= Log of meeting on 4/21/09 = == General Agenda Items and Proposals == PLEASE COME TO THE MEETINGS PREPARED. This means: 1. If there is an issue for the team, add it to the agenda. 1. Agenda items then should be discussed "informally" on #ubuntufourms-beginners. 90 % of the discussion should have taken place before the meeting. The channel should be enjoyable for everyone, but keep in mind the purpose of the channel is to discuss team functions. 1. Ideally, meetings then are for decision making, team votes. Read the agenda and discuss your thoughts before the meeting. 10 % (or less) of the discussion should happen during the meeting. 1. Agenda items that require more then 5 minutes of discussion may need to be deferred. ||Who||What|| ||BodhiZazen||Reminder : We are an "official" Ubuntu channel - CoC moment|| ||paultag JoshuaRL||BT Job Posting Board|| ||[[Speeddemon8803|robbmunson]]||Editing of votebot admins and removal of those admins who no longer wish to be on it.|| ||[[Rocket2DMn]]||All BT members should be subscribed to the team mailing list - see the [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-beginners|team Launchpad page]]|| ||BodhiZazen||Reminder : Membership process revision 2|| ||BodhiZazen||Reminder : Masters - update status and padawan page|| ||BodhiZazen||Reminder : We are using LP to list members. If you are not listed -> devoice :)|| ||[[Rocket2DMn]]||Candidate for deletion, unmaintained, duplicate: [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Guide]]. Vote to approve.|| ||[[zu22]]||Discussion: I found a great intro linux guide based on Ubuntu prepared by Linux Format magazine which they offer as a free download. It is 14MB PDF file (11MB zipped). This guide is very comprehensive and nicely designed and written. http://www.tuxradar.com/linuxstarterpack|| ||[[zu22]]||Discussion: Missing BT members, I was told we had about 100 members on BT but the LP page only lists 50. So where can I find out who the other members are? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-beginners/+members|| ||[[zu22]]||Vote: ""Should we update the FG process to make it smoother for newbies?"" Improve process of getting involved in a FG. I think it would be nice to have a well defined mentoring process for getting members involved in FGs. For example I was interested in the Security FG so I joined the IRC channel and did not find out from the IRC TOPIC nor the wiki page exactly what a newbie to the FG should do to become involved - paultag was nice enough to explain to me what to do. Also I was interested in the IRC FG but the wiki page doesn't have an upcoming meeting day/time listed. Maybe we can have a helpful process (ideally represented in a guide) that all FGs will follow to mentor prospective members and have the relevant IRC channels include a link to this newbie guide in the TOPIC.|| === Agenda discussion === (none) == Log == {{{#!IRC [00:00] #startmeeting [00:00] Meeting started at 18:00. The chair is cprofitt. [00:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [00:00] Welcome to the UFBT meeting - the agenda is here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings [00:01] we will wait a few minutes to see if our team leader bodhi makes it [00:02] What is the main topic tonight, the link has a meeting for past meetings, or where on the page is the minutes for the meeting [00:03] Nano there is an agenda on that page. [00:03] Nevermind I see it, so bodhi might be absent? [00:03] I will announce the topics as we go using MootBot [00:03] ok [00:04] ok... let me hit the first topic and we can hope that Bodhi makes it in late... [00:04] TOPIC Reminder : We are an "official" Ubuntu channel - CoC moment [00:05] [TOPIC] Reminder : We are an "official" Ubuntu channel - CoC moment [00:05] New Topic: Reminder : We are an "official" Ubuntu channel - CoC moment [00:05] Bodhi and the council discussed the CoC (Code of Conduct) and wanted to remind you that the CoC does apply to #ubuntuforums-beginners [00:06] are there any questions or concerns about this? [00:06] Don't think so cprofitt , it's pretty straightforward [00:06] i am not sure if i am out of line if i am i do apologize. would it help if everyone signed the CoC. I am not sure if everyone has since I am new.. Do you know what i mean [00:06] ok... moving on [00:06] [TOPIC] BT Job Posting Board [00:06] New Topic: BT Job Posting Board [00:06] Yo [00:07] this was Josh + my idea [00:07] paultag or joshua [00:07] cprofitt: I'll take it [00:07] * cprofitt nods [00:08] So, in the spirit of integrating us more with the community at