== Meeting Agenda == ||Who||What|| || [[Rocket2DMn]] || Summer of Documentation, 2009 || == Log == OK guys, BT Wiki Focus Group meeting time, being held here, since we are really part of the doc team Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Wiki I'm gonna keep this really short Now that Jaunty has been released and schedules are starting to open up, we will start the Summer of Documentation Last year we focused specifically on the wiki, but this year we will expand into all documentaiton, including system docs you can see last year's notes here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Wiki/SoD2008 For the wiki, we will focus on getting docs updated for Jaunty we will also work on implementing and using the Tag system also see here for the doc team's list of tasks - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Wiki/Tasks The doc team recently reorganized their structure, so the open team is now here - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-doc-contributors we dont use DocuMENTORS anymore that team there is for anybody contributing to documentation, so if you're not on it, you should join it any questions so far? nothing? has everybody here used the wiki? I feel like I'm talking to myself We're listening. Ok, anybody who currently isn't should join the doc-team mailing list - https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-doc lagging Even just listening in on it will give you a good idea about what is going on the with the doc team, this is esp. useful to those interested in system docs btw, the docteam homepage is here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam it is being restructured a little bit right now, but it is mostly complete Does anybody have any questions about using the wiki? or how exactly to get involved with the docs? I have a procedural question. go for it ds305 I had to upload about 10 graphics for updating a wiki. Each I assume generated a message to somebody. Is there a way to upload multiples? afaik, you need to upload them one at a time. If uploading attachments mails anybody, it is really limited I wouldn't worry about it * ds305 Will not worry. However, if you are updating a wiki page, please use the PREVIEW button, not SUBMIT until you are finished with your changes. that is good wiki etiquitte Please, ask any questions that you have, now is the best time Ok... Is there an approved method for getting old graphics deleted? Sorry for the lag. Normal users don't have access to the delete function. Rocket2DMn: Since I'll be eating dinner, I just wanted to let you know that I will be participating in the SOD, mainly with the system documentation That is correct ds, you need to talk to somebody on this team - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-doc-wiki-admins TY thanks nhandler Any other questions? The docteam did some sessions during Ubuntu's OpenWeek last week, check out Tuesday's events if you want to see the topics and logs - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek * merriam has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) If there are no other questions, we are pretty much done You have 42 minutes remaining.... You can feel free to contact me at any time that you have questions. You can also email the docteam mailing list, which I mentioned earlier. * Taim (n=taim@27.pyvl4.xdsl.nauticom.net) has joined #Ubuntu-Doc ds305, i said i was keeping it short :) ;-) last call for questions? Going once... twice......... .......... gone! That is all, meeting over, yay! Thanks Rocket. thanks Rocket2DMn :) no proble, I'm excited for this summer thanks for participating :) ---- CategoryBeginnersTeam