== When & where == * Date: May 3rd 2009 * Time: 14.00 - 19.00 * Venue: Indymedia.be media centre, Haachtse Steenweg/Chaussée de Haecht 51, 1210 Brussels Near le Botanique (Botanical gardens). ||<>|| == Summary == For the fifth time in a row, Indymedia.be is organising a Ubuntu release/install party. The party is open to everyone who wishes to find out more about Ubuntu, wants to install it on his or her computer, or just want to come by and have a cup of coffee and talk tech/FOSS. == Goals == * Present the new Ubuntu version: 9.04/Jaunty Jackalope. * Meet and greet with computer enthusiasts, people who are interested in installing and/or using Ubuntu, members of the Indymedia.be community. * To install the new Ubuntu release. * At previous parties, there were about 20 people were present (see http://www.indymedia.be/nl/tags/ubuntu). We're hoping for a similar (or better) turnout this time. * Have a good time, help people on the way using Ubuntu/Linux and possibly other free/open source software. == More info == See our announcement on Indymedia.be: http://www.indymedia.be/nl/node/32642 - the announcement currently only exists in Dutch (FR translation underway); naturally, French, English, German, Spanish speaking people are welcome too! Contact: bruno@indymedia.be, han@indymedia.be or http://www.indymedia.be/nl/about/contact.