large, I propose a "job" board, where we are able to post tasks for members to complete, if they wish. This would give people an easy way to pick up and get involved with the community. [00:08] Good idea , seconded [00:08] This might contain a task of perhaps sorting 5 bugs, or document package X [00:08] * cprofitt nods [00:08] should be organized so people dont work over each other [00:08] o/ [00:08] small things, but a way to get us focused on beyond the forums. [00:08] yo Rocket2DMn [00:09] I like the basis of the idea [00:09] You mentioned having a board, but I have noticed in the past that using the wiki doesn't tend to work very well for large numbers of people. Perhaps you would like to file bug reports against our team and members can assign them to themselves? Use LP Bugs as a workflow system sorta [00:09] Rocket2DMn: I agree. the -dev team can write one no problem. [00:09] Rocket2DMn: Hold on [00:09] Rocket2DMn: or LP, LP is great too [00:09] some sort of tickiting system that assigns to BT members [00:09] +1, it sounds like a good idea to me (sorry, suffering with lag right now) [00:10] I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly then [00:10] sdennie: yo [00:10] the ok loco has a projects and ideas page. we put ideas on there and if someone wasnts to work on the project they move it up to the active table and put there name next to it. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OklahomaTeam/foo/testProjectsIdeas [00:10] o/ [00:10] duanedesign: Wikis are a bit problematic with large groups [00:10] hold on digitalvectorz [00:10] sdennie: anything? [00:10] I thought the idea was, "Here is how to get involved in the team". And then ways to get involved like paultag suggested. [00:11] O/ [00:11] cprofitt: yo [00:11] digitalvectorz: then you [00:11] let digitalvectorz go first [00:11] I think we are talking about separate issues sdennie , i don't think paultag 's system is geared toward new members [00:11] digitalvectorz: poke [00:11] Rocket2DMn: +1 [00:11] paultag: what about integrating the bt in with firefly, in having them document packages and starting to get ff up a lil more? [00:11] digitalvectorz: Firefly is a bit small for this. We can write something new that will scale a bit better. Or LP. Either will be OK [00:12] cprofitt: hit it [00:12] my question was answered [00:12] we can move along [00:12] I would -1 using the dev team's project, we are already integrated in LP and shouldn't have too many systems around [00:12] I'll o/ [00:12] +1 Rocket2DMn [00:12] +1 [00:13] Rocket2DMn: that is a valid concern, but it would be ok to have a place that we have 100% of jobs for us [00:13] Rocket2DMn: but yes. Two logins would be an issue. Long term perhaps OpenID, but that is for later. [00:13] sdennie: yo [00:13] paultag: I like your idea but, I think it should be aimed at new members [00:13] sdennie: how so [00:13] ok... so can we all agree the idea of a job board is good... and the specifics needs to be worked out? [00:14] hold on cprofitt, sdennie has an issue [00:14] So, I think it should be a comprehensive "How/WhereTo" get involved. [00:14] +1 sdennie [00:14] sdennie: True, but having tickets that we need to fill would be great for new and old members [00:14] sdennie: so we can have a ticket to document package X, or package package Y, and uplaod to Revu [00:14] I think we can build a system that does both... the beginners get involved slowly and more advanced folks take on 'higher skill' jobs [00:14] cprofitt: Right. [00:15] That's not unreasonable [00:15] Any other issues? [00:15] paultag, will this be something your group works on the details of? [00:15] cprofitt: I'll take lead on this, sure. [00:15] cprofitt: I'll document it up, and solidify it. [00:16] paultag, when will your FG be meeting so interested folks can particpate? [00:16] cprofitt: TBA. I will coordinate with you to get involved. [00:16] cprofitt: this will be a team wide deal, not just one FG [00:16] sounds good... [00:16] Cool, let's make sure it gets on the gcal and perhaps an email goes out [00:16] +1 [00:16] Rocket2DMn: I'll follow up [00:16] +1 Rocket2DMn [00:16] is rob here? [00:16] Sounds like a plan guys. Shall we move on with our agenda then? [00:17] +1 [00:17] i dont think Robb is with us any more, but his issue is still valid I suppose [00:17] cprofitt: no and not on MSN. We should move that to next meeting [00:17] [TOPIC] All BT members should be subscribed to the team mailing list - see the team Launchpad page [00:17] New Topic: All BT members should be subscribed to the team mailing list - see