avr 07 21:00:35 hi to all, who is here for the meeting ? avr 07 21:00:48 o/ avr 07 21:01:17 mimor, clamam ? avr 07 21:01:18 Hello avr 07 21:01:24 lo avr 07 21:02:14 is jean7491 leading the meeting? avr 07 21:02:20 hi JanC , clamam , mimor avr 07 21:04:30 hi jean7491 avr 07 21:05:17 thid id firdtly our weekly meeting, as nobody else is willing to lead the meeting, i do it, but if anyone else will to do it ... avr 07 21:05:34 this is firstly ... avr 07 21:06:10 RamiAdrien ? avr 07 21:06:27 Hi avr 07 21:06:28 :) avr 07 21:06:37 I answered to an email ;) avr 07 21:06:42 hi RamiAdrien avr 07 21:07:56 jean7491: I have the iventory of the part of the eventbox still at my place: avr 07 21:07:59 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/590932/ avr 07 21:09:06 * jurgentje (~jurgen@94-227-10-80.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 07 21:09:23 * massimo21 (~massimo21@ a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 07 21:09:29 Hi :) avr 07 21:09:36 hello avr 07 21:09:50 sorry I'm lat avr 07 21:09:50 e avr 07 21:10:31 hi :) avr 07 21:10:56 hi massimo21 jurgentje avr 07 21:11:42 mimor thx for the inventory avr 07 21:12:02 let's start topic #1. events avr 07 21:12:10 item #1 dipro fair mechelen – 27/03/2011 - report avr 07 21:12:47 no contact with nero, jurgentje can you say something ? avr 07 21:12:53 okay... this was like the worst dipro day I've ever had in amount of people or money avr 07 21:13:07 but we had some great talks with people. avr 07 21:13:26 why? avr 07 21:13:48 and very much commitment: I've been to a little boy at his home last week, and also have a meeting planned with someone who's planning a project in Latin America avr 07 21:13:49 how many volunteerd? avr 07 21:14:08 great weather - and apparently it was carnaval in Mechelen too avr 07 21:14:27 ummmm, I think we were with 5 people, of which 3 were from HCC avr 07 21:15:51 it is like everywhere, dipro fairs attract less people avr 07 21:15:59 how many times a year is it dipro in mechelen? avr 07 21:16:15 2x avr 07 21:16:21 only 2? avr 07 21:16:34 could be... and 3 times in Antwerp? avr 07 21:16:45 probably 4x avr 07 21:17:02 could be too, I don't really count them avr 07 21:17:32 a'pen = 3x dipro fairs + 1x 2 hobbydays avr 07 21:17:34 * vromh_ (5bb5d3c8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 07 21:17:47 right, 3 regular ones avr 07 21:18:05 other comment about mechelen ? avr 07 21:18:18 nope, not really. avr 07 21:18:38 item #2 dipro fair genk – 03/04/2011 - report avr 07 21:18:51 clamam ? or massimo ? avr 07 21:19:09 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Genk_2011-04-03 avr 07 21:19:29 on the wiki you can find the report and some pictures avr 07 21:19:40 it was a good fair avr 07 21:20:21 many people? avr 07 21:20:28 and we had a lot of time to know each other better avr 07 21:20:41 no, not too many people avr 07 21:20:41 oh yeah... I tried a little thingie on Mechelen... with my camera, I asked some users: "why do you use ubuntu?" avr 07 21:20:56 but as we didn't have much crowd, I only had 2 testimonials avr 07 21:21:13 if we could have a few of them (from all over the country) ... I could become a collage. avr 07 21:21:49 true avr 07 21:21:57 * RamiAdrien est parti (Quit: Page closed) avr 07 21:21:58 jurgentje: great idea, would be a nice video avr 07 21:22:25 and since people start knowing we are there, they often like to come along to share sympathies :) avr 07 21:22:56 so if you have whatever camcorder... just do it :) avr 07 21:23:09 good idea, could be a suggestion when preparation of events is going on avr 07 21:23:30 or we can use a good webcam avr 07 21:23:43 exit avr 07 21:23:46 sure :) avr 07 21:23:57 quit avr 07 21:23:57 like the idea avr 07 21:24:01 * vromh_ est parti (Quit: Page closed) avr 07 21:24:20 hm, Pieter has a camera avr 07 21:24:31 and it's a great little project to try pitivi or openshot on :) avr 07 21:24:44 .oO (thinking about Ghent) avr 07 21:24:54 ... but it need a minimum of preparation (material and people) avr 07 21:24:58 * RamiAdrien (~adrien@ a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 07 21:25:39 other comment mechelen or genk ? avr 07 21:25:41 I'd suggest we