snap two of them RUN!!!!!! [23:57:51] Bye. [23:57:53] when do i get voiced? [23:57:55] starts op war [23:57:56] bye [23:57:59] jimi_hendrix: in a minute [23:58:0] okies, i have to run guys, meeting starting in a min [23:58:2] ok [23:58:4] all hail bodhizazen and Joeb454 [23:58:8] nhandler, then came a point where you were uploading so many fixes, I couldn't keep up with that. ;) [23:58:9] bye lukjad007 [23:58:12] nhandler and ibuclaw can you take dev stuff to ##beginners-dev during mtg? [23:58:12] jimi_hendrix, Soon. See you in the morning or later [23:58:15] :) [23:58:29] 2 MINUTES [23:58:30] bodhizazen: you love doing that [23:58:33] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [23:58:36] i love using ubuntu and helping teach noobs and i been helping out on UF and also in IRC. more info on me here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/zu2 [23:58:36] Are we voting on anyone else bodhizazen ? [23:58:38] lukjad007: Bye [23:58:45] Bye all [23:58:47] nhandler: no one voted on me! [23:58:47] nhandler, yes, swoody and zu22 [23:58:47] I like that congrats welcome to the team and then KICKED...lol [23:58:52] bodhizazen: zu22 please [23:58:59] ... [23:59:2] ? [23:59:3] voice? [23:59:10] tick tick tick - next [23:59:13] .vote "swoody for membership ?" [23:59:13] We Are Now Voting On: swoody for membership ? [23:59:13] Vote with +1, -1, or 0 [23:59:13] You can also /msg Votebot your vote [23:59:18] welcome jimi_hendrix [23:59:18] +1 [23:59:18] 0 [23:59:19] 0 [23:59:20] 0 [23:59:22] hey I'm still here for it :) [23:59:23] JoshuaRL, hi [23:59:23] 0 [23:59:23] 0 [23:59:25] 0 [23:59:26] <_Cloud_> 0 [23:59:27] 0 [23:59:27] 0 [23:59:28] 0 [23:59:28] 0 [23:59:30] 0 [23:59:31] 0 [23:59:32] 0 [23:59:34] 0 [23:59:35] >.> [23:59:35] 0 [23:59:36] st33med: stop spamming [23:59:37] .vote [23:59:37] We Are Done Voting On: swoody for membership ? [23:59:37] 14 People Voted. 2 People For. 0 People Against. 12 People Neutral. [23:59:38] +1 [23:59:41] 0 [23:59:42] dangs [23:59:48] Congrats jimi_hendrix [23:59:49] Bye [23:59:51] OK , keep swoody for next time then [23:59:57] Next zu22 [0:0:12] lukthanks [0:0:29] too many neutrals ^^ [0:0:39] .vote " zu22 for membership ?" [0:0:39] We Are Now Voting On: zu22 for membership ? [0:0:39] Vote with +1, -1, or 0 [0:0:39] You can also /msg Votebot your vote [0:0:41] jimi_hendrix: are you identified to nickserv? [0:0:41] +1 [0:0:42] +1 [0:0:44] +1 [0:0:45] bodhizazen: yeah, and i did just to be nice. havent seen a WHOLE lot of him [0:0:46] +1 [0:0:47] +1 [0:0:47] nhandler: does Votebot have a way to limit each user to 1 vote? [0:0:48] +1 [0:0:48] +1 [0:0:53] +1 [0:0:54] 0 [0:0:55] digitalvectorz: Yes [0:0:55] Joeb454, ya i am [0:0:57] digitalvectorz: yes [0:1:0] digitalvectorz, it does that by default ;) [0:1:5] 0 [0:1:10] jimi_hendrix: leave and rejoin :) [0:1:12] -> Dinner [0:1:13] and theres no way around it...unless we change code :P [0:1:17] I knew that, else I would not have done that [0:1:24] w00t [0:1:26] duh duh duh [0:1:28] there we go [0:1:35] \o/ j [0:1:37] \o/ jimi_hendrix [0:1:38] .vote [0:1:38] We Are Done Voting On: zu22 for membership ? [0:1:38] 15 People Voted. 9 People For. 3 People Against. 3 People Neutral. [0:1:43] WHO IS THAT GIRL [0:1:47] Congrats ;) [0:1:51] OK I have one to add [0:1:51] Snova, \o/ [0:1:59] duanedesign: you up for it ? [0:2:5] sure am [0:2:13] duanedesign: got a wiki page? [0:2:14] duanedesign: wiki or something? [0:2:19] .vote " duanedesign for membership ?" [0:2:19] We Are Now Voting On: duanedesign for membership ? [0:2:19] Vote with +1, -1, or 0 [0:2:19] You can also /msg Votebot your vote [0:2:20] been quizzed? [0:2:21] yes [0:2:22] what happen?? [0:2:22] okay, nvm that...i miscounted.. [0:2:23] +1 [0:2:25] +1 [0:2:29] duanedesign: went the dark path [0:2:31] 