* The topic #ubuntu-be is : http://ubuntu-be.org | get support at #ubuntu-nl, #ubuntu-fr, #ubuntu-de, #ubuntu | IRC meeting on Wednesday 2010-03-24 at 21h (UTC+1), see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/IrcMeetings for agenda and more information * Sujet de #ubuntu-be défini par jean7491!~jm@ le Fri Mar 19 21:08:55 2010 * #ubuntu-be :http://www.ubuntu-be.org/ I'm here for the meeting but I'm busy, so please highlight me when necessary :) * Clamam (~claudio@d51A51CAF.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be Hi to all, who is here for the meeting ? Claudio Mammarella, Clamam hello rulus , Clamam , ... hello JanC hfsdo mandel mimor siegie ? ping present * pvandewyngaerde (~id984031@224.35-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be hello hfsdo , mandel jean7491, hello, sorry I have not been around much but I was on holidays :D ok mandel, you are allways welcome ! pvandewyngaerde ? JanC ? mimor ? siegie ? * Enissay est parti (Remote host closed the connection) anyone else for the meeting ? * siegie est parti (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) hi hello pieter mimor ? JanC ? * siegie (~siegie@shell.sin.khk.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be let's start with topic 1 – past and future events dipro oostmalle 21/3 report ... the booth was runned by 2 volunteers. sofar i know from siegie, the public in relation with the size of the fair, fairly small. As we started earlier the preparation, there was enough material, including posters, flyers and cd's. the unused promotion material (20 cd's, …) material is available by rulus in ghent for the dipro fair on 18/4. our team has a lot of conversation with interested visitors, and installed ubuntu on a laptop during the fair. Pictures ( rulus ) and report (sigie ?)) will follow in the wiki. the total of the gifts (32.40 euros) was less than the booth fees rulus or siegie : comments? ah, I just updated the wiki with a tiny report, that can probably be replaced/updated with this information something to add ? siegie ? or other comment ? no, not really anything to add thx rulus and siegie for your work in oostmalle ! next item : dipro genk 28/3 Clamam prepared the booth (4 volunteers, hardware, promotion and decoration material). everything is ready. the team is ready to cooperate with the bitmappers for ubuntu-promotion, including the release party in genk on 16/5 Clamam : comment or addition ? No, i think that everything is ready for sunday ok, i suppose you will see fabian in the fair ... JanC ? no answer from JanC ? Does the bitmappers have a own booth ? i don't know yesterday evening fabian wrote that the booth was not yet requested I'm here I might sounds stupid, but what are the bitmappers? JanC , did you follow the last exchanges ? bitmappers = computer club in hasselt * siegie est parti (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) ok http://www.bitmappers.be/ * siegie (~siegie@shell.sin.khk.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be jean7491, thx has there been further contact with the bitmappers about the booth yet? Fabian didn't contact me like Jean7491 suggested to him JanC no contact with me , is our booth requested to dipro ? and he's not here either and didn't mail AFAICS... jean7491: I am/was waiting to order, as we don't know how much to order (we don't know how much space they want...) if I order tomorrow that's okay for dipro of course, you can not order today ! I can, they are not asleep yet ;) and most days they read e-mail in the evening but they make the floor plan on Friday, so no problem are they still waiting for your message ? if yes, order now, if later fabian ask more place in our booth, we can ask later more to dipro ! other comment for genk ? otherwise next item No next item : dipro ghent 18/4 i've only questions ! questions are : “ubuntu booth or not” ? ... who is volunteer for the booth ? who will coordinate the booth ? about Genk: Clamam: can you use (more) official CDs? I can send them through the post tomorrow & they should arrive on Friday then i think that Jean7491 have sent me some cd's but i haven't recieved them yet jean7491: well, do you need more? ☺ ive got 12 original CD's en 3 copy's, i can make more copy's. wait ... jean7491: I can probably help in Gent (but would have to check the date of an "eerstecommunie"-party in the family first) but depends on if there are other volunteers in Gent too of course Clamam: I can probably send some more CDs then... Ok. no point in having leftover official CDs at the end of April :-) cedric was suppose to send yesterday a lot of original cd's, i just requested confirmation from him to Genk? yes, to Clamam but without confirmation, i doubt, ... if he sent it yesterday then i wil recieve it tommorow, because today they warent in the mail but a b-plan (reserve-plan) is likely handy ! i still have 10 original cd's and 16 home-burned "a lot" sounds like package if i have to many cd's on sunday i will send them to the next coordinator of the next event. I think there aren't any until Gent ☺ anyway, I'll look into sending CDs tomorrow thank you cedric had 50 cd's to summarize : JanC, you send cd's to Clamam, and we'll see later about the cd's for ghent, if ... 50 CDs is a package that doesn't count as a normal letter, so kilopost or taxipost or something... so you might have to sign for it idd I'll send less (A4 enveloppe max. 3cm thick is biggest that counts as a normal letter IIRC) i was today at home and the rest of the week also, so i will waith for the packages. good after genk, we come back to ghent questions are : “ubuntu booth or not” ?