just add the item to the event preparation page - and get back on topic? avr 07 21:26:15 ok avr 07 21:26:55 next item #3 The Foire du Libre – Louvain-la-Neuve - 06/04/2011 - report avr 07 21:27:03 adrien ? avr 07 21:27:14 JanC: sorry that i didnt send the cd's that were leftover, i had a funeral today and i had little time this week because of it. avr 07 21:27:38 Like I say on the wiki great event. Not crowded but people regulary avr 07 21:28:14 Pictures will come later avr 07 21:28:35 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/2011/FoireDuLibre-LLN-2011-04-06 avr 07 21:29:29 other comment ? avr 07 21:29:40 maybe just one avr 07 21:29:55 they have a really good infrastructure to organize big event avr 07 21:30:02 * padv est parti (Remote host closed the connection) avr 07 21:30:05 and they really want to do a big install party with us avr 07 21:30:18 but for the 11.10 because for 11. avr 07 21:30:27 11.04 student will be in exams avr 07 21:31:02 nice avr 07 21:31:30 good idea, take necessary contacts ! avr 07 21:31:50 ........What is the nickname of Alexander that was on the fair in Genk? avr 07 21:32:07 I am in contact with Aurelien Paulus, he is the organisator of the Foire du Libre and he is a good friend so no matter to do it :) avr 07 21:32:10 acraens avr 07 21:32:47 thank you, jean7491 avr 07 21:33:49 ok, we continue with item #4 Dipro fair Ghent - 10/04/2011 avr 07 21:33:59 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Ghent_2011-04-10 avr 07 21:34:19 JanC ? mimor ? avr 07 21:35:50 afaik team and material should be ok avr 07 21:35:50 I have a question for mimor: do you have transport back home after the fair, for the event box? ☺ avr 07 21:36:03 I don't avr 07 21:36:23 becasue I really would like to go home early avr 07 21:36:43 I can pick stuff up in the morning like last time avr 07 21:37:08 I think one of the new peopel was going to stay until the end? avr 07 21:37:58 are they here? avr 07 21:38:40 I can't take all the stuff avr 07 21:40:01 * pep` (~pep@ a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 07 21:40:09 we would have to mail him, I think avr 07 21:40:23 Bjorn Jonas Pieter or Nero avr 07 21:40:43 is Nero coming to Ghent? avr 07 21:40:50 he's on the wiki avr 07 21:40:55 yes avr 07 21:40:57 then he will come by car avr 07 21:41:07 I suppose avr 07 21:41:16 can you mail him JanC ? avr 07 21:41:47 jonas is coming with the train, bjorn ? avr 07 21:42:11 I think bjorn won't stay until the end? avr 07 21:43:27 he leaves between 12 and 14 hr. avr 07 21:43:48 afaik avr 07 21:44:13 so only me and nero stay till the end? avr 07 21:44:39 * pep` est parti (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) avr 07 21:45:42 i don't know when jonas is leaving, not sure for pieter avr 07 21:46:45 other comment ? or next item avr 07 21:46:46 I called Nero avr 07 21:46:57 he stays until the end avr 07 21:47:04 with car? avr 07 21:47:30 but he needs to know what car he has to bring avr 07 21:47:57 if it won't fit in a Smart, he needs to borrow the car from his wife ☺ avr 07 21:48:18 I think he better be Smart ... and don't Smart :) avr 07 21:48:21 * pep` (~pep@ a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 07 21:48:24 if necessary, please call a special irc coordination meeting for ghent dipro, so we can continue avr 07 21:48:24 so he needs to know how many boxes etc. avr 07 21:48:44 item #5 rewics (Rencontres Wallonnes de l'Internet Citoyen) charleroi - 04/05/2011 avr 07 21:48:52 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/2011/Rewics-2011-05-04 (coordination: adrien) avr 07 21:49:01 adrien : comment ? avr 07 21:49:09 I have to complete the wiki avr 07 21:49:17 I have 4 people for the event avr 07 21:49:21 but more I think avr 07 21:49:36 a lot of people want to participate to this event avr 07 21:49:57 better more than 4, so you can work with shifts avr 07 21:50:27 JanC: tell him not to bring the smart :) avr 07 21:51:16 adrien, have a look at the local "support points - events" and call people avr 07 21:51:32 other comment ? avr 07 21:51:45 Everybody is ok for the event avr 07 21:51:55 maybe Sylvain will look for some stuff avr 07 21:52:31 btw, did you sell t-shirts in lln ? avr 