the team Launchpad page [00:17] Rocket2DMn: he is stilll part of the team [00:17] we can go back to his issue if he comes in late [00:17] Ok, that is just a reminder that all BT members should be on our mailing list, on LP [00:17] I think only 3 members currently arent on the list - overdrank, saj0577, and Bodsda [00:18] hi! sorry i had to help my sister with groceries [00:18] We will work to get them subscribed. That is all [00:18] got here as fast as i could [00:18] I think that's right [00:18] zu22, please keep idle chat in the team channel. Thank you. [00:18] [TOPIC] Reminder : Membership process revision 2 [00:18] New Topic: Reminder : Membership process revision 2 [00:19] Ok guys, so the BT Council has had some lengthy discussions and laid out some more solid guidelines for new members. [00:19] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Padawan [00:19] cprofitt: I approve of the new process but will miss asking bewildering questions about swallows. [00:19] Basically, new users post in the thread, hand out in IRC, and create a wiki page to start [00:20] * cprofitt notes sdennie's comment [00:20] We felt that to help new members get involved, they should join a Focus Group (forum activity counts for this) [00:20] Rocket2DMn: +1 [00:20] sdennie: don't worry, as soon as they're on irc I ask that [00:20] Finally, new members should sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, as we will be enforcing this in the BT channel more than we used to [00:20] Rocket2DMn: I will naturally guess that creating tutorials, etc will be considered as the edu FG? [00:21] yes, thewrath [00:21] And of course, Padawans should have a Master :) We will be working on that part of the process a bit more with Masters [00:21] Rocket2DMn: +1 [00:21] thewrath, certainly could be! [00:21] any questions guys? [00:21] thewrath: It can also be considered part of the Forums focus group [00:21] or even Wiki FG if that is where you are putting your tutorials [00:21] Yes [00:22] so it depends on how you are releasing a tutorial? [00:22] Yes [00:22] yeah, it's up to you though [00:22] okay noted [00:22] Any other discussion on this topic? [00:22] [TOPIC] Reminder : We are using LP to list members. If you are not listed -> devoice :) [00:22] New Topic: Reminder : We are using LP to list members. If you are not listed -> devoice :) [00:23] We have been using LP to track members for some time, but we are now making it the official tracking system since LP works well for this (membership expires, etc) [00:23] paultag: hello [00:23] I like how well LP works, so that always seemed nice [00:23] that goes along with the earlier mention that you need to be on the LP [00:23] Any BT members who are not on the team should contact bodhi or nhandler [00:24] They can get you setup [00:24] o/ [00:24] go plars [00:24] pleia2, * [00:24] in order to be a part of a focus group like education you have to be a member of the team (to be on the mailing list) which makes you a member of the main team too [00:24] but not all of us are actually members of the main team officially [00:25] I believe that is correct, I don't see a problem with that [00:25] there is some leeway in that I think [00:25] The forums are our main focus, but we are not exclusive [00:25] pleia2: are you referring to padawans with being officially being apart of the main team? [00:25] yes, there is some leeway pleia2 [00:25] no, pleia2 is referring to being part of the EDU focus group, but not part of the UFBT [00:25] which she is [00:25] pleia2: In the past, well known members of the community have been made members simply by asking [00:26] It was a topic that came up in our meeting with Canonical [00:26] that should grant indirect membership, does it not? [00:26] o/ [00:26] It might Rocket2DMn but I do not think pleia2 wants all of our email... just the EDU FG mail [00:26] go paultag [00:26] pleia2: So, if your concern is that you'd have to go through some sort of process to gain access to things, I wouldn't worry about it. [00:26] does this mean we have two membership levels, indirect by being part of a FG, and a main team member? if so I think we need to revise something... [00:27] paultag, no... I do not think that is the issue. [00:27] sdennie: I'm just wondering about, for instance, padawans who want to join edu focus group (not me specifically) [00:27] Well, Padawans are looking to join the main team, so should be on the main mailing list. Is it as cprofitt said? You don't want to get the rest of our mail? [00:28] which is a logical concern if the EDU FG is successful with