0 [0:2:33] 0 [0:2:37] zu22: bye :) [0:2:37] 0 [0:2:40] 0 [0:2:41] what was the result of my vote? i was kicked before i saw the vote tally [0:2:42] 0 [0:2:47] 0 [0:2:52] dude Joeb454 he had voice [0:2:54] ? [0:2:54] Joeb454: He already was... [0:2:54] yes [0:2:55] zu you are a member :) [0:2:57] 0 [0:2:57] it was zu22 [0:3:1] 0 [0:3:1] grats zu22 [0:3:1] yeay! [0:3:2] plz paste me the vote result [0:3:3] meh [0:3:4] <_Cloud_> 0 [0:3:5] congrats zu22 :) [0:3:6] zu22: youre a team member dude [0:3:7] i wanna see who voteed for me [0:3:9] cool [0:3:14] zu22, it was way high bro.... [0:3:18] joeb why u vote 0? lol u know me for 6 months [0:3:20] anyways [0:3:23] oh cool [0:3:25] YAY [0:3:32] zu22: I've not seen you around [0:3:36] zu22: [19:01] 15 People Voted. 9 People For. 3 People Against. 3 People Neutral. [0:3:39] i am honored and proud to be a member [0:3:41] and I need to pay more attention to these votes clearly [0:3:44] zu no more religion stuff in this channel, too divisive [0:3:44] joeb454: umm ok lol [0:3:45] zu22: Congratulations [0:3:45] zu22: GET TO WORK [0:3:47] <_Purple_> congrats zu22 jimi_hendrix :) [0:3:50] you brought it up :p [0:3:53] .vote [0:3:53] We Are Done Voting On: duanedesign for membership ? [0:3:53] 14 People Voted. 3 People For. 0 People Against. 11 People Neutral. [0:3:54] bodhizazen: for sure [0:4:7] bodhizazne: lolwut? dude i not preach to anyone, paultag and me was have discussion at his leading [0:4:8] _Purple_, thanks [0:4:15] i do not proselitize [0:4:19] u can ask anyone whyo know me on irc [0:4:20] zu22: you started it with the praise jesus [0:4:24] oh snap [0:4:25] paultag: WUT!? [0:4:30] i never said that [0:4:31] so that is what happens when I send to much to one person [0:4:33] zu22: do you really want me to get the logs [0:4:36] zu22: this is not open for discussion [0:4:38] paultag: YES [0:4:46] i never did anything wrong [0:4:49] I just want to make it clear to you as you brought it up [0:4:50] How bout we /religion-chat [0:4:50] bodhizazen, did he get in and swoody did not? [0:4:52] zu22: also no all caps. It is not becoming of a member [0:4:57] This is not a religion channel, period [0:5:1] too divisive [0:5:1] no i never brought it up, i only responded to what paultag said [0:5:8] oy vey. [0:5:14] tell paultag to not bring it up then [0:5:16] zu22: ill get the logs [0:5:18] i just reply him honestly [0:5:33] can we vote to remove preachers from the UBT? [0:5:33] zu22: this is not open for discussion [0:5:35] o.O [0:5:37] we got any more voting to do [0:5:45] we can vote to remove zu22 :) [0:5:45] zu22: I send them to you [0:5:52] Ok, I think we just have a misunderstanding.... [0:5:54] +! [0:5:57] jeez, everyone just have a chill [0:5:58] bodhizazen, did duane make it or not? [0:6:4] yes cprofitt [0:6:10] Rocket2DMn: +1 [0:6:14] the vote was the same as Swoody's so I just wanted to be sure... [0:6:17] crap I lost my logs. JoshuaRL do you have logs? [0:6:26] JoshuaRL: can you pastebin todays to me? [0:6:29] hands paultag dead tree [0:6:30] Votebot, will have logs, they will be posted as always [0:6:31] calm down it was a big long meeting. Everybody just chill you know.... [0:6:31] I have logs [0:6:35] paultag: yeah [0:6:38] ok, everyone chill and if you have arguments/misunderstandings with others bring it to private please so that we can just do the meeting without the BS. Thanks :) [0:6:39] indeed, the topic of religion came up earlier today and the conversation was frankly inappropriate for this channel [0:6:43] JoshuaRL: thanks mate [0:6:56] any other team busnissed [0:6:59] businness [0:7:10] Nope [0:7:16] I wanted that statement to be a part of the meeting logs ^^ [0:7:36] OMG, I have to run :) [0:7:39] .meeting [0:7:39] =-=-=Meeting mode disabled=-=-= }}} ---- CategoryBeginnersTeam