07 21:52:48 Not much unfortunately avr 07 21:52:56 but we sell all the metal sticker avr 07 21:53:21 we have an event this months avr 07 21:54:07 ask to janc again metal stickers ! avr 07 21:54:16 okay :) avr 07 21:54:34 next ... avr 07 21:54:41 item #6 dipro fair antwerp – 08/05/2011 avr 07 21:54:59 planning started ... volunteers, pleade add your name in the wiki avr 07 21:55:07 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Antwerp_2011-05-08 (coordination: bram) avr 07 21:55:26 i suppose there is no comment ? avr 07 21:55:57 I'll be there :) avr 07 21:56:31 nice, please add your name in the wiki ! avr 07 21:56:48 is done already :) avr 07 21:56:59 ok, next ... avr 07 21:57:02 item #7 release parties 11.04 ? do you know release parties planned by other associations? i only know brugge avr 07 21:57:07 JanC: Sylvain told me that he will send you the report about money at last during holiday avr 07 21:59:16 release party 11.04 in Brugge – 11/05 (organized by wamukota) , are there others ? louvain-li-nux ? others ? avr 07 21:59:35 not in Ghent that I know of... sorry avr 07 21:59:57 not over here avr 07 22:00:02 hcc ? bitmappers ? monitor ? avr 07 22:00:07 I will do all the necessary that week and i will add the event avr 07 22:01:36 i suppose de wereldmorgen (ex-indimedia) will do it, but last minute organization avr 07 22:02:13 btw, JanC , check with alain (wamukota) which hardware (laptops) he needs in brugge ? avr 07 22:02:22 possibly BXLUG will do something (they did last time together with Hackerspace Bxl - but I didn't hear of them yet) avr 07 22:02:37 ok avr 07 22:02:53 other comment about events ? avr 07 22:03:26 I speak with people form Bxlug avr 07 22:03:31 they will do something avr 07 22:03:40 NamurLug, Culbutte, Loligrub too avr 07 22:03:46 I'm sure they can use the hackerspace again, if they want to :) avr 07 22:04:12 if they'll ask avr 07 22:04:45 ok, pass the info in the mailing list and agenda on website when available avr 07 22:04:54 and maybe laclic and the school from ecaussinnes too avr 07 22:04:59 ok :) avr 07 22:05:03 ok avr 07 22:05:21 they have a meeting there on 17th of April... avr 07 22:05:58 we continue with next topic # 2. Promotion avr 07 22:06:09 item #1 t-shirts for Ubuntu-be : avr 07 22:06:22 possibility to order via the web-site is open avr 07 22:06:54 other comment ? avr 07 22:07:11 * Bjorn__ (4e17910e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 07 22:07:28 where? avr 07 22:07:28 good evening you all avr 07 22:07:57 found it avr 07 22:08:18 hi Bjorn_ avr 07 22:08:32 woudn't it be tim to lower the price of the t-shirts? avr 07 22:09:18 * RamiAdrien est parti (Quit: Leaving.) avr 07 22:09:39 why now, let's wait till end of may avr 07 22:09:40 I don't think so... I think this can be a good piece of budget (for example to go buying those rollouts) avr 07 22:10:14 * RamiAdrien (~adrien@ a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 07 22:10:43 15 € isn't much avr 07 22:11:06 considering teh quality etc. avr 07 22:11:30 we can eventually do later summer-promotion ! avr 07 22:11:42 but not now avr 07 22:11:55 sales are at july avr 07 22:12:00 :-) avr 07 22:12:28 so we have time ! avr 07 22:12:40 next item #2 promotion material for fairs/events - flyers 2011 avr 07 22:12:54 please look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsFlyers2011 for the last improved proposal Massimiliano V3 (06/04/2011) – Nl that was our choice. avr 07 22:12:57 made the changes as you requested avr 07 22:13:04 ok, thx avr 07 22:13:14 also posted avr 07 22:13:26 is it ok now? avr 07 22:13:51 yes, i saw, for me it is ok, other comment ? avr 07 22:15:50 Is there still any point in still going to every Dipro? avr 07 22:16:04 The only thing I've read so far is, not many people... avr 07 22:16:08 one typo avr 07 22:16:13 geregistreerd handelsmerk avr 07 22:16:16 Do you have any news from Dipro for wallonie? avr 07 22:16:17 (without E) avr 07 22:16:26 damnt avr 07 22:16:29 They say it was the last in wallonie :/ avr 07 22:17:05 massimo21 : up to you ! avr 07 22:17:12 we need also a french translation of th flyer avr 07 22:17:48 yes, but less urgent avr 07 22:18:02 there are 2 things about dipro: 