- who is volunteer for the booth ? - who will coordinate the booth ? preparation needs time, beginning with collecting material and the constitution of a team nobody here from ghent area ? as initiative should come from ghent-ubunteros ! mimor ? * rulus_ est parti (Quit: Leaving.) if no comment, next item ? next item : release parties Lucid Lynx 10.04lts - already announced in mechelen on 3/5 by hcc vlaanderen (likely meeting) and in genk (cultuur-centrum) on 16/5 by the bitmappers (big event!) and in brussels on 9/5 by DeWereldMorgen.be (ex-Indymedia), more information will be published release party genk http://www.releaseparty.eu/show.php5?page=home sorry, this one http://www.ubuntu-meeting.be/ about ghent : is there a possibility to organize a release party for lucid lynx ? Who will coordinate this event ? again this is a question for ubunteros from ghent ! ... about antwerp ... with local ubunteros i started a project to organize within the ubuntu-be booth at dipro 9/5 something, an “install-launch-rp-lookalike”- we are studying the possibility question is sent to dipro for faisability i'm optimistic about volunteers for the booth how do you see a release party at a dipro fair? not a release party, but an animation, like install party in an improved area in the afternoon, or something like that if they give our booth for free? ☺ (if we make some promo for it...) if dipro agree (we need at least 6m x 4m), - main problem will be promotion in antwerp area to attract people : suggestion, and certainly help, will be welcome * siegie est parti (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) this is a win-win situation for both dipro and ubuntu-be jean7491: if we get the space for free it's a win-win, yes what they lose from the booth they could win from extra visitors usually we have a depth of 2 to 3 m with 4 m in front for +/- 38 euro : we need a little more depth an to be sure we will have this depth Just a question here, how many people usually go to the release parties, ' cause in the dipro fair I wne not that many people were "truly interested" most are small, more like release parties but the big one in Herk-de-Stad 2 years ago had 300 visitors i've no answer, this is why i spoke about additional promotion locally in antwerp in dipro fair, we usually have little to do in the afternoon ... maybe if we put fliers at the CS (Computer Science) unis? maybe first years join us and things like that "most are small, more like small install parties" I meant JanC, got you ;) * siegie (~siegie@shell.sin.khk.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be for antwerp, first brain storming to have a coherent project, then the promotion ... flyers, other possibilities, ... most people don't go to the other side of the country for having their PC installed or 3 beers and a chat, but in Genk (or H-d-S) there are several talks & presentations & the like JanC, so just to get an idea (since I'm new in the country) what would be the best options in terms of attendance? what do you mean? JanC, for example, use more resources for Gent 'cause we know there will be more people due to other talks take more cds, info... you know we will look for dipro answer ... and eventually negociate ... at the same time i already asked some ubunteros from antwerp for ideas, ... brain-storming ... I don't know if it's a good idea to make 2 large release events in Flanders... nothing else for the release parties ... next item : other events ... from me, nothing, JanC ? mandel: but more local drinks or install parties sounds okay to me uh, I've got a point to make here :D mandel: please do I know is far away, but any one going to UDS, I'll be present and will probably take out for a dinner or two mandel: I'll be at UDS most likely and some others too maybe we can do something around the fact that it is in belgium ;) the release party in Genk is 2 days after the end of UDS I was thinking to ask if some peopel can stay over until then and attend... JanC, maybe I can convince one or two to stay at my place some people from the international community I mean at least a spaniard one... it's one of the things we can do to help the Bitmappers ☺ maybe somebody even wants to talk there... JanC, let me ask around... maybe a good drink will work but I'd have to ask Fabian about that first Ok jean7491 I'm here JanC : don't forget release party in genk is organized by bitmappers, and not by ubuntu-be : first ask to bitmappers! jean7491: yes, of course jean7491: about talks, I can't decide about visitors, that's no problem of course everybody is welcome I'm sure :-) mimor : we alredy spoke about ghent, did you read the log ? not yet just arrived home anyway, any updates about Gent ? not yet I'm going to a meeting tomorrow someone said I can use the space but jean7491 you asked me for a small report it's quite easy a not too big room mentality of the people is nice if you want to present something, you can just do so if you want to give a workshop, you're welcome too there is a beamer a wall to project to I'll check if I can find pictures of the space how many people, in confortable situation : 5, 10, 20, ... 15 I guess 22 in the other room it's like 22 people in the room are no problem but they won't all be able to have their laptop on a table there are sofa's (one of them is mine ^^), fridges, internet, power... like everything it sure is big enough for a RP sounds like a good install party location? THE place to do so i understand 2 rooms, 15+20 people = approx 30: it seems good :) 15 people on a chair with a table and laptop... best make it an install party then ;) we can't install 22 PCs at the same time anyway OR something like 20 ppl to sit down we can do anything we want :) but I'll be there tomorrow and internet is available I presume? right, you mentioned already yes decent internet? tomorrow is meeting 12... http://hsg.bn2vs.com/Meeting12 quite white-spaced program atm :) so i'll have some time to ask them whatever we have to know to throw a RP it is decent I mean, when downloading updates for 10 people at the same time... ;) better to have 20 Mbit/s than 2 Mbit/s then :P if