= Updated Test Plan = This wiki page is now quite out of date and has been superseded by this test plan: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ifvm4HkCbbDe3zizSRuIsKUJDgQonhK3jx33lvEjfjg/edit#gid=71448954 = Old Information = This page provides a set of tests which can form basic acceptance test for bluetooth in Ubuntu.<
> We insist that only [[https://launchpad.net/people/bluetooth|Bluetooth team]] members update this page while normal users should use it as reference while filing bugs.<
> The page should be updated whenever there is new linux-image or bluez-utils package in repos. === Prerequisites: === This test plan assumes that bluez-utils package is installed with default configuration and bluetooth services are started. Any additional requirements will be specified when needed. === Test Plan: === ||'''Number'''||'''Test/Steps'''||'''Requirements'''||'''Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (Dapper)'''||'''Bugs if any'''||'''Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy)'''||'''Bugs if any'''|| '''Ubuntu 7.04 (feisty) || '''Bugs if any''' || ||1.||Detect local device (onboard device or bluetooth dongle).<
> $ ''hcitool dev''|| ||PASS || || PASS || || PASS || || ||2.||Detect remote device.<
> $ ''hcitool inq''<
> $ ''hcitool scan''|| Remote device is discoverable/visible || PASS || || PASS || || PASS || || ||3.||Discover services provided by remote device.<
> $ ''sdptool browse ''|| Remote device is discoverable/visible || PASS || || PASS || || PASS || || ||4.||Discover computer from remote device & do the pairing.<
> ''Procedure dependent on remote device''|| '''Hardy:'''<
> * bluez-passkey-gnome installed <
> * bt-applet started || PASS || || PASS || || PASS || || ||5.||Send file to device.<
>''Select '''Send to...''' from context menu of a file. Then select '''Bluetooth (OBEX)''' '' <
> OR <
>$ ''gnome-obex-send -d ''<
>'''KDE:''' ''Select '''Actions''' from context menu of a file. Then select '''Send with Bluetooth...''' ''|| * Test 2 passing <
> * Packages nautilus-sendto, gnome-bluetooth installed (kdebluetooth for KDE)|| GUI method: PASS || || No way to test Command Line, gnome-obex-send deprecated in Hardy; GUI (Gnome): PASS || || GUI: PASS; Command Line: PASS || || ||6.||Send file from device to computer.<
> ''Procedure dependent on remote device''|| * Test 4 passing <
> * Package gnome-bluetooth installed (kdebluetooth for KDE)<
> * gnome-obex-server started|| PASS || || PASS || || PASS || || ||7.||HID is working.<
>'''Mouse/Keyboard:''' $ ''sudo hidd --connect (Requires Test 2 passing)''<
>'''Sony Ericsson phones:''' ''Either use above method OR Start Bluetooth Remote Control, select the device (PC) and test Desktop profile (Requires Test 4 passing)''|| * HIDD_ENABLED=1 in /etc/default/bluez-utils (/etc/default/bluetooth for Hardy) <
> * Bluetooth mouse/keyboard or Sony Ericsson phones with bluetooth remote control functionality ;) (BluetoothRemoteControl)|| PASS || || Tested with Sony Ericsson W810i. <
> Connect from PC to Phone - PASS. <
> Connect from Phone to PC - PASS only if once connected from PC to phone || || Tested with Sony Ericsson K750i. <
> Connect from PC to Phone - PASS. <
> Connect from Phone to PC - PASS only if once connected from PC to phone. Sometimes FAILS || || ---- CategoryBluetooth CategoryBluetooth CategoryBluetooth