= Log of Launchpad Focus Group Meeting on 3/11/09 = == Meeting Agenda == ||Who||What|| || [[nhandler]] || Regular Meetings || || [[nhandler]] || Areas of Interest || || [[nhandler]] || Mentors || == Log == {{{#!IRC [22:59:39] Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Launchpad/Meetings [22:59:41] on vantrax or ajmorris huh [23:0:1] Vantrax said he had work. I haven't seen ajmorris for a while [23:0:41] I actually want to go a little out of order and start with item #2 on the agenda [23:0:57] Hi PartyBoi2 [23:1:8] hi guys :) [23:1:10] haz ppl! [23:1:21] :) [23:1:37] I am interested in seeing what area of Launchpad people are interested in contributing to [23:1:58] meeting here ? [23:2:1] Yes [23:2:44] Ok, I guess I'll start - BUGS! [23:2:46] If you are currently active on LP, could you please mention what areas you have been contributing to. If you are not active on LP, please say what areas you are interested in learning/starting to contribute to [23:2:49] nhandler: myself, mostly bug triaging and some poking into Answers [23:3:4] learning to triage anyway :) [23:3:20] Has anyone tried translations? [23:3:36] o/ [23:3:44] What language? [23:3:50] Canadian English [23:4:0] Very good [23:4:3] I might try Canadian French too [23:4:13] I personally spend a lot of time working with bugs that have patches [23:5:1] I tend to focus on new bugs, which means i spend a fair amount of time fiddling with development releases and crash reports [23:5:13] The reason I am asking is because I want to designate certain members as mentors. [23:5:19] on occasion i dig up really old bugs, too [23:5:30] i tend to get hate mail for the latter though [23:5:33] These mentors would help new users learn the ropes about a certain section of LP [23:5:45] I've mostly been trying to go after older bugs, and some stuff on the hug days [23:5:57] I will probably be leading a bug triage class for the Education team [23:6:3] The mentors would also be encouraged to lead sessions through the education fg [23:6:17] Rocket2DMn: Glad to hear that [23:7:6] I reserved all the LP related courses on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Education/Proposals for the FG [23:7:14] Is anyone here interested in leading a course? [23:7:45] I'd be OK with doing Rosetta, I'm just not sure what exactly to cover and what to either leave out or for later [23:7:48] There is a proposal for how to use LP (bugs and answers) and one for how to use BZR [23:8:22] jgoguen: You can cover whatever you want. That is the great thing about leading it [23:8:50] awesome...well then if there's a course for Rosetta I'm willing to take that [23:9:1] staging.launchpad.net would be good for demos too [23:9:20] jgoguen: I don't think there is a proposal for that, but you can go ahead and add it [23:9:29] "How to Use Launchpad" is a little vague, how much can you see about that? [23:9:31] staging.launchpad.net is nice...when it is working [23:10:8] Rocket2DMn: I think they just want an introduction to how to look up/report bugs and how to ask/answer questions [23:10:57] If you have any other course ideas, please talk to someone on the education fg about it. They can help you make all of the arrangements [23:11:10] nhandler, maybe it should be jsut geared toward users, not helpers/developers at all [23:11:23] kinda like ,how to use LP to get support [23:11:34] Rocket2DMn: I think that would make a great course [23:11:40] so asking questions, filing bugs, following up with bugs, etc [23:12:1] Interested in leading it? [23:12:8] bug triage is a step up from that [23:12:17] ill lead triage, but somebody else can do the basic into to LP [23:13:14] 2 sessions are enough for me. Maybe Vantrax or ajmorris would be interested [23:13:59] Changing the topic, I would like to discuss the direction that this FG will go in [23:14:29] From the looks of it, we have members that have a wide range of interests on LP [23:14:46] Should we focus on a particular section of LP? Or should we cover all of it? [23:15:57] for a basic course, just provide an introduction to areas that new users would end up using - Overview (user info, joining teams), bugs (filing and searching), Answers (asking, responding) [23:16:16] Rocket2DMn: I'm talking about this FG, not education courses [23:16:29] ah i thought you were talking about an LP class for education [23:16:48] i think this group should just be for anything on LP [23:16:59] jgoguen: What do you think? [23:17:7] If the people have enough experience with the