Moodle [00:28] I would be more than willing to use my website as a channel for the edu goup for some key posts [00:28] Ok, well we are working on getting rid of the BT's extra mailing lists for FGs, but some FGs work directly with other Ubuntu teams that have their own mailin glist. [00:28] Nano_ext3: we can talk later, but we avoid this [00:28] It is definitely a subject we need to explore [00:28] ok [00:28] Rocket2DMn: I don't mind getting the mail :) I was just talking about how using LP to keep track of things might get tricky because of this [00:29] * cprofitt nods [00:29] I should note there will be a different team created (outside UFBT) for people who are involved in the community training project that BT is starting [00:29] ok pleia2 , 2 things then: [00:29] on the topic of mail, perhaps Education/Learning needs its own mailing list separate from the BT Edu FG which members of that FG would also subscribe to (like Wiki FG does with the doc-team list) [00:29] pleia2, I think we can discuss that in our council meeting - it is a valid concern... I believe the EDU FG is sep. on LP from UFBT [00:29] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuforums-beginners/+members does not show you as a member pleia2 , so i think we're safe [00:30] I think we need to discuss this more Rocket2DMn - but not now... [00:30] Ok, no problem, we can move on [00:30] we will have a large number of people working with the EDU team if things go well [00:30] ok... [00:30] [TOPIC] Candidate for deletion, unmaintained, duplicate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Guide. Vote to approve. [00:30] New Topic: Candidate for deletion, unmaintained, duplicate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Guide. Vote to approve. [00:31] go ahead and let me know when to call the vote Rocket2DMn [00:31] Ok, that page on the communiy docs is old, I just wanted to get rid of it unless anybody has objections. It is duplicating other stuff on the community docs and isnt maintained [00:31] O/ [00:31] btw, that /Beginners area is our old wiki area before we moved to the team wiki [00:31] go jamesrfla [00:32] I think it is a great guid it just has too many links leading to different pages. Maybe using that to explain [00:32] That is what it is for jamesrfla , we need to avoid duplicating effort [00:33] It is really just a portal pages to real information [00:33] but sometimes that is good having something written in another way [00:33] somebody might read the guide and not be able to understand it. Maybe the 2nd guide they can understand. See what I am trying to say? [00:33] well any actual help material should be placed on the proper wiki page that is being linked to [00:34] ok ... shall we vote? [00:34] What does it duplicate? If it's better, and maintained, I'll +1 the removal of it. [00:34] I understand your point, but that page is not where "alternative explanations" should be [00:34] sdennie, https://help.ubuntu.com/community [00:34] Better [00:34] +1 [00:35] [VOTE] Delete https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Guide [00:35] Please vote on: Delete https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Guide. [00:35] Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [00:35] E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 received from PartyBoi2. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 received from cprofitt. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 received from Rocket2DMn. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 received from sdennie. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 received from ds305. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 [00:35] 0 [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 received from zu22. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6 [00:35] +1 received from Joeb454. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 7 [00:35] 0 [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 received from jgoguen. 8 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 8 [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 received from paultag. 9 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 9 [00:35] 0 [00:35] gotta use a + jamesrfla [00:35] +0 [00:35] +! [00:35] Abstention received from jamesrfla. 9 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 9 [00:35] +1 [00:35] +1 received from Vantrax. 10 for, 0 against. 1 have abstained. Count is now 10 [00:35] +0 [00:35] Abstention received from duanedesign. 10 for, 0 against. 2 have abstained. Count is now 10 [00:36] [ENDVOTE] [00:36] Final result is 10 for, 0 against. 