#title Natty Road Map - Focus Group Containers * '''Launchpad Entry''': [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-beginners-projects/+spec/beginners-team-focus-groups|Ubuntu Beginners Team Focus Group Redesign]] * '''Created''': cprofitt and duanedesign * '''Contributors''': ubuntu beginners team council * '''Packages affected''': NA == Summary == The current focus groups should be organized in to containers that remain stable regardless of the flux in focus groups. This change should make it easier for both other teams and ubuntu users to determine who to contact in regards to focus groups. <
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> FG Containers Finalized Structure: * Contribute (example focus groups: Development, Artwork, Bug Squad, QA - Testing, Accessibility) * Support (example focus groups: Documentation, IRC, Forums, Ask Ubuntu, Translations) * Advocacy (example focus groups: Local Communities, Ubuntu Weekly News) <
> FG Leads: * Initial leader of a newly formed focus group will be by appointment by the council working with the associated team lead. This is due to their being no candidates for an election * Future leads will be elected by the FG, Council and associated team lead from a pool of candidates. All candidates have to be current mentors in that FG == Release Note == == Rationale == The creation of containers will aid in the following areas: * gives other teams a contact for suggesting the need for a focus group related to their team * allows users interested in joining the UBT to get a better idea how their focus group fits in to the Ubuntu community - contribution, support or advocacy for example * allows for the creation of more fine grained focus groups such as packaging FG, application development FG or bug triage FG * allows for greater scalability as the UBT grows == User stories == * Fran is a user who wants to become involved in Ubuntu and actually contribute, but is not a coder. She is not sure how to get started, but greatly wants to give back to the community. She remembers a discussion about the Ubuntu Beginners Team and finds their page. She then chooses the 'contribute' container and goes to the 'contribute' page which lists several focus groups that contribute to Ubuntu. She is excited when she sees and artwork focus group. As a high school art teacher she feels she can be successful at contributing art to the project. She decides that she wants to work with the art focus group to learn how to contribute art to Ubuntu. * Jorge is a current Ubuntu Beginners Team member and does help desk work during the day. He wants to do a bit more than just help user on the forums, in irc channels, and on askubuntu.com. He is unsure of what other opportunities exist. He goes to the Beginners Team wiki page and clicks on the 'support' container link. When he gets to the page he sees two possible focuses - Documentation and Translation. He decides to join both focus groups so he can learn more specifics about the Ubuntu teams associated with these focus groups * Carlos is current Ubuntu Member and one of the leaders of another Ubuntu team. His team has taken on more responsibility and he feels a need to get more people involved. His team is already over tasked so he does not feel his current members can be tasked with developing new team members. He heard about the Beginners Team at UDS-Natty and goes to the wiki page. His team contributed directly to Ubuntu so he clicks on 'contribute'. He does not see a focus group on the 'contribute' page that would link to his team so he contacts the 'container' contact and initiates a discussion about creating a new focus group in the 'contribute' area. == Implementation == * develop a list of 'container' groups (with names) * review the 'containers' with the ubt-council * develop a survey to determine of the 'containers' are understood; try to make the survey globally accessible if possible * review the survey results (repeat the above steps if not satisfied with the results) * implement 'container' names by changing the header and making 'container' pages * create new fg headers that include a link to the ubt home page and the 'container' home page * designate 'container' contacts * share the results with the ubt * share the results with the greater ubuntu community via jorge and jono === Migration === * current users will have to be informed that they will now find focus groups under the appropriate 'container' * focus group pages should include a link back to both the ubt home and the 'container' home == Test/Demo Plan == TODO == Unresolved issues == TODO == BoF agenda and discussion == TODO ---- CategorySpec