= Session 1: Introduction About an organization = == Introduction of present member: == Everybody explain how they discover Ubuntu. Jean Huberts Jurgen Gaeremyn Jan Bongaerts Pierre Buyle Pieter Vande Wyngaerde Jan Claeys Sylvain Denis Adrien Rami Noel Rogghe == Non Profit Organisation? == Jan C. speaks about the leadership of a non profit organisation and the fact that no decision has been taken.Pierre says that it will a good point to separate non profit organisation and the associations. The non profit manage the commercial part of Ubuntu-be. This has to be worked out by the council.For the next step let's keep in mind to create a non profit organisation and it's not the point for today. We will speak about it later.Election and votersWe will create the council today and we work of that, and before 2012 we have to formally vote the council and internal . = Session 2: Details about organization = The Council ... - Composition (3, 5 or 7 members) * elected members and possibility of internal replacement if someone leaves the council- Mandate 1 year Specialized (sub-)teams (existing or to be created), Web-editors, Events, ... PR, Marketing, Education, ...Will be discussed later by the council, when needed. Voting members We will create a dedicated team on launchpad.To join the team explain why your vote should count and you have to be an Ubuntu-Be member on launchpad. This to acknowledge that not all current members of existing teams are active or willing to participate to the votes.The council will decide how this membership will be renewed. = Session 3 – FIRST Council = We should start next week with a first Council on the 1st May.although non elected, but based on volunteers,With a 1 year mandate The first council will be with 5 people:All people invited from the doodle or all people who express interest to be part of the council should be contact and proposed for the council. Every member can vote 3 names for five persons in the council. It has to be voted before 1st May. Target of the first of council: - Create the organisation with organigram- The Council have to lead to voting internal rules- Elections- Appoint 2 treasurers to manage the bank accountRemark on the organigram:Contact with specific's contact and a copy to the council. Internal communication - meetings 4 to 6 times a year, or more as the council sees fit.- Agenda announced and reports of meetings available afterwards.- Special Mailing List Council External communication - through the Wiki and Mailing List- Meetings reports have to be published on the website(Report with an approval in 7 days, if there is no disagreement the report is approvedIf there is a disagreement, the person does so directly or gives a reasonable time frame for the explanation of the disagreement.) External communication to the council members: Mail to particular person and automatic copy to the council and answer to the person and the council.End of the Meeting: 17:07pm