## page was renamed from BelgianTeam/Reports/2008/January = Ubuntu Belgium report for January 2008 = ## please add extra top-level items if you think they are needed :) * [[BelgianTeam/2008kickoff| Belgian LoCoTeam meeting to kick off 2008]] * discussing & deciding what we're going to do this year * discussing some topics that people think needs discussion * preparing [[http://www.fosdem.org/|FOSDEM 2008]] * ordering CDs & a conference kit from Canonical for our booth * convince the FOSDEM people to use an Ubuntu-powered [[http://www.multiseatcomputer.be/|MultiSeat computer]] for the FOSDEM "hacker room" ## please keep in order of date ## also mention if there were any Ubuntu-related talks! * presence at LUGs & other computer clubs * 2008-01-23: Linuxbabbel, Roeselare