1. we see possible future users and 2. we meet existing users avr 07 22:18:13 we get less and less of 1. though... avr 07 22:18:24 for the flyers if there an english version i can traduce it avr 07 22:18:37 about dipro wallonie, no idea, no info from dipro avr 07 22:19:02 about going to each dipro : no must avr 07 22:19:35 but this is a way to contact people, more than not going to avr 07 22:19:38 I do think it's a priority actually avr 07 22:19:47 It's a certainty people start building on avr 07 22:20:21 after a while people start counting on our presence for questions... (and we imply we're there too) avr 07 22:20:24 It's nice, but this is 2011 we don't need to go to people in person to tell them about Ubuntu :) avr 07 22:21:10 but personal contact is a plus when promoting ! avr 07 22:21:17 if we don't go to Dipro, we need an alternative IMO ☺ avr 07 22:21:27 It's just as every single dipro I witness at Ghent we wonder if we'll have to pay extra ourselves to be there that time avr 07 22:21:35 till now, it has been close every thime avr 07 22:21:38 that reaches "normal" people, not only students & geeks avr 07 22:21:39 *time avr 07 22:21:40 :p avr 07 22:21:49 true avr 07 22:22:06 in no doubt we reach new people this way avr 07 22:22:18 I'm doubting if the effor/result is still worth it avr 07 22:22:19 maybe ask for support a little more explicit. We explain that we need their money to pay for the booth avr 07 22:22:29 * woutervddn (~woutervdd@d54C1A7ED.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 07 22:22:33 we do too :) avr 07 22:22:39 jurgentje: in general we already do that avr 07 22:22:55 hi guys.. sry I'm (really) late.. avr 07 22:22:58 ah, okay... sorry for stating the obvious :s avr 07 22:22:59 I just got home.. :) avr 07 22:23:04 perhaps this is too much of a personal view on the current state avr 07 22:23:14 but I just wanted to share/discuss it avr 07 22:23:15 hi woutervddn avr 07 22:23:20 p/ avr 07 22:23:21 hello Woutervddn avr 07 22:23:22 but it also depends who etc. (I won't ask money if somebody came to us with a big problem and we couldn't fix it... ;) ) avr 07 22:23:25 *o/ avr 07 22:23:41 I think income from the T-shirts can cover for the costs of dipro booths. avr 07 22:23:56 jurgentje: that helped, yes avr 07 22:24:14 unfortunately, we won't have t-shirts in Ghent, I think? avr 07 22:24:24 and solidarity? avr 07 22:24:36 it's a rare occasion to have T shirts in Ghent :) avr 07 22:24:37 we will have metal case badges though avr 07 22:24:50 ooh :) avr 07 22:24:58 0.5 € / piece avr 07 22:25:07 so not much... avr 07 22:25:11 you don't have to pay yourself for the booth: when benefit it goes to ubuntu-be, when it is a short of money, ubuntu-be will refund avr 07 22:25:23 that's what I mean avr 07 22:25:27 we can try to sell posters too ;) avr 07 22:25:35 I think that's important - it is for me anyway. avr 07 22:25:40 jean7491: that's none of a problem, almost each time, I donate 5 euro's myself avr 07 22:26:15 we already donate time ;) avr 07 22:26:29 The sold swag should bring in money to buy new swagg avr 07 22:26:29 let the other users donate teh money :P avr 07 22:26:38 +1 avr 07 22:26:47 (or other fairs) avr 07 22:27:09 feel free to do it, avr 07 22:27:11 hm, where are teh t-shirts currently? avr 07 22:27:32 hasselt and charleroi afaik avr 07 22:27:44 no more t-shirts at Nero? avr 07 22:27:59 sell a tshirt = buy one new and save some money for a new beamer/screen? avr 07 22:27:59 he sent them to Charleroi avr 07 22:28:10 not sell a tshirt hope we can pay the booth? avr 07 22:29:13 if you don't have enough for the booth... say the missing amount. I hope Ubuntu-be will be able to pay for that? avr 07 22:29:31 jurgentje: no problem avr 07 22:29:32 why not keep 40 euro's in the eventbox and everything more goes to our account avr 07 22:29:58 hi woutervddn avr 07 22:30:26 jurgentje: ubuntu-be should still have > 1000 € cash I think avr 07 22:30:28 hi jean.. avr 07 22:30:50 even with all the money invested in t-shirts etc. avr 07 22:31:14 okay. So I guess money/donations on Dipro can't be the problem. avr 07 22:31:27 mimor: are there other reasons to drop the Dipro? avr 07 22:31:37 40 euros in event-box: for me it is a local team organization, but has to be limited to the necessary avr 07 22:31:54 JanC, I don't think the U-be account ever went under 1000€ with the shirt thing.. avr 07 22:32:01 jurgentje: less & less visitors avr 07 22:32:36 jurgentje: not enough new/interested people in comparison to the effort we have to do avr 07 22:32:48 okay. understandable. avr 07 22:33:06 I think we should all keep our eyes open to find another place to promote ubuntu.. avr 07 22:33:06 so we become 100% "in the cloud"? avr 07 22:33:18 and just have ad-hoc places to promote? avr 07 22:33:38 I think it's important that people know: if I go there... I'll find someone who can help me out... avr 07 22:33:42 don't start about 'the cloud' plz :s :§ avr 07 22:33:56 feel free to propose other activities/events avr 07 22:34:01 sorry, I meant we don't have a real physical presence. avr 07 22:34:13 can we continue with the flyers-issue avr 07 22:34:15 jean, I was hoping for that LAN party at genk. avr 07 22:34:25 but massimo told me it was canceled.. :( avr 07 22:34:29 I'm thinking out loud... and if If have ideas, I'll spout them here (as I do always) ;) avr 07 22:34:30 jurgentje: helping out peopel is not always possible at the dipro fairs though avr 07 22:34:35 you don't have much event to be present? avr 07 22:35:25 we continue with the flyer-issue ... avr 07 22:35:32 next step is the order: ... avr 07 22:35:41 1n 2009, we order 5000 ex. Nl (for 2 years) for 83 euros, tax included – I propose to order another 4 or 5.000 flyers avr 07 22:36:00 5000 seems like a good amount to me.. avr 07 22:36:01 by flyers.be, the price is 72 euros for 4000 and 78 euros for 5,000 (details: (light - 135g - a6 - recto quadrichrome) avr 07 22:36:13 fine for me. Is it possible to have them shipped to different locations immediately? avr 07 22:36:22 betetr get 5000 then ☺ avr 07 22:36:25 (little surplus in price) avr 07 22:37:11 also, maybe get fr flyers to Wallonia directly ☺ avr 07 22:37:15 jean, I asked around to find a cheaper place but it seems like 5000 A6 flyers for -100€ is a pretty sharp price.. avr 07 22:37:26 jurgentje : what do you mean ? avr 07 22:38:00 well... if they send 1000 to someone in Antwerp, 1000 to Brugge, 1000 to Gent, etc... avr 07 22:38:03 we can distribute a lot using the "Nero express" ;) avr 07 22:38:04 are there any people from Ghent present besides myself? avr 07 22:38:18 even better :) avr 07 22:38:37 Or does one know Ubuntu dev's from Ghent? avr 07 22:38:53 about flyers ? avr 07 22:39:06 Or even living Close To Ghent? avr 07 22:39:18 mimor: why? avr 07 22:39:33 me :) avr 07 22:39:47 Aalst is just 20 minutes away avr 07 22:39:58 could be cool to start preparing a Ubuntu 11.10 Release party in the Hackerspace Ghent avr 07 22:39:59 Bjorn__: you're the Bjorn__ who will come help us Sunday? avr 07 22:40:02 bram lives in ghent :) avr 07 22:40:13 EmilyPlays is also from Ghent afaik avr 07 22:40:24 idd avr 07 22:40:25 I've done 2 events before, but they were both last-minute avr 07 22:40:32 imho it is better to have 1 central place and then planning for next events and needs in the next 6 months avr 07 22:41:15 5 locations with 1000 will be more complicated to manage avr 07 22:41:32 If I can ensure that there will be talks, I can make sure there is a place for us at the space avr 07 22:41:34 what's the size of the flyer? avr 07 22:41:41 A6? avr 07 22:41:46 a6 avr 07 22:41:48 yes.. avr 07 22:41:53 thnx avr 07 22:41:59 I agree with jean.. avr 07 22:42:16 for now, only nl flyers, ... avr 07 22:42:34 Bram and I were discussing to ship the shirts to multiple places but we didn't do it after all because things get really clumsy when you split them up.. avr 07 22:43:02 well, we don't have enough t-shirts for that, but we do have enough flyers ;) avr 07 22:43:21 fr flyers can be planned, but not 5000, we have to look for the need avr 07 22:43:35 JanC true.. but a central stock is way easier to manage.. avr 07 22:43:39 yes, RamiAdrien & Sylvain should think about that avr 07 22:44:08 idd avr 07 22:44:26 how many they need for French speaking events avr 07 22:44:56 they can also send/give some to LUG events etc. avr 07 22:45:09 about the flyer, i've