2 abstained. Total: 10 [00:36] [AGREED] Delete https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Guide [00:36] AGREED received: Delete https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Guide [00:36] [ACTION] Delete https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Guide [00:36] ACTION received: Delete https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/Guide [00:36] Action accepted, I'll take care of it later [00:37] [TOPIC] Discussion: I found a great intro linux guide based on Ubuntu prepared by Linux Format magazine which they offer as a free download. [00:37] New Topic: Discussion: I found a great intro linux guide based on Ubuntu prepared by Linux Format magazine which they offer as a free download. [00:37] zu22, [00:37] you're up [00:37] o/ [00:37] Link to the guide? [00:37] greetings gents let me fetch the link [00:37] http://www.tuxradar.com/linuxstarterpack [00:37] LINK received: http://www.tuxradar.com/linuxstarterpack [00:38] any questions on the 1st item? [00:38] o/ [00:38] go ahead Rocket2DMn [00:39] Is there something in particular you wanted to discuss about it? I think thta if you believe it is a good guide, then you should keep it in your personal repository of links and use it on the forums when appropriate [00:39] +1 Rocket2DMn [00:39] ok [00:39] i really wish to now only discuss item 3 [00:39] I agree. I don't doubt that it's a good guide but, I'm not sure what the topic is about. [00:39] i think we should vote on updating the FG process for newbies [00:39] to make it smoother [00:39] o/ [00:40] go ahead paultag [00:40] * zu22 yields the floor to his colleague paultag [00:40] zu22: I think the issue is that it is largely undocumented, from the start of the team it was just a group of guys hacking around with the same stuff [00:40] o/ [00:40] Now that the team is bigger, we need to think that we can't all be there talking [00:40] and saying, oh yeah. I will start doing work with you on XYZ [00:40] zu22, we are working on making it smoother... as we said in the previous discussion about Padawan and Masters [00:41] esp now that we have more the one chan for a FG [00:41] I think it should be the Master's job to help get their Padawan involved in a FG that they are interested in. [00:41] I mean, a FG has a chan [00:41] +1 Rocket2DMn [00:41] paultag: ok i want to volunteer to helo work on the new FG process [00:41] new channels are going to be implemented? [00:41] s/helo/help [00:41] Nano_ext3: they already are. [00:41] Rocket2DMn: We do have a guide for masters right? [00:41] Nano_ext3: if a FG is not relevant to the main team, the get put into another chan to keep the main chan on topic [00:41] o/ [00:42] Nano_ext3: i.e. Development. our on topic, is Off topic for the main chan [00:42] We do not yet have a guide for masters... but we are working on it. [00:42] go zu22 [00:42] when i joined some FG channels there was no clear info in the /TOPIC [00:42] making involvment in a FG mandatory for new members will help w zu22 concern [00:42] so i thought adding some guide for each irc channel would help [00:42] duanedesign: +1 [00:42] maybe IRC FG can do this [00:42] +1 zu22 [00:42] zu22: I think perhaps a Wiki might be better suited? [00:43] paultag: hmm [00:43] I'm not sure if there could be a guide for masters. Every candidate has their own needs, every master has their own ways. And sometimes the master/padawan thing is just a formality. [00:43] not sure what do others think? [00:43] I think each of our channels should have a topic set... even if it only directs people to the wiki page [00:43] sdennie: +1 [00:43] cprofitt: +1 [00:43] Rocket2DMn: can we have some Wiki FG help with getting this set up? [00:43] cprofitt: +1 [00:43] sdennie: true but maybe something that needs to be requierd for all masters [00:43] o/ [00:43] I'd be happy to help anybody learn to use the wiki, but I think whoever is in charge should make the changes themselves [00:44] I think we are good on that topic... and we can work with the IRC FG to assist other FG teams ensure they know how to manage their channels [00:44] cprofitt: I don't think that is a big issue [00:44] cprofitt: most FG leads are IRC vets [00:44] ok thewrath [00:44] jamesrfla, there was a set of guidelines being drawn up by council i think [00:44] The idea was presented in a council meeting to have a sort of generic checklist to follow that can be stored on a Padawan's personal wiki page [00:44] Rocket2DMn: +1 [00:44] its wouldnt be the end-all, but its a start [00:45] jamesrfla: No, I