there would be 20 people, I'd rather set up a mirror :) or a proxy but good idea we'll see what you know after tomorrow ok, looks good, just do it ! do you have ideas about an organizing team ? let's see... same as last time? JanC brings CD's depends on the date you can bring cables and do some decoration :) and I'll take care of the rest? but it's nice we don't really need CDs they have lightning talks & workshops of all sorts of computer related stuff oh, about other events, the people from Libre Graphics Meeting asked if some people from ubuntu-be want to volunteer for them (but I'll mail the list about that) so the tech-part of the release party will be a little higher than last time it's like.. mimor's release party V0.2 hehe ok, after the meeting tomorrow, think about date (when?) and promotion + invitation yep anything else about tis event ? I want to follow their usual approach to presentations for the RP if we do it at their place it's like: Give lightning talks on stuff such as the major changes in Ubuntu 10.04 and then do some hands-on stuff so if someone knows something cool in the ubuntu 10.04 to demo... let me know ok, other event in ghent is dipro 18/4 questions are : “ubuntu booth or not” ?- who is volunteer for the booth ? - who will coordinate the booth ? I think we should skip this one ok, next week ! some people expect us to be there... but okay, next week... is it the answer to the first question yes or no ? ok, we will see next week next topic is - Promotion item #1 - we need a public-relation team helping to promote ubuntu information and activities in the media. * mandel est parti (Read error: Connection reset by peer) first work is to write and disseminate an article about the release of 10.04lts any contact on this subject with the bitmappers ? I'm fine with helping to write a PR in Dutch (and maybe English?) * mandel (~mandel@211.86-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be comments ? are there other volunteers to work on this project ? if no comment, next item ... and I'll contact the bitmappers, as I have to contact them anyway jean7491, mind pasting the last part, lucid gave up on me :P mandel: see PM I can help with the english without a problem I'm not sure an English PR is useful is there any relevant English press in .be? well, I dont think there are so many eng speakers anywa :( maybe some publication for expats in Brussels? anyway, if somebody knows one, we can write one if no other comment, next item ... * bbartek est parti (Quit: Ik ga weg) item #2 - comment about the proposal to burn CD's for Ubuntu-be ? (see last weeks reports in the wiki) one more item to discuss with the bitmappers ☺ remember : we are looking for volunteers to lead this project (related to 10.04lts and to investigate the possibilities, including prices-offers. comments ? volunteers ? if no interest for this item, it will not stay in the agenda ... for next meetings I can always voluteer but since I do not speak dutch or french I am usually useless ... I can take picts though ;) thx ! mandel, you're more than welcome to the RP you should learn Dutch! :P there will prob. be a french guy and a german guy :D so there will be some english ;) mimor, cool, let me know when JanC, not enough time jean7491, let me now if you need a photographer and I'll take care or a english speaker ;) mandel, could you do a talk on desktop-couch? you might want to copy-paste the one from fosdem >< mimor, yes, ofcourse, but I'll do a better one, no that detailed mimor, and I got the app running for cooking recipes to pick up to practice changes etc :D nice we continue the agenda : i presume that we can skip the topic "support points map status", as mongolito404 is not present yes topic 4 – things living in the mailing list item #1 : new ways/events to promote ubuntu: all suggestions are welcome, everybody can look for contact and propose activities - any proposition ? this was my last item, other questions not in the agenda ? last topic is : next meeting on 31/03/2010 at 21 h. hi, i'm back. Last item , can't we get something on the radio like a few years ago ? what do you mean ? we can Urgent should be able to announce it I guess :P what should we do to like, get it on the evening-news? would be nice to have them promote it as much as they did promote Windows 7 2 years ago or so, mark vdb was on radio 1, about ubuntu sweet I think the release of ubuntu 10.04 LTS would be a great moment to repeat it :p perhaps we can ask him : btw this is a great topic for a p-r team ! other comment ? do we have a PR team? :à no do you like role-play? :p but we can imagine like we have one :D no, since a few weeks i'm asking initiative, proposition and volunters for a p-r team (with people who knows about p-r), but without success (till now, i stay optimistic) mimor: we can send them a press-release of course urgent i mean nice, who will lead the project "press-release" ? * squel (~jm@ a quitté #ubuntu-be * mandel_macaque (~mandel@128.85-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be next meeting, i can't be here, to much free beer. (student presedium ellections) :) lol ok, end of the meeting, see you (except siegie) next week , thanks for your participation ! have a good night ! jean7491: maybe just ask who wants to help writing a press release on the mailing list siegie, valid excuse :d * Clamam (~claudio@d51A51CAF.access.telenet.be) a quitté #ubuntu-be but there can never be too much beer :) mimor thanks :) asking for people to lead means many people get scared ;) JanC : i'll add the question in the report, better make it a separate mail too * mandel est parti (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) so that the subject line makes clear what the topic is many people only read mails that look interesting ;) JanC : please write this email, as i'll have to write the report of this meeting tomorrow evening?