various areas that collectively all of LP can be covered, then it all should be covered [23:17:43] I think the members of this FG should do what they like on LP, and can draw from other members' skills if they want to expand their knowledge base [23:18:49] What do you guys think about having mentors/leaders in this FG for the different sections of LP? [23:19:1] Probably a good idea [23:19:16] Do we have enough people to do that? [23:19:35] I wouldn't mind making a table on the FG page to track people's skills, but I wouldn't go so far as to introduce a mentor program [23:19:44] Rocket2DMn: We really don't have enough members to do much of anything. We will need to do a lot of recruiting [23:20:14] Rocket2DMn: It wouldn't be a real mentor program. The mentors/leaders would be in charge of determining what direction this FG would take in their respective sections [23:20:34] They would also help teach new users the basics (which is the mentoring part) [23:20:51] nhandler, I agree, hence just having a table of skills should be enough. If somebody wants to learn something new, they just ask somebody with those skills [23:21:32] you can grade skill level with like "none, low, moderate, high, expert" [23:22:43] I'm even fine with just listing areas of interest and designating whether or not you feel you are capable of teaching new users about that area [23:23:12] I think we're after the same goal here :) [23:23:21] But before we can really do anything, we need more members [23:23:53] You want me to make that table on the LP FG page, and if you dont like it you can delete it? [23:24:1] I'll send out an email to the other members of the team on LP and try to determine if they are still interested in the team and just couldn't make the meeting, or if they have lost interest [23:24:12] Rocket2DMn: Go for it :) [23:24:43] I think we should also try to pull some other BT members into the FG [23:24:50] Ok, maybe for keeping people involved, set a short expiration time on the LP fg membership, and if they prove to be dedicated, you can extend it for a longer period of time [23:25:20] LP is probably the best way to track FG members, maintaining a wiki page of members doesnt seem to work well [23:25:23] Rocket2DMn: I think I have the expiration currently set to 1/2 a year (like the real BT) [23:25:38] yeah, maybe something like 2 months would be better for starters :) [23:26:5] I can change that. Also, if anyone is willing to create a small icon for the LP team, that would be great [23:26:24] That way, I could easily identify FG members on LP using the Greasemonkey script [23:28:9] Is there anything any of you guys would like to discuss? [23:28:36] not at this time [23:28:46] jgoguen: How about you? [23:28:58] nothing for me [23:29:11] I'm looking for the BT avatar overlay for a possible LP icon though [23:29:31] jgoguen: I can hunt that down later [23:29:37] Ok, so the current plan is to work on recruiting new members and to get some classroom sessions going [23:29:54] What about meetings? When do you want to meet again? [23:30:9] I was thinking about a monthly meeting [23:30:30] let's see where we are in a few weeks and decide if we want another meeting [23:31:9] Rocket2DMn: I would prefer to get a meeting scheduled. We can always cancel it if we have no need for it [23:31:24] ok, if you want [23:31:38] This time of day works for me, Mon-Thu is best [23:32:5] I'm going to try and use Doodle to schedule this meeting [23:32:28] For those of you who haven't used it, you list a selection of dates and times. Each user can then specify what times work for them. [23:33:36] jgoguen: What days work for you? [23:34:6] Doodle? Why not use gcal? [23:34:21] I have class Wednesday nights from 7:00pm to 9:45pm UTC-3 but most of the time any other night is good [23:34:50] Rocket2DMn: The final meeting time will go on the gcal. Doodle is to help choose the meeting date/time [23:35:2] ok, cool [23:36:1] i added that table to the page, it could probably be expanded on though (for instance, break down skills further) [23:36:23] Thanks a lot Rocket2DMn [23:38:5] If there is nothing else to discuss, I see no reason why we can't end the meeting early [23:38:14] +1 [23:38:15] I'll send the Doodle link to the mailing list when I am done [23:38:36] jgoguen: Any last comments? [23:38:40] cool, thanks for organizing [23:38:55] nope...just waiting for the Doodle link [23:39:40] http://www.doodle.com/d8qrhzzkg93s2muy [23:39:45] Ok, meeting over }}} ---- CategoryBeginnersTeam