been looking arround, this one is a little bit cheaper avr 07 22:45:11 http://www.drukland.be/drukwerk/flyers.html?gclid=CLWJjcyii6gCFYFB4Qod3kyWBg avr 07 22:45:24 if someone feels like giving an interesting talk on a 11.10 ReleaseParty, let me know ;) avr 07 22:45:54 for flyers i think sylvain can print it free at his work avr 07 22:46:01 @ massimo21 we will see later about the necessary file for flyer.be or another avr 07 22:46:20 ah even better... avr 07 22:46:23 not 5000 thousand of course but what we need for event avr 07 22:46:34 ok avr 07 22:46:38 let me know avr 07 22:47:13 @ RamiAdrien you can use the same design, just translate it avr 07 22:47:27 @ massimo21 ok avr 07 22:48:00 jean7491: ok avr 07 22:48:15 other comment about flyers ? avr 07 22:49:44 great job (if that's a comment-) avr 07 22:49:56 ok, next ... item #3 promotion material for fairs/events - rollups avr 07 22:50:06 proposals are in the wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsRollup2011 avr 07 22:50:07 mimor: see pm please ☺ avr 07 22:50:22 are there suggestions/proposals/comments avr 07 22:52:36 personaly i like the last universal version with one ? , but the red bar shoul be as long as the icons and start lower avr 07 22:53:42 +1 avr 07 22:53:49 can be done. avr 07 22:54:34 woutervddn : your opinion ? avr 07 22:54:48 k I'm off avr 07 22:54:59 good night all avr 07 22:55:04 bye mimor avr 07 22:55:43 I agree with you jean.. I'll look in to them tomorrow and write my comments.. avr 07 22:55:54 *other comments.. avr 07 22:56:44 other reactions ? avr 07 22:57:15 okay... it's online avr 07 22:57:19 opinions? avr 07 22:57:47 (just replaced the previous one) avr 07 22:59:09 good now? avr 07 22:59:10 If I may pick on details I would make the bottom € logo and the cd a little more 'bold' like.. avr 07 22:59:20 what about using only whith for the back and using small orange dot avr 07 22:59:31 ? avr 07 23:00:04 umm woutervddn then we also need to change the flyer? avr 07 23:00:18 xD nvrmnd then :p avr 07 23:00:22 RamiAdrien, I don't understand what you mean avr 07 23:01:19 I mean replace the background in grey with the white dot with white bakcground with orange dot avr 07 23:01:52 can try it... but I think it will loose its dynamic avr 07 23:01:53 moment avr 07 23:02:03 okay avr 07 23:02:09 imho is better, just one detail, no contact between red bar and bottom colored line (is the limit of the design): a few cm. higher avr 07 23:02:15 if you can send me your source i can try to work on it to avr 07 23:02:23 source is online avr 07 23:02:23 to give some proposals avr 07 23:02:29 good night avr 07 23:02:31 ;-) avr 07 23:02:35 good night avr 07 23:02:40 * massimo21 (~massimo21@ a quitté #ubuntu-be avr 07 23:02:40 bye massimo21 avr 07 23:03:04 oh sorry i don't scroll back enough :p avr 07 23:03:21 you know... getting a little annoyed... is 5th time now that I tweak my flyer... and some little detail has to change... and the week after... something else has to change. avr 07 23:03:37 I've made mine. If you want to change... go ahead. But I'm done with it. avr 07 23:04:02 other comment about rollups ? avr 07 23:04:04 Every week someone says: "maybe just change this little thingie" avr 07 23:04:25 You right maybe start thinking to say ok it's done avr 07 23:04:27 :) avr 07 23:04:40 you're right jurgen.. it's easy to ask someone else to change things :) avr 07 23:04:58 I think we're all lazy.. :) avr 07 23:05:20 enough about rollups, next topic # 3. update wiki and web-site avr 07 23:05:21 I already changed background twice, and revamped all the icons... avr 07 23:05:25 next topic avr 07 23:05:34 wiki: suggestions? avr 07 23:07:11 if no suggestion, about web-site :is there comment about the proposal to add links to other foss and look alike associations or lugs ? avr 07 23:07:20 Working paper is here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/Website/LinksToAssociations avr 07 23:08:13 So if I understand it correctly, groups like HCC don't belong there? avr 07 23:08:28 good night to every one avr 07 23:08:37 (even though they're a steady value on our Dipro and often supply over half of the team of a Dipro stand?) avr 07 23:08:39 bye clamam avr 07 