avr 21 21:00:59 hi to all, who is here for the meeting ? avr 21 21:01:59 Hello, Jean7491 avr 21 21:02:09 * jurgentje (~jurgen@d51A491A8.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 21 21:02:16 o/ avr 21 21:02:24 hi all avr 21 21:02:36 Hi Jean twice :) avr 21 21:03:06 I am :) avr 21 21:03:42 me to avr 21 21:04:08 hello all avr 21 21:04:24 hi sylvaintechnic , gadeynebram , wouter_vddn , JanC avr 21 21:04:48 * wouter_vddn wants lights under his laptop keyboard :O avr 21 21:05:13 * jurgentje is afk for 5 minutes. Brb avr 21 21:06:19 ... but not now yet. :) avr 21 21:06:50 * Un CTCP PING 3447642049 de jurgentje a été reçu avr 21 21:06:52 * clamam (~claudio@d54C2D873.access.telenet.be) a quitté #ubuntu-be avr 21 21:07:20 * clamam (~claudio@d54C2D873.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 21 21:08:08 * jm_ (~jm@ a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 21 21:09:30 due to techn. problem, wait for 10 min - jean7491 avr 21 21:10:47 * jean7491 est parti (Quit: Ik ga weg) avr 21 21:12:52 * massimo21 (~massimo21@ a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 21 21:13:09 hello avr 21 21:13:17 hi massimo21 avr 21 21:13:30 o/ avr 21 21:13:48 jean7491 had a technical problem, so we're waiting for him ☺ avr 21 21:18:55 * jm_ est parti (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) avr 21 21:21:20 hm, seems to take some time... avr 21 21:22:34 [in state of denial] It's not an ubuntu related problem! avr 21 21:22:44 it can't be!! avr 21 21:22:57 [/in state of denial] avr 21 21:23:07 :p avr 21 21:23:20 What is the problem actually? avr 21 21:23:38 * clamam est parti (Quit: Leaving.) avr 21 21:25:01 no idea avr 21 21:26:02 in the meanwhile... have a look at this page (I'm planning for Monday): http://primarypad.com/Ubuntu-be avr 21 21:26:28 I've been brainstorming on the agenda for Monday (I know I'm running ahead, but we can as well do sth) ;) avr 21 21:26:43 * clamam (~claudio@d54C2D873.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 21 21:26:59 enter your nickname - add comments on that page plz :) avr 21 21:27:13 (and feel free to change/correct/add... avr 21 21:27:51 I tried to install etherpad on my hosting service but it didn't allow the java.. :( avr 21 21:28:20 ah yeah, you need to have tomcat, right? avr 21 21:28:24 I think i messed with someone's name that isn't mine :p sry avr 21 21:28:41 [whoever is the person in light-green] avr 21 21:28:47 lol! avr 21 21:29:27 two times Jean in here... two times Wouter in the pad... lolz... it's the night of split personalities :) avr 21 21:29:42 xD avr 21 21:30:00 unity will be upon us soon.. it will all be better then :p avr 21 21:30:27 or so we hope.. avr 21 21:31:26 hehe, actually I'm pretty curious. I hope we'll still be able to run on "old computers" ... as that was/is part of the Ubuntu setup - to be able to run on older computers avr 21 21:32:15 normally we can use the gnome 2.6 for now. avr 21 21:32:33 yep... but the "one interface" issue is gone then :p avr 21 21:32:46 it's like MS introducing Win 3.11 again :) avr 21 21:32:47 once we've got to the 11.10 (and afaik canonical won't include gnome2.6 anymore by default) we'll get unity2D to run on old computers.. avr 21 21:33:06 ah, great :) avr 21 21:33:47 but atm unity2D is still a pain.. last time I checked it was stable but without any decent amount of functionality avr 21 21:34:39 Okay... so at the bottom om that etherpad page I linked you to... I translated the mission statement into personal statements... read them, they stem to think in some times :) avr 21 21:35:19 you can always use Xubuntu or Lubuntu on low-end systems of course ;) avr 21 21:36:17 yeps, sure... anyways, I'm curious to take off with Unity avr 21 21:36:19 janC but are we going to show that to the people on fairs (when we're out of 'new' computers?) avr 21 21:36:35 hi to all, i am back, let's hope it goes better - who is here for the