== General Agenda Items and Proposals == PLEASE COME TO THE MEETINGS PREPARED. This means: 1. If there is an issue for the team, add it to the agenda. 1. Agenda items then should be discussed "informally" on #ubuntu-beginners. 90 % of the discussion should have taken place before the meeting. 1. Meetings are primarily for decision making/team votes. Read the agenda and discuss your thoughts before the meeting. 10 % (or less) of the discussion should happen during the meeting. 1. Agenda items that require more then 5 minutes of discussion may need to be deferred. ||Who || What || ||[[cprofitt]]||Security Focus Group Plans for next year|| ||[[lukjad007]]||All matters that are going to be discussed at the meeting that are of significance be sent to the mailing list at least one week prior to the meeting|| ||[[lukjad007]]||Moving major decision making from IRC meetings to Launchpad votes|| === Agenda discussion === I decided to put a few of the items on hold for now, since they are somewhat difficult to implement and would not really be feasible right now. ||Who || For later || ||[[lukjad007]]||Trimming the list of members who are no longer active from the active members list to allow for an accurate reflection of who is still a participating team member|| ||[[lukjad007]]||Introduction of a mandatory requirement of 2/3 response (positive, negative or abstaining) of all current members.|| ||[[lukjad007]]||Suggestion that a full 60 percent of the active members of the UBT be required to vote in *agreement* for any major changes in the team|| == Log == {{{#!IRC [22:11] #startmeeting [22:11] Meeting started at 16:11. The chair is cprofitt. [22:11] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [22:11] welcome to the Beginners team meeting everyone [22:11] HEY [22:11] Heh [22:11] Hi [22:11] hello [22:11] Easwar are you here? [22:12] Seeing as Easwar is not here I will table his topic [22:13] [topic] Security Focus Group Plans for Next Year [22:13] New Topic: Security Focus Group Plans for Next Year [22:13] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Security [22:13] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Security [22:13] I have recently taken over the FG Team lead for the Security [22:13] I want to focus on doing two things [22:14] 1. Cleaning up and adding security pages to the wiki [22:14] on the linked page you can see a table towards the bottom [22:14] this will be run just like the Wiki team runs their summer of documentation [22:15] if you are interested in assisting the process of documenting security on the wiki please add to the table [22:15] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Security [22:15] again that is the link to the page [22:15] cprofitt Okay, that looks good to me. [22:15] 2. develop courses that will contribute to the UCLP on security related topics [22:16] these could be how to chroot jail an SSH server or how to use SSH to secure transmissions between two networks [22:17] If you would like to work on courses for the UCLP please contact me via email or in the Beginners Team channel #ubuntu-beginners-team [22:17] [topic] All matters that are going to be discussed at the meeting that are of significance be sent to the mailing list at least one week prior to the meeting [22:17] New Topic: All matters that are going to be discussed at the meeting that are of significance be sent to the mailing list at least one week prior to the meeting [22:17] you are up lukjad007 [22:17] Thank you [22:17] has the meeting started? [22:17] Yes [22:18] yes, it has pedro3005 [22:18] ah. sorry then [22:18] no problem [22:18] so... what are you discussing? [22:19] There has been a bit of an uproar over some recent changes. I think a lot of it was because people didn't feel they had enough time to vent. And suddenly the mailing list was active. Well, I suggest that we have the discussion before the meeting, rather than during and after. [22:19] I agree, I think that was what was always intended but never really happened in practice [22:20] so it would be good to encourage that more strongy :) [22:20] lukjad007: that has been something we have encouraged in the past [22:20] To that end we just make it mandatory that all "big" topics that are going to be discussed at the meeting need to have *at least* one week's time on the mailing list [22:20] Anything else just gets put onto the next meeting [22:21] that sounds reasonable [22:21] I'm fine with that [22:21] are we prepared to move to the next topic? [22:21] I would like to say that there seems to be very few people here today... does anyone think we should postpone anything? [22:22] -1 [22:22] imo [22:22] I think we can go over what was discussed via the mailing list [22:22] Okay [22:22] [topic] Moving major decision making from IRC meetings to Launchpad votes [22:22] New Topic: Moving major decision making from IRC meetings to Launchpad votes [22:22] you again lukjad007 [22:22] k. [22:23] This is another subject that is there to allow more people to have a say in the meetings. It seems that sometimes things happen and the meeting is just at the wrong time. [22:24] like today as an example [22:24] * pleia2 nods [22:24] If we move to launchpad and let the voting go for a little while (a matter of days, not weeks) we could let more people have more say [22:24] I would agree. [22:24] I think that 3 days for voting would be fair, though that's negotiable [22:24] I think to really move this forward we have to actually propose the change [22:25] via the mailing list [22:25] me too, and I think it would encourage active use of the mailing list during the voting period and before [22:25] Agreed. [22:25] I think that if we are going to do that, then get rid of the meetings.. Everything else can be done on ML [22:25] cprofitt I did... [22:25] complete with an example of how voting would be conducted [22:25] let people see how it works [22:25] cjohnston I think the meetings are useful for personal realtime interaction and for voting on new members [22:25] then we can discuss it in a meeting... and perhaps move to a meeting [22:26] lukjad007: I agree [22:26] discussions are supposed to happen in the channel and on the ML [22:26] I like that membership approval still happens on irc :) [22:26] and it's nice to get together in real time [22:26] well... most discussions are supposted to happen on the ML, but there is still space to allow some discussion in here [22:26] like we are doing now [22:26] pleia2 I think that membership *must* stay on IRC. [22:26] Why not vote for new members on LP too then? It's only fair that if certain votes are going to be available to everyone (via lp) not just those at the meetings that we give membership votes to everyone via lp [22:26] we just can not have deep long term discussions in the meeting [22:27] cjohnston: that is a good point and one we can adress on the ML [22:27] cprofitt May I give you my proxy for the rest of the meeting, something just came up, I'll try and get back asap [22:27] adding new members isn't a deep long term thing. [22:27] any more to add to this lukjad007 ? [22:27] +1 pedro3005 [22:27] cprofitt Nope, I'm done [22:27] silver is not here [22:27] cprofitt You have my proxy, okay? [22:27] so I think we can table the other two items that are his [22:27] pedro3005: but why not give all BT members a chance to vote on the new members [22:28] is akos here [22:28] I am [22:28] lukjad007: would you like to tell us about akos? [22:28] cjohnston, they do. just attend the meeting. if they don't, no big deal. [22:28] cprofitt He's a very competent and well mannered padawan, I think he's ready :) [22:29] * Akos smiles [22:29] Akos: what is the answer? [22:29] pedro3005: then all votes in meetings.. and "they do, if they dont no big deal" [22:29] it goes both ways [22:29] I have had no issues and I think he will be a great asset to the team [22:29] cprofitt: Yes, I am ready (: [22:29] it goes both ways [22:29] cjohnston: we can pick this discussion up on list :) [22:29] No.... the answer Akos ? [22:29] check [22:29] the answer to the ultimate question Akos [22:29] cjohnston, Big decisions should be on the LP or whatever. But as adding new members isn't much of a big decision, not everybody needs to be heard. just who attended the meeting. [22:30] pedro3005: lets table this [22:30] it is Akos time in the spotlight [22:30] cprofitt: I do trust myself, a Yes is closer to me than a maybe [22:30] * cprofitt laughs [22:30] cprofitt Just FYI, tabling something in US and tabling something in Britain mean the opposite. [22:30] Akos: I was making a geek reference no worries [22:30] does anyone else have any questions for Akos ? [22:30] cprofitt:i got no such training from lukjad007 :P [22:31] lukjad007, how could you? :P [22:31] or does anyone move for a vote? [22:31] Akos I thought you knew! [22:31] cprofitt Table [22:31] lukjad007: ? [22:31] lukjad007: I thought you can see what I knew *smirks* [22:31] move for a vote? [22:31] vote for what? [22:31] Vote for what? [22:31] Akos for member [22:31] Akos' membership [22:32] it is on our agenda [22:32] hence why he was being asked questions [22:32] * cjohnston makes a motion to table the membership votes due to the lack of people present to make votes.. motion to move membership votes to LP [22:32] denies cjohnston's motion [22:32] I disagree [22:33] the decision to have votes on the LP has not been adopted [22:33] I don't think it's fair to change the process out from someone who is already on the agenda [22:33] Vote [22:33] hence we can not do that yet [22:33] and +1 pleia2 [22:33] +1 for Akos [22:33] I will move to vote then [22:33] im making a point [22:33] [VOTE] Akost for membership [22:33] Please vote on: Akost for membership. [22:33] Public votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to MootBot [22:33] E.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting [22:33] +1 [22:33] +1 received from cjohnston. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 1 [22:33] sorry about the typo [22:33] +1 [22:33] +1 received from cprofitt. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 2 [22:33] +1 [22:33] +1 received from pleia2. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 3 [22:34] are there any more votes? [22:34] +1 [22:34] +1 received from pedro3005. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 4 [22:34] * Akos bakes the cookies [22:34] lukjad007: do you have a vote? [22:34] [ENDVOTE] [22:34] he passed already... if thats the only vote left [22:34] Final result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 4 [22:34] welcome, Akos :) [22:34] [ACTION] AKOS is a member [22:34] ACTION received: AKOS is a member [22:35] Welcome to zombocom [22:35] * Akos smiles wide [22:35] yay [22:35] thank you guys :D [22:35] [AGREED] to welcome Akos as a member [22:35] AGREED received: to welcome Akos as a member [22:35] congrats Akos [22:35] thy (: [22:35] #endmeeting [22:35] Meeting finished at 16:35. }}} ---- CategoryBeginnersTeam