23:08:42 goodnight clamam avr 07 23:08:42 * clamam (~claudio@d54C1F8A5.access.telenet.be) a quitté #ubuntu-be avr 07 23:09:35 about hcc, no idea, it is about promoting ubuntu and foss avr 07 23:09:53 I mean, they offer support for Ubuntu on their evenings avr 07 23:10:06 and lots of people got helped by them - but they're not a LUG avr 07 23:10:20 since they're not linux-exclusive avr 07 23:10:23 sorry it's late, what mean hcc? avr 07 23:10:32 HCC = hobby computerclub avr 07 23:10:37 okay :) avr 07 23:10:43 jurgentje.. I understand your point... avr 07 23:10:47 club in Mechelen & Brussels (and huge in Netherlands) avr 07 23:11:00 if they have an Ubuntu/linux workgroup and/or Ubuntu events, why not? avr 07 23:11:03 idem: in Antwerp on weekend, we were sharing with some other computerclub avr 07 23:11:14 but I think that in a caroussel of links from one FOSS group to an other HCC would be weird.. avr 07 23:11:21 in Hassels, we have Bitmappers who organise a lot of release parties... avr 07 23:11:50 hmm.. does HCC have a workgroup like that? avr 07 23:11:57 none of those are LUG's ... all of them clearly support Ubuntu avr 07 23:11:58 we can explain what peopel can expect from each linked association avr 07 23:12:21 add it to the working paper, it is not a paper about already made decisions avr 07 23:12:42 "Computer clubs offering ubuntu-support" could be an item on the list avr 07 23:12:52 yes good idea avr 07 23:12:58 ok avr 07 23:13:07 for wallonie i know only Lugs or Free Software Group avr 07 23:13:11 making a seperation between them isn't a big deal so indeed.. avr 07 23:13:25 and then again... some LUG's are pretty hardcore (Gentoo) or Fedora-oriented (I think the VUB LUG f.e. is pretty Fedora based) avr 07 23:13:27 imo they can be on the page but mixing them up with real lugs isn't a good idea.. avr 07 23:13:54 do they belong on an ubuntu page? avr 07 23:14:17 jurgen, the page isn't about ubuntu, it's about the open-source movement.. avr 07 23:14:47 ah, okay. but the site is about ubuntu :) (but I get your point, and I actually agree if you put it like that) avr 07 23:14:49 Or we can make a separation between FOSS and Ubuntu avr 07 23:15:05 feel free to add your ideas in the wiki-page ... avr 07 23:15:23 other distro's aren't our competitors, it are our colleagues, that's what differenciates us from closed source projects.. avr 07 23:15:25 hehe... as always :) avr 07 23:16:13 yeah, I know... open & closed source. avr 07 23:16:18 while talking about the website, I'm getting really frustrated this week about my editing rights :O avr 07 23:16:50 Basically, I'd say: don't overcomplicate the procedures for a simple page. We don't have a whole "wiki maintenance" team avr 07 23:17:01 It's the 2nd or 3rd day in a row that I stumble up on yet another page where I can't change the content in one or more languages.. avr 07 23:17:42 sorry, editing rights is not an issue for this meeting , ... avr 07 23:17:44 well... I still can't log in on ubuntu-be.org ... so I'm not able to do a thing in there (can't even change my own settings in the support point map) avr 07 23:17:55 but we're talking about wiki here? avr 07 23:18:09 jean: it's not that I don't have them, but it's just that they don't work.. avr 07 23:18:24 i thought it was done with the wiki avr 07 23:20:27 "I still can't log in on ubuntu-be.org" jurgentje, i suggest you ask to JanC or mongolito404 ! avr 07 23:20:52 did so last week and the week before :p avr 07 23:21:12 oops... the 2 weeks before that (since I wasn't here last 2 times) avr 07 23:21:41 @ woutervddn editing rights ? i suppose problem to see with mongolito404 ? avr 07 23:22:37 yeah but I was hoping on someone else who would react and give the solution for this problem :p avr 07 23:22:51 jurgentje, i cann't help you, i'm only a home-user, no tech. skill avr 07 23:23:22 no probs... I'll try getting it up with mongolito... I've been mailing since November about this :p avr 07 23:23:30 jurgentje: what OpenID URL did you set? avr 07 23:23:39 launchpad avr 07 23:23:49 jurgen-gaeremyn - email: jurgen.gaeremyn@pandora.be avr 07 23:24:06 but what URL on Launchpad ? avr 07 23:24:21 the OpenID plugin we have is rather picky :-( avr 07 23:24:36 well, has a bug probably avr 07 23:24:49 jurgentje , please go through pm with JanC, we continue the meeting avr 07 23:24:51 well... it worked in the very beginning avr 07 23:24:53 okay avr 07 23:25:08 next topic # 4. things living in the mailing list and others questions not in the agenda ? avr 07 23:25:18 item # 1 - laying some foundations or ubuntu-be needs a structure and an organization avr 07 23:25:22 hm, I have no rights for user administration anyway avr 07 23:26:00 notes about are in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/TeamOrganization avr 07 23:26:53 a lot of comment are already in, feel free to contribute, ... and add 25/04 viloorde in your agenda avr 07 23:27:09 are there comment on this issue ? avr 07 23:27:46 I have very little response about who is actually coming. I need mails to confirm. avr 07 23:29:45 for Sylvain and I the 25/04 it's not possible for usb avr 07 23:29:48 us* avr 07 23:30:06 jurgen, did you include me as present? avr 07 23:30:16 @ jurgentje , you have my answer avr 07 23:30:20 the 23/04 it's not possible more easy for us to come on Sulnday avr 07 23:30:24 sunday* avr 07 23:30:49 Sunday is Easter Sunday: much people go to family then avr 07 23:31:00 Monday is a little less "family day" I think avr 07 23:31:19 Anyways, I just picked a date and launched it. avr 07 23:31:25 It's not Easter Monday? avr 07 23:31:30 yep, it is avr 07 23:31:47 but I think this is less "family-ish" than the Sunday avr 07 23:32:00 I understand :) avr 07 23:32:12 so there's no "chiro" and other regular Sunday stuff avr 07 23:32:15 clamam & massimo told me that when you are italian: "easter monday is as important as easter itself.. they'd kill us if we wouldn't be with our family" avr 07 23:32:16 if we find a solution or the program change for us we will come avr 07 23:32:35 mmmmh cultural affair avr 07 23:32:46 silly italians ;) :p avr 07 23:32:51 :p avr 07 23:33:05 pity. But I think next time we then pick a Saturday or so... but let's stick to 25th now avr 07 23:33:49 indeed.. avr 07 23:33:51 But if it's a comfort... we'll have Pizza... that's Italian too ;) avr 07 23:34:00 lol avr 07 23:34:51 xD lol avr 07 23:35:30 other comment ? avr 07 23:35:50 how about eating spaghetti this day? :p avr 07 23:36:17 If we have change Sylvain and I we will notice about it avr 07 23:36:25 but for the moment we can't come :/ avr 07 23:37:03 other comment ? avr 07 23:37:09 too bad. but we'll order pîzza in... not making spaghetti (or maybe we will... just pondering the idea) avr 07 23:37:32 next item # 2 - membership belgian loco team on launchpad avr 07 23:37:40 welcome to a new member JL (rammstan in launchpad) avr 07 23:37:48 does anyone know him ? avr 07 23:39:13 unfotunately not :/ avr 07 23:39:25 nope avr 07 23:40:08 probeer eens Jurgentje.. avr 07 23:40:18 als-be account.. avr 07 23:40:22 lol... wrong window ;) avr 07 23:40:30 * woutervddn just noticed I was in wrong window -_-' avr 07 23:41:36 JanC : it is a pity we do not know who are new members of the loco team! do you now this member ? avr 07 23:42:04 JanC : do you know this member ? avr 07 23:42:56 not sure, "JL" could be Jonas ? avr 07 23:43:05 I noticed a pending user on the launchpad aswel.. avr 07 23:44:05 Jonas from JLSolutions who will help Sunday? avr 07 23:45:31 no idea, ask sunday to jonas, but about the principle, new members should be known by other members of the loco team avr 07 23:46:16 jean, I must say that I didn't know anyone when I first joined U-be.. but an introduction on the ML would be handy :p avr 07 23:46:46 idd avr 07 23:47:01 I think we need to allow everybody to the/a LP (sub)team somehow avr 07 23:47:25 but let's discuss that at the IRL meeting or such, it's way too late now avr 07 23:47:42 ok we continue with item #3 - others questions not in the agenda ? avr 07 23:47:43 * JanC goes to bed avr 07 23:48:09 if no question, ... last topic, next irc meeting ? on thursday 14/04/2011 at 21 h. ? avr 07 23:48:50 (pictures and video of la foire du libre on the wiki) avr 07 23:49:19 ok avr 07 23:50:05 ok for me :) avr 07 23:50:37 ok avr 07 23:51:42 end of meeting - thanks to all for your participation, have a good night !