meeting ? avr 21 21:36:35 I've installed 11.04 on our home pc with all important data :p avr 21 21:36:47 I am avr 21 21:36:54 I still haven't heard my dad scream at me true the phone so I guess it's stable :p avr 21 21:36:58 me to avr 21 21:37:01 Iam.. avr 21 21:38:33 o/ avr 21 21:38:51 hi gadeynebram jurgentje wouter_vddn JanC - when something goes wrong, it always in the worst circomstances ! avr 21 21:39:03 nah, it's not :) avr 21 21:39:06 topic #1. events avr 21 21:39:20 item #1 rewics (Rencontres Wallonnes de l'Internet Citoyen) charleroi - 04/05/2011 avr 21 21:39:22 clamam / massimo21 / sylvaintechnic : jean7491 's back ☺ avr 21 21:39:36 yoepeeeeeeeeeeee avr 21 21:39:49 oke avr 21 21:40:14 sylvaintechnic ? hi massimo21 clamam avr 21 21:40:28 sylvaintechnic : comment ? avr 21 21:40:30 hi avr 21 21:40:59 for the rewics, Me : I have no news from Adrien for the volontary avr 21 21:41:22 ok, anything else ? avr 21 21:41:45 no, not for the moment avr 21 21:42:00 item #2 dipro fair antwerp – 08/05/2011 - no new info, still looking for volunteers avr 21 21:42:20 item #3 release parties 11,04 ? no further information avr 21 21:42:31 comment about events ? avr 21 21:44:10 nope avr 21 21:44:53 maybe the bitmappers wil do one avr 21 21:44:59 from me, just 1 comment, not yet a balance of finances for ghent dipro ? volunteers are not suppose to pay for the booth where they are helping, but for reimbursement, we need information avr 21 21:45:14 the bitmappers are, I thought it was on the ML this week, no? avr 21 21:45:26 indeed.. it's on their website to.. :) avr 21 21:45:28 idd, i did that post avr 21 21:45:38 ah, okay :) avr 21 21:46:30 next topic # 2. Promotion avr 21 21:47:05 JanC : what was said during the LoCo Council meeting about promotion material ? the log from the meeting seems not available? avr 21 21:48:06 The LoCo Council were enthousiastic and will ask Canonical if they want to provide promotional items to approved locoteams at a discount price avr 21 21:48:28 ok, nice avr 21 21:49:02 JanC other comment ? avr 21 21:50:26 :) avr 21 21:50:26 great avr 21 21:50:26 sec, I'm looking for logs avr 21 21:50:26 * clamam est parti (Quit: Leaving.) avr 21 21:50:28 http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/04/19/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t20:57 avr 21 21:51:08 ok, thx, avr 21 21:52:03 other comment ? avr 21 21:52:18 not much was said, first we need to know if Canonical wants to do this, then the LoCo council will ask for what items would be useful etc. avr 21 21:53:04 so how many rollups would we want? (3?) avr 21 21:53:09 it's nice to see that the loco council is so enthousiastic about it! that's a good thing to start with :) avr 21 21:53:13 my guess is this will be discussed during UDS sometime avr 21 21:53:38 normally Canonical's CEO and promo people will be there too ☺ avr 21 21:54:57 ok, now it will take a few months, and likely good to ask sometimes for news avr 21 21:54:58 ok avr 21 21:55:14 So we're hoping we'll be able to buy them through canonical? avr 21 21:56:08 jurgentje: we might be able to buy at least some things through Canonical at some point ;) avr 21 21:56:18 yes, but what will be available ? we see later ... we continue with flyers avr 21 21:56:36 item #1 promotion material for fairs/events - flyers 2011 avr 21 21:56:36 as the design is approved, we are looking for an order of 5000 flyers avr 21 21:56:44 yep, that's great. I though it was tackling the rollout too. Okay, back to the flyers then. avr 21 21:56:53 Yep. So who's placing that order? avr 21 21:56:57 in pdf/x-1a:2001 with cmyk colors as required is not yet solved ! avr 21 21:57:20 I'll look right away :) avr 21 21:57:30 okay... then we go elsewhere, where that's not required? avr 21 21:57:44 lol.. :p avr 21 21:57:52 good luck finding something that cheap ;-) avr 21 21:57:59 * clamam (~claudio@d54C2D873.