don't think so. My padawans have been ibuclaw, ds305 and the like. The guide for welcoming them here consists of, "Don't worry. Just be yourself". [00:45] ok... lets move along [00:45] o/ [00:45] zu22, [00:45] Specifically when I joined Security FG irc channel i had to ask members how to proceed. [00:45] zu22: security is very small [00:46] I understand zu22 [00:46] So i think each FG irc channel having some help blurb in topic would be nice. [00:46] we will work on making that better [00:46] paultag: ah [00:46] ok [00:46] I think a blurb and link to wiki would be good... [00:46] but we will discuss it further [00:46] [TOPIC] FG Leader Nominations - Elections [00:46] New Topic: FG Leader Nominations - Elections [00:46] cprofitt: nothing else on agenda and no new members..... [00:46] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/Meetings [00:46] see the meeting page for nominations [00:46] Elections take place every 6 months. Please add your name with a link to your wiki page. On your page, have a short agenda of your proposed plans for the team to fulfill in the following 6 months. Proposed agendas should be no more than 100 words. Current leads are listed and assumed to want to be considered for re-election, but still must have a proposed agenda. [00:47] no date has been set for the elections yet, but we wanted to make you aware of this. [00:47] Rocket2DMn, or nhandler anything to add? [00:47] I think we want to do this at the next meeting [00:47] You can see my wiki page for an example agenda [00:48] oh sorry cprofitt didn't nottice the FG but might be a good idea for next meeting [00:48] k [00:48] ok... we have one nomination for new member this month [00:48] [TOPIC] New Member Vote -- swoody [00:48] New Topic: New Member Vote -- swoody [00:48] +1 [00:49] +1 [00:49] Vantrax, would you like to say anything? [00:49] +1 [00:49] +1 [00:49] swoody: your UF profile and maybe wiki link please [00:49] we have not started the vote yet [00:49] Haha [00:49] Swoody can cut it, and hes going to be working on developing courses with the EDU team soon [00:49] Sorry [00:49] d'oh! [00:49] is swoody here? [00:49] o/ [00:49] yes Joeb454 [00:49] he is in the channel [00:49] zu22, [00:49] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/swoody [00:49] ok cool :) [00:49] i found the channel he was after: #ubuntu-hardened [00:50] (Security FG) [00:50] thanks Vantrax [00:50] zu22, please stay on topic [00:50] https://wiki.ubuntu.org/swoody [00:50] ok... [00:50] vote time [00:50] [VOTE] Approve Swoody [00:50] Please vote on: Approve Swoody. [00:50] Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [00:50] E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [00:50] +1 [00:50] +1 [00:50] +1 received from PartyBoi2. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 [00:50] +1 received from cprofitt. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 [00:50] https://launchpad.net/~swoody [00:50] +1 [00:50] +1 [00:50] +1 received from Vantrax. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 [00:50] +1 [00:50] +1 received from sdennie. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 [00:50] +1 [00:50] +1 [00:50] +1 received from Rocket2DMn. 5 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 5 [00:50] +1 received from jamesrfla. 6 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 6 [00:50] +1 [00:50] +1 received from ds305. 7 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 7 [00:50] +1 [00:50] +1 received from paultag. 8 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 8 [00:50] +1 received from duanedesign. 9 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 9 [00:51] - [00:51] 0 [00:51] [ENDVOTE] [00:51] Final result is 9 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 9 [00:51] +1 ;) [00:51] [AGREED] Swoody for member [00:51] AGREED received: Swoody for member [00:51] grats swoody [00:51] congrats [00:51] wow that was quick [00:51] Congrats, welcome to the team [00:51] I didn't even get to vote [00:51] welcome swoddy [00:51] [ACTION] give swoody voice in main channel [00:51] ACTION received: give swoody voice in main channel [00:51] 'grats swoody [00:51] aww shucks, my padawan is all grown up [00:51] I would've +1'd anyway, so congrats swoody [00:52] * Joeb454 gives swoody voice [00:52] ok... that bring us to the conclusion of our meeting... [00:52] ty everybody :D [00:52] please check the meeting page for information about our next meeting and thanks for attending [00:52] [ENDMEETING] [00:52] ok [00:52] #endmeeting [00:52] Meeting finished at 18:52. }}} ---- CategoryBeginnersTeam