

Together with the BxLUG, Ubuntu-be is invited to be present at the Wetenschap-ExpoSciences days organized by Jeunesses Scientifiques) in Brussels, Heyzel. Please ask questions about this activity to the ubuntu-be.org mailing list.

This is a bilingual (French and Flemish) fair where students, from 6 to 18, are proposed to present scientific projects they have prepared during the year, usually in their schools with the help of their science teachers. As of March 3, 2007, more than 1300 students representing more than 250 had registered.

These students are usually very interested in technology and very active. They could be offered one Ubuntu CDROM per project, and be explicitelly invited to attend presentations prepared for them.


The public we want to address and touch is composed of

  • the students who show their projects,
  • the visitors
    • the students who come with their schools and parents,
    • the parents of both types of students,
  • the science teachers


The fair (week xx):

  • Thursday 3 May 2007
  • Friday 4 May 2007
  • Saturday 5 May 2007


  • Week 1-5: contact people that have experience with FS in schools. Start looking for bundles.
  • Week 5: We get to know if we can do the workshop, boost the work.
  • Week 5-8: Look for possibility and think of ideas and work for them.
  • Week 8 (Begin): Decide what we will do actually, write it up.
  • Week 8: Communicate on some mailing lists that we will be present at VLOD, like on vrijesoftware.klascement.be
  • Week 8-9: Prepare last things
  • Week 1-10: Find people that want to help & look for sponsors



  • Material:
    • Create flyers with map on the backside with our stand.
    • Create flyers with link to the documents, provided on the stand.
    • Big banner

Press message

We could have the possibility to publish a press message in the fair bundle. Before ???


The workshops could be organised. TO be confirmed.


Application form


Edubuntu dans la classe / Edubuntu in de klas


FR :

Ubuntu est un système d'exploitation simple pour votre ordinateur, très semblable à Microsoft Windows et Apple Mac OS X. Comme logiciel libre, il peut être librement et gratuitement copié, distribué et adapté. Parmi les applications incluses, on trouve: la suite bureautique complète OpenOffice.org, le navigateur internet Firefox et encore de très nombreux autres logiciels qui seront présentés, et un système convenablement protégé d'origine de la plupart des virus et spyware. Durant les sessions de présentation, de nombreux logiciels seront présentés, ainsi que 
Edubuntu: Ubuntu pour les écoles.


Ubuntu is een eenvoudig te gebruiken besturingssysteem voor je computer, net zoals Microsoft Windows en Apple Mac OS X. Vrij te kopiëren, verspreiden en aan te passen. Toepassingen inclusief: OpenOffice.org, Firefox, ... en immuun voor virussen en spyware. In deze sessie maakt u kennis met Edubuntu: Ubuntu voor scholen.

Material at disposal for the workshop

Seats for 50 persons.

1 table

2 chairs for the speakers

probably a network connection

Summary of the IRC meeting

1. Who shall attend and when ?







2. Workshop, discuss content:

  • Demo Programs in edubuntu
    • BxLug has a Edubuntu with LTSP ready. Only clients are needed : ltsp-integration can easily be shown

    • Show firefox, gimp, gcompris, freemind and openoffice on Windows and Macs as well as Ubuntu
      • Kig / Geogebra / DrGeo as good replacement for CabriGeometre

      • Kalzium (for chemistry and physics teachers)
      • Celestia (Aardrijkskunde)
      • KmPlot (functies plotten, en er wat basisbewerkingen op uitoefenen)

      • KTouch (kan dienen al vervanger van Typtop, dactylografie)
      • etc...

3. Needed material (pc, server,... -> guy can help us with that)

  • Edubuntu-cd's
  • Folders

4. Studyprogram

5. Lesson preparation


BelgianTeam/WEXS_2007 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:43 by localhost)