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be avr 21 21:58:06 yep, we'll pay more presumably. avr 21 21:58:32 i tried with inkscape and scribus, but no success for both cmyk and n pdf/x-1a:2001 avr 21 21:58:56 nope, I know. That's the key bottleneck if you want to run a Linux based graphics system. avr 21 21:59:38 I'm sure Scribus can do this avr 21 21:59:57 but we will continue with this problem out of the meeting, same problem of file for rollup avr 21 22:00:08 idd. avr 21 22:01:09 i propose to continue ... avr 21 22:01:26 ok avr 21 22:01:45 next topic # 3. update wiki and web-site : are there comment/suggestions ? avr 21 22:02:19 have I already mentioned that I love the countdown on the website? :p avr 21 22:04:35 ok, next topic: item # 1 - laying some foundations or ubuntu-be needs a structure and an organization avr 21 22:05:03 as i saw, now 10 people are in the doodle ... avr 21 22:05:09 IRL meeting next monday avr 21 22:05:11 yep, and I closed the Doodle avr 21 22:05:46 jurgentje, first about transport ? avr 21 22:06:00 can i have the address. I'm the driver for me and Adrien ;) avr 21 22:06:09 jean7491_: do you go by car? avr 21 22:06:17 I'll send it to you in PM sylvaintechnic , don't want it in public avr 21 22:06:18 or by train? avr 21 22:06:48 no by train, i was planning to arrive in vilvoorde-station at 11.44 avr 21 22:07:21 okay, no problem I'll be waiting at the railway station (not the side of thet loketten, but the other side - it has a bigger parking) avr 21 22:07:54 just walk around in penguin costume so we recognize you! ;-) avr 21 22:07:57 lol! avr 21 22:08:07 it's a 12:00 ? confirm? avr 21 22:08:10 it's not a very crowdy station avr 21 22:08:16 yep, noon at my place avr 21 22:08:30 who else is coming with the train ? avr 21 22:09:08 and everybody: don't do an accident to avoid being 10 min late ;) avr 21 22:09:27 lol! indeed. No need for that. We don't plan on leaving (and I do hear the doorbell) avr 21 22:09:35 I'm comming by train :p avr 21 22:09:45 I'm not sure yet avr 21 22:09:48 whoops, a bit late avr 21 22:09:54 Jan, you have my GSM? avr 21 22:09:59 hi mimor avr 21 22:10:17 give me a phonecall if you're by train and end up in a delay avr 21 22:10:23 jurgentje: not sure, did you put it in your mail or soemthing? avr 21 22:10:32 I think so, but I'm PM it avr 21 22:10:47 hi jean7491_ avr 21 22:11:56 mimor: we need some info from you about Ghent after this ☺ avr 21 22:12:31 okay... so you all got the mail with the pizza-site too? avr 21 22:13:13 ok. HL me when you're there (not in PM, i can't see those) avr 21 22:13:28 Off topic: does the loco get new cd's for ubuntu 11.04? since shipit does not exists anymore I'm wondering how I can get new ones. People are already asking about them. avr 21 22:13:48 gadeynebram: ubuntu-be can still get them avr 21 22:14:01 jurgentje: I don't think so? how long ago did you send it? avr 21 22:14:16 umm... Sunday or monday? avr 21 22:14:20 gadeynebram: JanC can order them for the LoCo, only the shipit for individual's has been terminated avr 21 22:14:43 I ordered the box of 400 CDs avr 21 22:14:58 gadeynebram: you can always give them a CD-R... avr 21 22:15:03 * padv est parti (Remote host closed the connection) avr 21 22:15:31 please back to the meeting in vilvoorde ... avr 21 22:15:55 JanC, I sent it to the list on 19th (around 21:20) avr 21 22:16:03 just checked it avr 21 22:16:31 Okey thanks avr 21 22:16:53 jurgentje, about practical for the meeting, do you have a kind of white board ? and a screen for presentation ? avr 21 22:16:57 Wel I always like to give a printed cd rather than a CD-R. It's more convenient avr 21 22:17:19 jurgentje: it was held in moderation ;) avr 21 22:17:25 jean7491_, nope no whiteboard or screen heer avr 21 22:17:27 here avr 21 22:17:31 I approved it avr 21 22:17:34 JanC, ouch :) avr 21 22:17:40 so everybody will see it avr 21 22:17:55 but I have wifi here, so if you take along laptops... :) avr 21 