Log IRC meeting 18/08/2010 #ubuntu-be Hi to all, who is here for the meeting ? i am here me hello Clamam , massimo21 Hello hello Gh0sty ? JanC ? Robertf ? rulus ? siegie ? yanu ? anyone else for the meeting ? ¿ hello Gh0sty llo fysically present, mental in higher regions :P ok JanC ? Robertf ? rulus ? siegie ? yanu ? Clamam , massimo21 , we wait a few minutes for other people before to start the meeting ... ok anything to mention now about genk - hasselt ? pukkelpop! :P higher regions ! :) lol everything is ok Gh0sty : Dipro fair 05/09 , if you are available and volunteer to participate, take contact with kenneth and/or add your name in the wiki JanC ? im now making an email for a little meeting/bijeenkomst with the members of ubuntu-be that live in the region of Genk/Hasselt on 29 august @ massimo's home Dipro fair 05/09 in ghent, of course Clamam : prima ! * Gh0sty noteert JanC ? Robertf ? rulus ? siegie ? yanu ? anyone else for the meeting ? * nero_ (~nero@ip-81-11-229-75.dsl.scarlet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be * nero_ est parti (Remote host closed the connection) nero_, kom je voor de meeting ? * nero_ (~nero@ip-81-11-229-75.dsl.scarlet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be hi hi Nero hi nero_ , Gh0sty Clamam massimo21 , we start the meeting now sorry to be so late ok at least you are here ! topic 1. Future events - Events September 2010 couldn't get irc in empathy running :( first item, Dipro fairs 05/09 Ghent, 12/09 Antwerp, 19/09 Charleroi and 26/09 Hasselt ... nero_ use another prg like xchat or pidgin we need to compose teams for ghent, antwerp and charleroi, as hasselt is nearly ok i'm using xchat now but got kicked out first time pidgin works great ok, no problem question for dipro fairs ? normaly i should be present in antwerp ok, add your name in wiki! who is coordinating there? bram ok https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Antwerp_2010-09-12 second item, Software Freedom Day (18/9) basic information is here http://wiki.softwarefreedomday.org/FrontPage an information session is already planned in ostend in cooperation with local zandletters association are there other planned activities ? i don't know no comment ? no comment third item, Nielse computer dag (26/9) in cooperation with local computerclub monitor … we need to compose team for this event since it is not so far from my home i can be there nero_ did you receive my email about this event ? can you take the lead ? didn't see any mail who should i contact for the boot and so on? ok i will send it again mail is sent next topic promotion 2. Promotion first item Adding commercial links to the website we already discussed the topic, see draft in the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/Website/Commercial_links-draft … before to launch the project and contacting companies, we need a central point of contact (email address) for this matter i'm waiting JanC for the activation of an address like contact@ubuntu-be.org for contact between commercial companies and ubuntu-be who will adminstrate the mails? waiting action from JanC, and then i will mail the procedure and rules in the mailing list idea is that the application are treated by interested members of ubuntu-be: just a question of internal coordination 1 point of entry, and several interested members having access/receiving mails and coordinating internally before answering what type of companies can we contact ? have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/Website/Commercial_links-draft … But doesn't the ones that administrate the mails have the capability to insert the logo (link) on the webpage? condition is a clear link with ubuntu : it can be supply, hardware, service, education, course, ... once application agreed, it is up to website admin to implement the insertion of the links on the right page I understand now seems fair * JanC est parti (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) additionally we have an Ubuntu-be.org Web Editors which can work as website admin * JanC (~janc@lugwv/member/JanC) a rejoint #ubuntu-be other comment ? JanC ? if no comment, second item, t-shirts for Ubuntu-be ? we are waiting for other design proposals see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial feel free to propose other designs brr black :p i hope we progress next month(s) The propsed desings dosn't look bad i like v4 the designs are good especialy design V4-be ok, as i said, i hope more comment/progress next month next topic 3. Update Wiki the part “How to contact Ubuntu-be Team ?” on the BelgianTeam home page needs to be updated, as not all the channels are used .. Facebook !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's the first question that Eurosys from Hasselt asked me........... in fact we use : IRC #ubuntu-be and mailing list, and limited use : micro-blogging - identi.ca (!ubuntube) Not in use : Social networks (Facebook and Orkut) and Twitter (Ubuntu-be Twibe) Why are we not on facebook, a lot of people use it. Linux.start.be i think it's simple to start it up, what do you think i think i's a good idea (ubuntu on facebook° i never used facebook, and i'm not motivated to use it, ... neither do i But it's for enlarge the channels that brings people to ubuntu Most of the people i know are using it, maybe i can look in to it for making a page or something like that i heard a lot of negative reactions, but the question can be raised in the mailing list my point was to update the wiki and delete the part we don't use now (Facebook and Orkut) and Twitter ) to avoid wrong information in the wiki ... ok Ubuntu.com have a page on facebook Don't get why not ubuntu.be no idea about the content of ubuntu.com page on facebook, i suggest to mention it in the report, and up to you to continue in the mailing list i can do a request on the mailing to see how many are for or against it. ok ok, better do it after the report of the meeting is sent ok another point is that ubuntu-be needs email address(es) for direct contact (general and events) and support points with the Belgian Team people trying to contact certainly don't like mailing to an unpersonal mailing list to contact ubuntu-be.org ... idem as for contact about commercial links if no comment, next topic so you need more e-mails to administrate the different tasks idd * rulus est parti (Quit: leaving) perhaps 1 for contact (in general), and if the trafic is too heavy, other email addresses one appart for the events i only speak about contacts from outside ubuntu-be and addressed to ubuntu-be.org (in fact a few active members) ore else the mails needs to be redirected (naargelang) the topic oh one will be ok and we can see later if more is needed yes the contact address for commercial links could be used (when activated) - 1. action from JanC, 2. who is interested taking part to this "leading" group? what will be the tasks? of the leadin group answering the questions after coordinating internally I can ok, i take note other comment ? next topic 4. Support points map status : nothing new, we are waiting for mongolito404 availability other topic to discuss ? if not, last topic, ... next irc meeting ? proposed on 25/08 at 21 h. (we can always change day and hour if requested) ok bye