28/10/2010 – 21.00 hr. hi to all, who is here for the meeting ? bonsoir jean7491 Hello me hello Wamukota , Clamam massimo21 JanC ? * XiaoShiZi est parti (Quit: Leaving.) anyone else for the meeting ? JanC ? yep ok, we can start, hoping others will join ... topic #1. future events - october - november - update item #1 Dipro Brugge (17/10) - report successful event, report and pictures are in wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Brugge_2010-10-17 other comment ? about brugge ? nothing to add except that I have good hope to be able to integrate a Ubuntu / Linux group in the Multi Computer Club Brugge ok I'll know more next week and anyhow I will attend the next reunion over there the 5th of november the yearly fgee to be member is 35 EUR all facilities are available like Internet - cable not wifi ok, keep us informed and we will discuss it later between concerned people from brugge area ok item #2 next dipro fairs next fairs are : gent, 14/11/2010, coordinator: kenneth, genk, 21/11/2010, coordinator: claudio, antwerpen, 28/11/2010, coordinator: bram and mechelen, 12/12/2010, coordinator: nero of course, we need volunteers for all the coming fairs : see the list in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs comment about coming events ? if there is a voulonteer for dipro Genk is welcome like for all the fairs, we need volunteers ! idd this week or next week i will contact the volunteers again and it will probably be more effective to contact all available local people that is what i do every time ok, but ther is liitle reaction from my experience, +/- 10% answers ... this time less and 5 % positive answers and it works ! if no comment, next topic ... next topic # 2. Promotion item #1 Adding links to the web-site till now, limited interest for the possibility ... feel free to relay the information to interested people/companies/organizations through personal contacts if no comment, next item ... is there a standard note about their benefits if we talk to them? we should all have the same message to them benefit is an additional (gratis) way for ubuntu related promotion but why would a company put a link to their website if we have northing to give them back? They don't know anything about Ubuntu - just talked to my computershop He is all MS so no way he will promote something where he does not earn extra money so, what is in the deal for them? he is not in condition for the proposal, forget it ! if he is not, what groups must we target then? Schools? Goverment? bottom line is to help/promote organizations using/promoting the use of ubuntu ... wrong starting point I think They want something back, and we have notyhing to give them 1st it is only about organizations using/promoting ubuntu ... others are not concerned ... Wamukota: this is *only* for companies that alread sell Ubuntu already oke, now I understand. remember details in the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/Website/Commercial_links sell hardware with Ubuntu, services for Ubuntu, etc. Oke. Now just find a list of those companies.... any ideas how you would tackle that problem? I don't know of any company/organization that uses Ubuntu you know people who have connections with a company showld take contact like someone who knows aluPC Wamukota , idd, you can remember the possibility for later, if ... i sent a mail to alupcs, but no reaction (yet) Well, I'll keep my ears and eyes open later for mccb ? other comment ... next item ... item #2 t-shirts for Ubuntu-be : as warddr (leading the project is not available today) we wait for his initiative on this issue next item #3. ubuntu and education jan b. is working on the topic (for 2 projects) ... see his mails in the m-l any other information ? next topic # 3. Update Wiki : suggestion or comment ? nothing from me next topic# 4. Support points map status no new information from mongolito404 there are a lot of support points in the web-site without engagements ! It should be improved ! Orwe must remove them from the list I do receive requests from new Ubuntu users, so the current system works even without a 'map' idd, me too, ... there is no need to have a map, but like you said jean7491 many names are 'dormant' but a map is easy to reach volunteers for fairs put them in the fridge, ask them if they will participate if not, drop them some people does not know that their support point profile is not correct, ... that's correct clamam if you live in (example) bree you have trouble to find the nearest support beacouse of the lack of map i think mongolito404 will send later a remember mail to support points without engagements, ... about the map, ... it is part of the project, but it takes a lot of time ! next topic # 5. Things living in the mailing list and others questions ? ... are there other questions ? not from me not from me today if no question, ... last topic, next irc meeting ? I propose no meeting next week, ... next on thursday 11/11/2010 at 21 h. fine for me ok for me mo too me JanC ? i suppose JanC agrees, end of meeting - thanks to all for your participation, and have a good night ! night everybody * Wamukota est parti (Quit: Ik ga weg) good night yep, thursday is okay good night