22:18:16 jurgentje: you used the wrong address in From: I suppose avr 21 22:18:18 or a tv screen ? avr 21 22:18:43 yep, do have a big TV screen with HDMI and VGA entry avr 21 22:19:10 if somebody has a projector, a screen is no problem... avr 21 22:19:36 but with 10 people, a big TV might be enough avr 21 22:19:58 with tv screen, seems ok for me avr 21 22:19:59 normally, adrian have a projector. I demand him ;) avr 21 22:20:14 I think the TV will be okay. If someone has a beamer, I can free up a pretty white (light yellow) wall avr 21 22:20:58 but I need to know (take away the frames) avr 21 22:21:37 oh well... I can do it the moment itself too avr 21 22:21:40 so we'll see. avr 21 22:21:45 do we need a whiteboard? avr 21 22:22:01 ... or a blackboard? :P avr 21 22:22:05 xD avr 21 22:22:24 hehe... either one. avr 21 22:22:59 cuz I can't supply in that. avr 21 22:23:25 no problem avr 21 22:23:43 I confirm, Adrien have a projector. We come within avr 21 22:23:51 about timing ... avr 21 22:24:10 is it good with 12.00-13.30 hr Meet and greet, food and drink avr 21 22:24:15 ? avr 21 22:24:36 okay for me... the moment I order the pizza, we have to wait 30' for delivery. avr 21 22:24:45 so we order by 12:15 avr 21 22:24:49 okay? avr 21 22:24:55 fine for me avr 21 22:24:56 so we can stay on schedule avr 21 22:25:07 like good for me avr 21 22:25:29 ok avr 21 22:25:47 I'll take the same train as jean (from brussels) :) avr 21 22:26:01 okido avr 21 22:26:22 brussel north 11.34 avr 21 22:27:05 if I come by train I'll probably take the same train, as I think there aren't a lot that go to Vilvoorde? ;) avr 21 22:27:17 indeed :) avr 21 22:27:31 1 every half hour I think.. :) avr 21 22:27:37 I think there are 4 or 5 in an hour if you're lucky. Easter Monday, maybe 2 or 3 avr 21 22:27:43 http://www.linux.com/community/blogs/how-to-install-and-use-gnome-shell-gnome3-on-ubuntu-1004.html avr 21 22:27:57 sorry avr 21 22:28:00 oh now.. there are one every 15 minutes.. avr 21 22:28:21 massimo21, you spammer! avr 21 22:28:24 after the pizza, we will have +/- 4 hr. to meet, i suppose 4x 45 min + 15 min break, avr 21 22:28:36 lol avr 21 22:29:51 okay for me. avr 21 22:29:58 good plan jean.. I didn't think about breaks.. but 4 hours without break would 'break' me :p avr 21 22:30:16 jurgentje, other ideas about the meeting ? avr 21 22:30:49 well... I didn't really structure it that much but I'm working on the schema on the wiki, and brainstormed about it (content) avr 21 22:31:09 http://primarypad.com/Ubuntu-be <- here's what I already have avr 21 22:31:49 jurgentje: make sure there are enough outlets / power extension cord(s) for everybody avr 21 22:32:05 yep, good call Jan avr 21 22:32:34 For now, I know I can have 12 outlets avr 21 22:33:03 I'll ask Noel if he can bring along some power plugs from the promo boxes avr 21 22:33:22 have to go avr 21 22:33:26 good night avr 21 22:33:31 gn avr 21 22:33:35 good night avr 21 22:33:52 jurgentje: Noel still has my power extension cords, so he can bring those :P avr 21 22:33:56 * massimo21 (~massimo21@ a quitté #ubuntu-be avr 21 22:34:01 xD avr 21 22:34:01 hehe avr 21 22:34:27 GN avr 21 22:34:34 at Monday ;) avr 21 22:34:37 jurgentje, i'll check your reference and send ideas (email) tomorrow, so we can send more saturday or sunday avr 21 22:34:41 see you avr 21 22:35:03 * sylvaintechnic est parti (Remote host closed the connection) avr 21 22:35:05 brb avr 21 22:35:21 hehe, Sunday I'm gone avr 21 22:35:29 but sure avr 21 22:36:00 ok, i write a mail tomorrow afternoon avr 21 22:36:07 Good night everyone and good luck on monday! avr 21 22:36:15 bye bram avr 21 22:36:28 back avr 21 22:36:28 bye gadeynebra avr 21 22:36:38 * gadeynebram (~gadeynebr@ a quitté #ubuntu-be avr 21 22:36:40 sth like a wonderbra? avr 21 22:36:59 :p avr 21 22:37:47 another problem will be to find a "secretary" who will care for minutes of the meeting avr 21 22:37:57 i must go now avr 21 22:37:58 bye avr 21 22:38:05 bye avr 21 22:38:08 bye clamam avr 21 22:38:11 * clamam (~claudio@d54C2D873.access.telenet.be) a quitté #ubuntu-be avr 21 22:38:29 jean7491_, you mean someone keeping an eye on time, or taking notes? avr 21 22:39:07 taking notes for the minutes in the wiki avr 21 22:39:18 minutes in the wiki? avr 21 22:39:25 I don't understand either avr 21 22:39:38 minutes = notulen avr 21 22:39:43 ah, okay avr 21 22:40:08 so notes for a report avr 21 22:40:09 after the meeting, we will have to publish what we discussed and decided avr 21 22:40:40 aah :p avr 21 22:40:42 yep, I think ietherpad can be a good thing for that. avr 21 22:41:00 primarypad you mean? ;) avr 21 22:41:04 we don't need the whole meeting (all discussions) in there... just the conclusions is enough, right? avr 21 22:41:14 yep, primarypad, or just any ietherpad page avr 21 22:41:32 I've never took notes/minutes before but I'm willing to do so :) avr 21 22:41:44 we can make 2 different ones - one to develop items... and one for the notes avr 21 22:41:49 JanC: still need me? The GF wants me to come from behind the screen :) avr 21 22:42:00 I would be glad to take notes for a part too avr 21 22:42:01 jurgentje: a list of proposals + which ones (or combination) was chosen might be useful too avr 21 22:42:01 lol mimor and I suffer the same problem :p avr 21 22:42:26 I was like, I'll be there in 5... about 2 hours ago avr 21 22:42:31 mimor: jean7491_ wanted to know what happened with the money after Ghent Dipro avr 21 22:42:33 lol avr 21 22:43:02 ok, we will see on monday, other comment or remarks for the meeting ? avr 21 22:43:11 JanC: jean7491_ : JanC paid the booth with 20 euro's extra from Nero avr 21 22:43:22 I didn't pay anything ;) avr 21 22:43:32 Me neither >< avr 21 22:43:40 But we had a payment - receit avr 21 22:44:06 mimor: what we mean is more: how much was left after the fair avr 21 22:44:13 I told Nero to take it with him (as he has the eventbox and had to cough up 20 euro's) avr 21 22:44:21 JanC: No idea avr 21 22:44:22 eh? avr 21 22:44:41 Everything is in the bottle avr 21 22:44:43 why would NBero have the Ghent event box? avr 21 22:44:47 Nero avr 21 22:44:54 sec avr 21 22:46:22 I have the eventbox avr 21 22:46:31 Nero has the paper that the booth was payed fo avr 21 22:46:34 *for avr 21 22:46:39 ah okay avr 21 22:46:41 and I found the bottle :) avr 21 22:46:45 sorry... mess in my head avr 21 22:47:09 but is there anything but "copperware" in it? avr 21 22:47:12 want to count the moneys in the bottle, but can't get the tjoepsel off avr 21 22:47:54 I can see 4 pieces of 1 euro avr 21 22:48:17 xD lol avr 21 22:48:19 k got it open avr 21 22:48:23 * mimor counting avr 21 22:48:57 is there anything else to say for the meeting ? or other questions ? avr 21 22:49:05 18 € fro mthe bottle + 20 € from Nero was used to pay the booth avr 21 22:49:19 so we need to pay back 20 € to Nero avr 21 22:49:23 if no question, ... last topic, next irc meeting ? is it possible on thursday 28/04/2011 at 21 h. ? avr 21 22:49:58 mimor: it's probably not useful if there only 4 or 5 €, just leave it in the bottle for next event avr 21 22:50:27 8 Euro 10 cents (without the copper) avr 21 22:50:33 JanC: that's release day! ☺ avr 21 22:50:41 jean7491_: * avr 21 22:50:45 okay for me - can't promise I'll be here every time in future, but I'm keeping thu nights as Ubuntu-meetings avr 21 22:50:45 jean 28 is good for me :) avr 21 22:51:00 we can have a toast on IRC then xD avr 21 22:51:00 we should be partying that day! ☺ avr 21 22:51:21 better on 27/04 ? avr 21 22:51:29 also good for me :p avr 21 22:51:34 wednesday ? avr 21 22:51:45 * wouter_vddn doesn't have an agenda .. forever alone :( xD avr 21 22:52:32 doesn't matter for me :p avr 21 22:52:59 let's meet on 28/04 and perhaps comment 11.04 avr 21 22:53:13 end of meeting - thanks to all for your participation, have a good night !